Maureen St. Germain
11:00 am PST
Akashic Records Reader, Author and Intuitive
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Maureen St. Germain is an internationally recognized, highly acclaimed transformational teacher and best-selling author. Her interest in the Akashic Records resulted in her being granted access to this dimension that has been off limits to most of humanity for millions of years. Maureen’s newest book, Opening the Akashic Records: Meet Your Record Keepers and Discover Your Soul’s Purpose, is a clear and precise manual for accessing the Akashic Records, and confirming the accuracy of the information you receive. Her book, Waking Up in 5D, was named 2018’s best-selling book of the year by Independent Booksellers across America. Known as “The Practical Mystic,” Maureen’s passion is supporting individuals in their personal expansion and spiritual awakening.