Allannah Capwell
11:00 am PST
RTT Practioner, Embodied Consciousness Guide & Channel
Special Offer None Available At This Time
Allannah Capwell is a Rapid Transformation Therapy practitioner, Embodied Consciousness Guide, and Channel. After many years as a professor, and then college administrator, Allannah stepped down from her academic career to focus more fully on embodiment and what she’d been being called to as she worked in various countries and found herself having experiences that opened her to her various claires and activated knowledge she’d agreed to remember in this incarnation. She spent several years after being an academic being quiet, traveling, and learning a variety of modalities: Akashic Record Reading, Advanced Mediumship, Archetypal Depth Psychology, Rapid Transformational Therapy (which includes hypnosis and regression), and energy work, and exploring and opening to The Mindful Heart––first, primarily through writing, then speaking. What she came to realize during this time is that she was exploring different dimensional ‘energies’ and beginning to learn their frequencies and how to tune into them to support her own and others’ healing and embodiment.
In the last year of her academic career, Allannah opened to hearing The Mindful Heart. And a year later, she opened to the vibrational song-lines of the Council of Ancient Ones, a group of ancients who include beings once incarnated on earth and those who have never incarnated but have continued to work with the earth in support of its transformation. Their vibrational- songlines are similar to light language but focus on connecting us to the frequencies of the earth and its healing energies. The Council of Ancient Ones have led her to various landscapes to identify high frequency vortexes and their healing capacities. In fact, she’s been asked to several ranches, forests, and farms to help owners identify and connect more deeply with the changes they intuit are occurring on their land. Today, she offers both intuitive Embodiment Sessions, Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions and channels The Mindful Heart and the Council of Ancient Ones.