Soul Embodiment, Divine Resonance, Pure Presence & Deep Flow States!

Truly Profound invitation from Ken Stone- an invitation into integration. An opportunity to experience divine presence and allow the divine to enliven and express in, through and as you. This is an invitation for alchemy as the experience of pure soul embodiment aligns you beautifully into a flow state and opens an undistorted expression of the divine to be realized! Accelerate a state of surrender, deepen your enlivening and integrate the unintegrated – with a powerful and transcendent soul embodiment transmission. Give yourself this gift. A truly sacred experience awaits you.

Ken W Stone “The Soul Archaeologist” is a spiritual teacher, messenger, and healer. He is the founder of The Resonance Experiment, and author of the forthcoming book Resonance: The Path of Spiritual Mastery.

God expresses through Ken in a unique way: when people sit with him in transmission, they have a profoundly different experience of the Divine in their body. For example, he has worked with a number of advanced former students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who each said, unprompted, following their initial session with him, “that was the deepest spiritual experience of my life.”

Ken helps high-performing teams, elite athletes, and spiritual messengers unlock and express their divine potential on the playing field, and in the world. His work helps individuals and teams open sustaining deep flow states professionally and personally, through unique experiential learning practices.