Atlantean Mystery School Teachings: 13 Atlantean Chakras & 7 layers of the Aura + Activating Your Atlantean Light Body & DNA!

Will YOU offer YOUR SACRED “YES!” and participate in the new rising of Atlantis which includes embodying The Law of ONE and the healing the bridging of the Atlantean and Lemurian Communities? Experience a Golden Gateway Activation + listen in as Ameera Atlantis shares her recent experiences upon the historical Atlantean grounds of Portugal: Lisbon, Azores and Madeira.She shares the messages she received there from the Mer People and the Atlantean Councils of Light who are assisting humanity from this region. The Atlantean Light Children in human form are ready to restore the Great Water Temples of Atlantis and the codes generating our Atlantean Light Bodies. Many of us have been working tirelessly to restore the Great Kingdoms of Atlantis, Lemuria and even Avalon destined to return us to the proverbial Garden of Gaia through the Light Codes of water. All water is One water, and Earth is a planet interconnected by the thought forms created through humanity’s relationship to water. As we learn how to heal the waters within our bodies we set a new energetic template that ripple effects out to the collective frequency and to all bodies of water. Ameera Atlantis brings her Soul wisdom as an ambassador between the realms of Atlantis, Lemuria and the Mer World to help activate and reinstate your birth rite as a conduit for The epic Timeline shifts happening now!!

Ameera Atlantis is a Multidimensional Teacher and Healer for the New Atlantis. As an incarnated Atlantean Mer Being, she holds the ancient philosophy, wisdom, and knowledge of The Great Kingdoms of Atlantis and Lemuria in her DNA and Soul remembrance. Ameera is a direct conduit to The Mer World, the Sacred Feminine and to the element of Water. She brings forth messages from Ocean Mother Yemaya, ArchAngel Metatron, and teaches Sacred Geometry. Her mission and passion is to inspire and ignite the remembrance of purpose for incarnation in others through their own connection to Soul Origins, and sovereignty. Ameera Atlantis is an Ordained Minster and Steward of the Temple of the New Atlantis, Intuitive Healer, Advanced Level Past Life Regressionist, Author, and Conscious Clothing Retailer. She lives on the beautiful Island of Kauai and hosts retreats yearly.