Messages From The Stars: The Call To All Beloveds & Starseeds, The Final Wake Up!

Wow… a truly sacred and cosmic REUNION as we activated personal and collective courage codes and starlight frequencies to contribute to the overall symphony of love within us and on the planet! Wisdom regarding the Gene Keys, our Unique Human Design, Quantum and Galactic poured into our sacred circle! We remembered that igniting our cosmic consciousness and awakening our soul’s innocence is what will support us as we navigate our way through the winter solstice, into 2023 and beyond! Catherine Rosenbaum gifted us with a tremendous flow of wisdom and messages from the stars, from the angels, galactics and more! We received a special invocation from Metatron, and Maitreya made an appearance in our sacred circle as well! Catherine reminded us that as the planet is going through this massive deconstruction of the old matrix movie, we have the opportunity and pre-planned privilege as starseeds to tap into the invisible orchestra of divine support and light to lift us above and beyond any distractions, distortions, tricksters and interferences! You won’t want to miss this one!!

Catherine Rosenbaum is a gifted teacher, guide, and visionary.  A true empath who, through love, compassion, humor, and joy, lives out her Human Design as a REFLECTOR. They are rare! (like unicorns!) Only 1% of the human population are Reflectors…they are pure lunar essences, who can reflect back to us the deep, and often hidden, intimate (jeweled) facets of ourselves.

She is a Reflector, blending all Universal maps with Astrology, Quantum knowledge, Gene Keys and anything that includes the Awakening of Humanity codes!  She gets to the heart of what matters, and when revealed, that once-held energy is free to be available for new opportunities that arise for our highest personal growth and for the upliftment of all. To sit with a Reflector is a unique experience that can be revelational.   Catherine’s clarity, insight, and support through a session can open up profound pathways of self-understanding.

Catherine is an international empathic teacher and guide thru time.  She has all been written up in New York Times and Interviewed on TV.  She has been living her design since 2011 and has been teaching Human Design in classes for many years now in Sarasota Florida.