Karen Kay
11:00 am PST
Fairy and Mermaid Whisperer
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Bestselling Hay House author Karen Kay, shares her love of nature through her work. Known as the Fairy and Mermaid Whisperer, she created two oracle decks, Messages from the Mermaids and Oracle of the Fairies.
Karen loves to teach people how to become empowered using oracle cards and meditation. She organises events including the 3 Wishes Fairy Festival, and is a columnist for Soul & Spirit magazine. Karen is also the founder of FAE and Mermaids Magazines. In her spare time, she sings, makes music, and creates meditation CDs. A busy lady who always has time for others and loves to spread her joy and shine her light in this world. this is a far cry from her previous job as a BBC News Editor,
Karen now connects to the elemental realms bringing through ancient wisdom from fairies, mermaids, angels and unicorns into our human realm. A passionate nature lover, her friendship with the fairies began as a young child in her grandmother’s garden, where she used to collect rose petals to make perfume for the flower fairies. She is related to renowned fairy poet and author, Walter De La Mare.
Karen says, you’re never to old to live a real-life fairytale!