Anyaa Lightheart
11:00 am PST
Empathic Clairvoyant Channel
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Anyaa Lightheart is a cosmic channel and mentor for those who live in or desire to live in higher levels of consciousness. At 13 years old she realized she could see and communicate with non-physical beings. Since then, she’s been exploring different paths to connect with the Divine and assist others in generating more joy and freedom in their lives.
Anyaa is the founder of The Lightheart Method, the path of the Soul to embody your Highest Self and Sacred Crystalline Archetypes, 12 processes for New Earth to help you discover, activate and embody your Soul’s purpose. Through her channeling archetype, she has been connecting with a collective of 12-dimensional beings known as Aria and downloading crystalline DNA activations that allow for exponential spiritual growth for those who you receive them.