Martina Waidhas
11:00 am PST
Health and Evolutionary Advocate, Medical Intuitive, Healer
Special Offer Healing from the Inside Out
Martina Waidhas is an alternative health practitioner, medical intuitive, healer and communicator who works with both humans and animals to facilitate healing in brain, body and soul. She has studied a wide range of healing practices including Epigenetics, Quantum Healing, Energy Psychology, Spinal Column and Joint Therapy and has achieved a master level in both Reiki and the NIS (neurological integration system) therapy.
When Martina was 14 years old, she developed shingles, a painful condition that is related to the chickenpox virus but rare in children. A rash developed in her mouth which became inflamed to the point where she couldn’t eat and could only take in a few drips of water. This enforced fasting changed the physiology of her body and connected her to a higher consciousness that allows her to access information that is outside of most people’s awareness. Her ability to energetically see inside your brain and body and to connect to your soul is an incredible gift she has used to help literally hundreds of people return to harmony, health and happiness.
Over many years Martina has used her unique connection to higher consciousness to hone and develop her skills to the point where she is able to energetically reconnect broken neural pathways, reset highly charged energy to neutral and to treat illness and disease in ways that deliver incredible results.