Gabrielle Spencer
11:00 am PST
Catalyst for Light
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Known as the Practical Spiritualist and as a Life and Business Abundance Activator, Gabrielle Spencer is here to help you clear your energy, shift you into your power and dramatically raise your vibration. Gabrielle is the creator of the wildly popular Path to Prosperity program and the Heart Opening To Abundance series.
Gabrielle spent a good part of her life trying to be normal, to fit in and not be noticed. Although she resisted and was very stubborn, life circumstances pushed her to reclaim her ancient knowledge and multi-dimensional healing and activation gifts and abilities. She is a facilitator of higher consciousness so you can take part in the dramatic shift happening at the highest levels in the Universe.This universal shift is the gateway to multiple possibilities and opportunities to create whole life abundance and for reclaiming your self-mastery.
Gabrielle provides NOW moment guidance for your quickest path to clearing out what is keeping you from reclaiming your own mastery of abundance and beyond! Get ready to have your abilities and gifts activated so you become the intentional creator of your life, destiny and abundance.