Angel Miracles for the Holidays!

The Angel Lady Sue Storm was back to share inspired holiday and new year messages for the group and for individual callers and participants! Always an uplifting time with Sue and ALL the angels and archangels!! Learn which angels to call upon for holiday abundance and prosperity, good health, communication skills. financial gain, finding love, social support, harmony with family and much much more! Sue is offering two angel sessions in her special offer to provide you with the comfort, healing, inspiration and support you need for the holidays and as you move into 2023!

Sue Storm is an international author, motivational speaker, and prosperity consultant. An expert in “Angel” communication, she has appeared on 5,000 radio and TV shows worldwide, including all the major networks.  Sue’s angelic expertise has been featured in numerous newspapers and magazine articles.  Her mentoring skills were highlighted in the book, “Mentoring Heroes”.  As the author of the Angel First Aid series of books, Sue is sending the message of the angels across the globe.