Amma Sophia Rose - Special Offer!

Special Offer Details - $150:

7 Ray Activation Codes and 2 CDs

7 Ray Activation Codes

7 Sonic Activations from the Seven Rays of the Sisterhood of Light.
Rainbow Grandmother and Stellar Iluminata Crystal Skull who is a Rainbow Light Body activator.

Please listen to each light code activation one at a time for the duration of 1 week. During meditation and theta sleep states. All recordings are live so there will be natural sounds occurring in the elements, such as rain and wind.  They will take you into a dreamtime journey to reprogram and activate your unconscious so do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery.  Listen to each one in the order presented for highest level of integration. You will experience the effects of clearing in emotional, physical and energetic levels.  You may experience physical purging and or emotional purging.  This is natural for dense energy that needs to move beyond the mental constrictions.  You will experience high levels of vibration and energy movement.  Buzzing in the cranial and vibrations on the parts of the body being psychically worked on by your guides.  You may be put under spiritual anesthesia which feels like an immobility of the body into a trance or dreamtime state.  This is normal and helps you to fully be present as the codes of light illuminate the body.  It turns off the mind and takes you into a deep subconscious state so your divine may work on you with out interruption from the ego.  The full activation listened to for the total of 49 days.  Please keep a journal and pay close attention to your dreams for signs and signals of unfolding process.  I will work with you in dreamtime if you have any questions light a candle before meditation say my name 3 times Amma Sophia Rose and your full name at birth and birth date 3 times and give full permission for our higher selves to work together in the Akashic field of dreams. Ask your questions and I will then be able to come with grace and free will permission.

This blessing is the primary activation codes I received when opening my gifts.  This activation series is meant to happen with Divine grace so be patient with yourself as your soul knows how much you can handle and will not give you more than you need in any given moment.  It is important to trust the unveiling and have faith in the awakening to the divine light you are with grace and ease.  You do not have to do anything but, listen to the activation codes as directed and our higher selves and our connection to the Divine will do the rest.  You will be clearly guided as a result and trust your connection for further steps on life path. After full series is activated and you feel you need further support continue listening to the codes that your guided to.

Ray One – Cosmic Star Activation

Connecting to your Starseed of the Universal Creation

This activation connects you to your universal planetary star nature.  Gives you the ability to pierce through the artificial matrix and create a Stargate to your galactic soul star family.  A direct access to inter-galactic communication and alignment with the universal mission of earth and the cosmos.

Ray Two – Ether Activation

Opening the crown and bringing forth the Shekina your highest self.  Aligning and calling forth all soul aspects from all timelines into presence in this now moment.  So you may access your universal soul wisdom of all lifetimes as needed.  An opening to the Akashic Records for soul access and alignment with purpose and path.  With this connection embodying the living divinity of your soul in form.

Ray Three – Wind Activation

The awakening of the Keys and Codes for vocal illumination.  These Sonic codes of harmonic resonance will align you to the wind talkers.  This activation will be a guide for you to  activate your ability to trust in your inner voice and connection to spirit.  To help you tap into your sacred activation keys through your own voice.  It will help you listen to the songs of nature and the earth’s whispers of truth.  It will open your throat and heart centers to align with the highest frequencies of love.  This activation opens the gateway of creation to help you become more conscious of your words and the thoughts you express which create your outer world.

Ray Four – Fire Activation

Awakening the inner fire and rising the kundalini fire to fulfill sacred purpose.  This activation focuses on giving you the energy templates to increase energy and vitality in your physical body so you can ignite the alchemical fires of illumination and the Fire Codes of light (information) to be embodied in form for purpose on earth.  The symbol of the Phoenix rising into fullness burning away all that no longer serves and bringing you into passion, purpose and power aligned with Divine will.

Ray Five – Water Activation

Activating the feeling and emotional body and awakening the sacred waters of creations.  Through this activation you will recalibrate your sacred waters and attune to the live frequency of Mu and the living waters. You will release lifetimes of held emotional linage and familial residue and clear the circuits and conduit to become a pure vessel for the living waters of life to flow freely.

Ray Six – Earth Activation

This activation ignites the remembering of your original intent upon entering the earth plane. Opening to your original Template and why you chose your family, lessons and Karmas in this incarnation. Through Sonic Alchemy and accessing the Akashic records you will return to your death from spirit and birth into density. This awakening will help you to let go of the need to keep recreating karma for soul growth and open you to the templates of immortality and walking through the eye of the Ankh. The sounds of Mama Gaia will help you nurture you connection with her and realize she is your supply and source.  Connecting you more to nature and all the elements.

Ray Seven – Earth Grid Star Activation

This activation grounds you and connects you to your inter-dimensional inner earth star family who are helping you to ground in the higher dimensions in this earthly realm.  You are awakened to the Keys and codes of light coming from the Earth’s core to help you be a pure conduit to transfer sacred wisdom from the cosmos to the inner earth.  It also raises your frequency so you can have a more direct connection to the heart of Mother Earth and all creation.    It opens the gateway to the portals of the elemental kingdoms and the wisdom of the Mu beings guiding us on planetary ascension.

Bonus: 2 CDs

  • Cosmic Lullabies
  • Realms of Beauty

Special Offer - Only $150

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.

About Amma Sophia Rose

Sonic Alchemist and Medicine Woman

Amma Sophia is a High Priestess of  Sonic Alchemy, Sound and Vibration.  The gift of her voice was given to her by direct transmission from the Beloved Sophia.  Never having the ability to sing before it was a true miracle when the intonations of the Dove, Shekina Sophia came through her on Cathedral Rock in Sedona AZ.   She is a gifted reader of the Akashic Records and specializes in Sonic Rose Alchemy, Soul Essence Readings and Akashic Clearing.  Her psychic abilities are astounding.  She embraces her shamanic nature integrating the shadow and the light.  She is a true alchemist and has a gift for piercing through the veil of illusion. Her passion for dance, sacred breath, music, poetry, and vibrational activation allow her to share as a divine conduit of universal love.

Her journey of initiation began at age 30 when she followed her spirit to sacred sites around the Earth.  With trust of her intuition and faith in the universe, she was lead to Master Teachers, Sacred Sites, Mystics, and Healers  around the world, who activated the many gifts she has incorporated into her offerings of love.  These experiences in conjunction with the soul activations of Mother Earth, awakened the inner Goddess to reveal Amma Sophia’s soul’s calling.  It was through the process of self love and self acceptance she was able to claim the lifetimes of soul memory and stand in the “I AM” presence of her life’s purpose as a Sonic Alchemist. Living in Sacred sites such as Bali, Kauai HI and Sedona AZ,  for the last 12 years has been on a journey of daily devotion, study and service.

Amma Sophia recognizes you are a Master in your own right.  She will hold you in this light of awareness until you can feel it  and believe in yourself.  Each Master Teacher she encountered was a reflection of this truth with in her. She Shares the lineage of the Codes of Light Transmissions to activate and awaken the hearts and minds of humanity to work in unity to bring peace, love and light to our planet.

Special Offer - Only $150

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.