Pet Intuitive & Numerologist Shares How To Understand Pets, Relationships, and Life by the Numbers!

Denise Mange is so gifted! What a powerful call with so many transformative live readings!! Whether human or furry, our souls are engineered by the vibrations of numbers and the unique combination each carries, such as birthdays or numerical values corresponding with letters in our names.Being attuned to numbers helps us be open to tendencies,motivations, purpose, and patterns. When we compare our key numbers with those of others’ in our lives – whether human or furry – we can better understand the lessons we share and how we compliment each other. Today we explored how Numerology serves as an amazing tool to better understand yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you plus how numerology and the vibration of numbers can help youbetter understand your pet’s behavior and motivation. We highlighted how working with pets and numerology can actually help you develop your intuition and create meaningful shifts for you, your pets, and more broadly in your life! Denise described how numbers can help us translate broader energies and patterns, allowing us to distill broader energetic patterns inour life with paint-by-numbers simplicity!! ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL CALL!!!

Certified dog trainer, pet intuitive, pet numerologist and founder of Pet Prana®, Denise believes everyday interactions with our pets have the power to transform us. Her work combines traditional obedience training with energetic considerations of pet guardianship to facilitate meaningful connections and behavioral shifts for both you and your pets. Think of it as self-help for Pet’s sake!

Denise’s articles have been featured in publications spanning from pet guardianship to conscious living. Denise has been interviewed on numerous radio shows and podcasts, has sat on expert panels, and has been a featured speaker on keynote stages. As a thought leader in her field, Denise has been invited to help develop the pet category for a top-rated wellness app.