Are You Pushing Love Away? Unravel Your Self Sabotaging Ways!

Wow, what a powerful call – a tremendous amount of energetic movement!!! Modern Day Shaman, Photon Light Facilitator, and Sound Healer Zhayra Escobar explores the ways we can repel real love as a way of protection from getting hurt because of our wounding. This can happen with conscious or unconscious self sabotaging patterns or by putting on comfort weight – spiritual weight we keep on our bodies to protect our hearts and pad the wound. We explored all of the other possible blind spots, including ancestral and past life cords, wounding, betrayals and traumas that can also contribute to shutting us down or closing our hearts to love. We completed the call with a very deep, very profound clearing. Zhayra spent almost 30 minutes providing a comprehensive energy clearing (coupled with photonic light) to address all the layers of wounding that keep us from receiving and sharing love – including depression, heavy cords, limiting conclusions, judgments, bitterness, spite, scorn, ancestral betrayal, shock and trauma from being betrayed, oaths, vows contracts and more. VERY POWERFUL!!!

Zhayra Escobar is a Spiritual Personal Developer, a facilitator of  spontaneous healing, a modern-day shaman and orchestrator of moving energies.

Zhayra worked with Spiritual Acceleration for many years as an advanced spiritual accelerator on Bonnie Serratore’s team, known as the White Sorceress. Zhayra has continued to pursue her studies in several other modalities to enhance her work with the light and healing.

Zhayra is able to move blocked, stagnant energies to release physical and emotional pain,

find and return the essence of your soul, waking you up to your divine consciousness and self awareness.

Zhayra is a Reiki Master, Modern Day Shaman, Photon Light Facilitator, and Sound Healer. After years of study, Zhayra has developed her own unique method that can heal spontaneously.  Zhayra is able to bring forth the true essence of our soul, awakening and raising, self awareness and consciousness.

As we move into the new paradigm, we are being called to reclaim our long forgotten gifts,  our light and sovereignty. Her experience allows people to reignite their joy and creativity allowing them to live a more passionate and empowered life.