Open UP to Access to the Home Worlds of Your Soul & Activate Your Sacred Purpose!

Thank YOU for your beautiful contribution to this AMAZING and OH-SO-LOVING energy vortex and Unity Community! Maximize these Solar Eclipse energies and let yourself FEEL your soulfully regal nature expanding with us, put on that jeweled crown of light and step bravely into your soul’s sacred purpose! Illuminate your divine channel AND be ready to access the north star of your intuitive superpower!! Allow Susann to remind you of your essence and reunite you with your home star planet (s), reactivate your souls gifts and reconnect you with your sacred spiritual fire! We spoke about celebrating times when we are in the “creative void” as these are times of glorious preparation. We also discussed the powerful “birthing” opportunities with these solar eclipse energies, plus Susann’s unique way of healing ancient traumas. Susann provided readings for callers and led us through a beautiful heart meditation to commune us with our sacred purpose! We each received a gift intended to percolate within us and support the activation of our souls sacred purpose! BEAUTIFUL CALL!!

Susann Taylor Shier is the founder of Soul Mastery™ and a highly established, internationally acclaimed author, spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, medium, and conscious channel.

She has helped tens of thousands for over twenty-seven years, combining her exquisite connection to the divine with her training as a psychotherapist, inspiring the revelation of each person’s inherent spiritual wealth to flourish and thrive.

Susann has a rare gift of catalyzing the luminous bridge between your soul and your current reality to foster a life of joy in an easy, practical way.

She is here to bring the Blueprint, based on Love, back into our world and hearts. She’s devoted to using her abilities to inspire and uplift every life she touches.

Using the Akashic Records and her intuitive wisdom, she empowers you to live authentically, and access your true power, passion and purpose to create meaningful contributions in your life and the lives of others.

Through private sessions, trainings and rejuvenating retreat adventures in glorious vortexes around the globe, Susann brings you into the potent, magical connection with your soul gifts, strengths and purposes, while assisting to dissolve your soul challenges that keep you from your true fulfillment.

Her four books: Soul Mastery – Accessing the Gifts of your Soul, Soul Radiance – Bring Your Soul Riches to Life and Soul Reunion – The Return Home From Separation – and A Soul’s Journey to Sacred Love serve as the foundation for her unique, profound work.