Converging Through the Mirrorverse: Quantum Harmonic Lightbody Technology for New Earth and Embracing Zero Point as a Creator Being!

What a powerfully quantum yet soulfully nourishing call with Merissa Indigo! We are quantum energy beings in star suit bodies and we are navigating our way along our unique ascension journeys as we expand in consciousness! We spoke a great deal about New Earth, consciously navigating this adventure as crystalline energy light beings having a physical experience! We talked about the lightbody, lightbody technology, our star aspects supporting us, physical healing, and the solar energies continuing to ramp up this year as we transition from linear to quantum! This is occurring as we exit out the old paradigm from a thinking world existing in separation to a perceiving/feeling world of unified or harmonic connection. Merissa offered a beautiful stabilizing transmission to connect with Gaia to assist so many of the callers and participants experiencing ascension symptoms! There are many layers to explore, receive and embrace from this abSOULutely beautiful gathering and sharing!!

Merissa leads through the heart with excitement, humor and passion for our human potential, esoteric quantum physics and alternative healing. As a blue ray Indigo Sapphire light technician, her insatiable thirst to explore all subjects related to health, our inherent human potential, the essence of consciousness, space weather, Earth-based indigenous traditions and sciences drives her daily work for humanity. At the age of 8 she experienced her first major awakening in the hospital after a near death experience from long term steroid medication which was prescribed for an autoimmune disorder. A metaphysician since early childhood initiations with angels and star family to resurrect her soul purpose mission, Merissa has accumulated a library of knowledge combined from life experience and study. Her background ranges from energy medicine, quantum mechanics, Ayurveda, gridwork, oracle transmissions and galactic elemental shamanism activated from her travels around the globe to receive codes from medicine elders and sacred sites.

Merissa enthusiastically shares a wide range of wisdom and custom solutions or light systems to support humanity home during the shift into heart-centered wholeness, joy and connection. She serves as a bridge to New Earth soul-level embodied living with the Sophia Seraphim, Rose Council and Emerald Ray of Gaia Sophia. Her practice combines a variety of mystic traditions from all over the world both geographically on the grid and throughout the Akash, enabling her clients to experience an expansion of consciousness, transformation and actively engage in heart-centered living and healing on all levels. Her soul stream sessions are soul level readings in the oracle state which provide a deluge of information with practical, customized strategy to support daily mastery on the journey home.