REVIVE! Revolutionary ALIGNMENT Breakthroughs for TIRED Lightworkers Feeling Drained & Depleted!

Many healers, teachers, and light beings in service to the planet are (well intended and purely loving) yet over-giving pleasers feeling completely exhausted — and it’s time to REVIVE! Divine Channel and Temple Alchemist Healer Kahreela Anhara has channeled a new course designed to liberate you from subconscious shadow patterns that keep you feeling drained! Do you find yourself depleted from Pushing, Dragging, Draining, Pleasing, Avoiding or Blocking? Feeling tired is really your soul attempting to get your attention to let you know that you are simply out of alignment and participating in activities, relationships, patterns and behaviors that are leaking your energy! Let Kahreela help you illuminate your shadows and ceremonially transmute them! Experience true alchemy and renewal! BE ShadowFREE in 2023!! The old paradigm said sacrifice = service, yet in this new Aquarian Age service = Pleasurable Ceremonial Creation (hear more on the show!). Also experience a beautiful 11:11 transmission at the end of the show to put a halo around your heart & SOFTEN YOU INTO A STATE OF RECEPTIVITY to receive (with pleasure, grace & ease) the energies for your ascension!

Kahreela Anhara is a Channel, Temple Alchemist Healer, and Portal Guardian. Through her company Starlight Temple, she runs Courses, Ceremonies, and Land Work Travel Adventures in service to the Ascension of Gaia and the empowerment of Humanity during this time of Great Change.. She is blessed to be a channel for many different guides and lineages. She has been invited to teach and hold a ceremony in many different parts of the world.