Lori Spagna
11:00 am PST
Spiritual Teacher, Visionary, Lightworker, Starseed, Intuitive and Healer
Special Offer Spiritual Evolution & Ascension for Humans and Animals
Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Catalyst, Intuitive, Energy Healer, Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Animal Communicator, Visionary, Lightworker and Starseed who ho radically transformed her life after a series of near death experiences and an abduction/induction/first contact experience while living in Maui.
Lori has also helped to transform the lives of thousands of humans and animals around the world via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Animal Communication, Energy Healing and Sacred Activations.
She leads seminars, workshops and retreats where she provides Ascension Training, Sacred Energy Healing Transmissions and Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Code & Star Code Marking Activations for humans and animals and assists others to awaken to their alignment with the true Divine Source which exists within everyone, so that all beings can live their best life ever.
Lori Ann Spagna is perhaps most well known for her recognition of the deep and intimate animal~human connection in terms of how animals mirror their human’s behavioral, physical and emotional tendencies and for her programs that focus on the interconnectedness of all beings.
Lori’s tools and methods focus on the interconnectedness of all beings, and the recognition that everyone and everything is connected, and so, in solving so many of the animal related issues, problems and illnesses, she is also solving the human’s issues, problems and illnesses in the home. This is what is so radically different about Lori’s work.
Lori is also serves an Ascension Guide who assists others to awaken to their alignment with their true Divine Source and align with and anchor into the 5th Dimensional Reality ~ a brand new paradigm of existence for all beings on Earth ~ so we can all live our best life ever.
As this global and universal paradigm shift continues to unfold, people and animals need support, guidance, assistance and clarity regarding these dramatic changes they are experiencing. This is part of Lori’s role and service as an Ascension Guide and Lightworker.
Lori holds the Keys and Codes of Star Families and Galactic Races to assist Humanity through the Ascension Process and up-level all beings into the new 5D paradigm and beyond. Her expanded perspective and DIVINE SOURCE Consciousness supports the Global Expansion of Consciousness so that all beings may awaken, transform and align with their true divine source and access their full ‘God Hood’.