Guilherme Bastos
11:00 am PST
WayShower, Ascension Guide & GateKeeper
Special Offer None Available At This Time
Guilherme is part of the Galactic Star Councils embodied now in service to the Ascension on Earth/Gaia, all of HUmanity and the whole transition on this Galaxy to the next level of our Universal evolution. His galactic lineages allow him to bring direct connection with the frequencies, vibrations and codes of many Galactic Collectives in order to re-integrate, activate and anchor the Divine Cosmic Love / Pure Source Light Consciousness for this Shift – responding to the command of Source in bringing the New Light and rewrite our Cosmic History.
Guilherme travels in service around the world when required, inspires and offers group/individual sessions, workshops, Light activations/transmissions and shares Cosmic/Star/Galactic/Multidimensional LightCodes (Keys) through his creative artwork to activate others too and accelerate the Ascension of HUmanity.
Guilherme lives in Portugal serving has a conduit for the New Earth Grid Systems & Networks.