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IMMUNE SYSTEM REVIVAL with Clairvoyant Medical Intuitive Amanda Hopkins!
- Amanda rapidly identifies energy deficiencies in the body and energy field. Experience her intuitive ability to quickly zoom into the core of an issue!
- Ailments are messages of disconnection: Learn the importance of working with the layers of your physical challenges to experience FREEDOM
- Instead of only addressing affects, learn ways to address what’s going on under the surface!
- Learn to implement tools, information and strategies to let your sovereignty flow and restore your health!
- Identify recurring or longstanding belief, emotional and physical patterns blocking your flow
- Allow Amanda to identify the underling energetics compromising your immune system
- Experience a Crystalline Light Activation for the Thymus Gland to strengthen your Immune System and Ignite Sacred Sovereign Flow within. This will help purge invasive energies and amplify deeper connection with their own Soul Truth and Purpose. With this Truth embodied all discordant, invasive energies that aren’t aligned easily release and your body returns to Divine Remembrance so you have greater clarity, insight and knowing in all that you be, do and create!
“Thank you both so much, wow, Amanda you were spot on! So grateful to you! This is exactly what I’m going through right now with my Ascension journey. I wasn’t clear and aware enough of what was going on and what part of my physical body was affected. Thank you, Cari and Amanda for shining your light with your show!”
~ Lynda
“Thank you Cari and Amanda!! Yes, it makes perfect sense… I’m used to repress my intuition… I often doubt about it and people around me are not feeling safe when I use it… they tend to prefer the “rational and logical” Catherine 😉 Thank you for having taking my question!”
~ Catherine
“Yes, Cari, I am here! I came inside just in time to hear you mention my name, Cari! I heard. I will be working on cleansing the affected area, on the physical level, the emotional level and however I can help. Thank you!”
~ Richard
“Thank you Cari and Amanda from the depths of my soul! I’m weeping but already feel exponentially lighter! Thank you, thank you!”
~ Kierstan
“Hello BEAUTIFULS. Thank you Love you Great topic”
~ Grace
“Blessings Amanda… Heartfelt thanks I am looking forward to this new program, I already signed up. Yeaaaa!”
~ Linda
“AMAZING SHOW LADIES! Love you both so much for who you are all that you share!”
~ Felicity
“Dearest Cari & Amanda – Upon awakening this morning, it was clear that this was a radically different day. Some aspect of me that had ‘gone-to-ground’ in November 2018, emerged today. It is a presence of self that has undergone an ascending transformation. Deeply grounded and high vibration. As soon as I saw Cari’s e-mail today introducing you, Amanda, I intended for us to speak. And we did! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me, and all of the show participants today. Yours are unique and precious talents, which will change lives. Intending to work with you one-on-one Amanda, so we can thoroughly explore together all of that you touched upon today. A deep bow of appreciation to you Amanda, and to Cari for daily connecting us all.”
~ Ingrid
About Amanda Hopkins
Amanda is a Clairvoyant Medical Intuitive, Academy Master Teacher with Academy for the Soul and a Certified Intuitive Strategist. With a blend of elegance and precision, Amanda guides people through the most efficient and effective transformational shifts that will ripple out into all areas of life, to support them in manifesting their desires, living their dreams and operating from their Truth.
Her purpose is to aid people in aligning their ideal Spiritual energetic state with their practical, Physical Reality. Amanda is sought after for her ability to rapidly identify energy deficiencies in the body and energy field. She’s known by most for her intuitive ability to quickly zoom into the core of an issue and deliver the precise, most effective steps to make an instant shift.
Amanda has a magical ability to learn and master the newest technologies and explain them in a succinct, clear, and easily understandable manner. At an early age she became an experienced trainer and teacher in medical technology amongst highly educated medical professionals as their ‘go to’ expert in the field. This experience led her to a deep understanding of the physical body and medical system and onto her journey in understanding the deeper levels of our energetic makeup. She’s served as a leader in various Personal and Professional development organizations supporting training people in modalities including neurolinguistic programming, hypnotherapy and Timeline therapy.
She provides a unique combination of cutting edge tools and techniques that empower people to take charge of their lives and energy. Her work is designed to create greater ease, expand possibilities, and increase the capacity for achievement in all life areas!