Chameice Daniel - Special Offer!

Special Offer Details - $108:

Infused MP3 Package

Total Value: $2308
Your Savings: 95% OFF!

12 MP3s Infused with Source Frequencies, Crystals, and Oils that Support the Topic of the MP3

These MP3s are Energetically Infused to ‘hold the space’ for profound transformation by using highly refined 13th Aeon Celestial frequencies. Think of them as opening a doorway of access to the Celestial realms to facilitate a quickening of healing any distortions of untruths held within your field of BEing.

These MP3s do not do anything FOR you, they simply hold a clear and pure energetic space for easier access to eliminate resonance resistance to access your Divine Template gracefully.
Everything within the Celestial Realms honors your sovereign journey of will. They will never do something FOR you as that would only serve to reinforce a disempowering experience…They only assist you, when requested, to maintain energetic balance because within Sovereign Creation Cycles a balanced energy exchange must be maintained for harmony within the Living Grid.

When someone/something claims ‘they’ can release/reset something FOR you, without your active participation, the Law of Harmonic Balance (energy exchange) will be met in unconscious ways…like an unconscious agreement to allow them to feed off your energy field for their own creations. Think of Crossroads Exchange stories, often told by musicians, where they trade their soul for fame and fortune in ‘exchange’ for the boost.

These MP3s support YOUR sovereign ascension journey by holding energetic space for you to exchange releasing old distortions with new sovereign creation cycles so you are IN your power in all ways, always.

They are set to Theta brainwave frequency to go deep into subconscious patterning for full release/activation.

The MP3s contain Divine Source protection and are infused with essential oils, crystals, and Source energy that support the topic of the MP3.

Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted, where you can be fully present with yourself. It is suggested to listen to the MP3s before sleeping, so you can fully integrate the energy infused within them.

As these audios are VERY powerful, we suggest listening to one audio once a day and then moving on to the next audio until the program is completed. After completing the MP3 series, you can skip around and select MP3s as needed for energetic boosts.

If you have an emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc.) or a physical response of any kind from a MP3 it is suggested to listen to it again the next night until you no longer have a response. A response indicates that the MP3 is helping you release the old energy/program. It is important to allow it to rise to the surface, without resistance, for complete release.

Please drink a lot of water and take salt baths or be near water to quicken the release process if you have difficulties not resisting it.

And join our Facebook group, a SoulFull community full of tribe members for more tips!

Welcome MP3

Please listen to this MP3 FIRST! It contains very important information about the processes!

Psychic Protection MP3

One of the most important factors of the spiritual journey is developing a sacred energetic container to maintain clarity and sovereignty.

We are currently in an unprecedented chaos cycle of massive energetic manipulation with billions of people globally focused on fear energetics in regards to their health, wealth, and freedom. These massively dense energetic lines can easily pull our energy out of alignment with our Sovereign Truth and Creation Potential. If we do not remain free and clear, our energy can begin to slow causing our auric protection to drop making us susceptible to interference and manipulation.

This can cause creation confusion, manifesting misfires, depression, and psychic attack.

After clearing out any and all energetic and psychic debris, you have access to the zero point of creation to be in the ‘Creation Zone’ to once again propel your life forward in YOUR intended trajectory.

Ego Expansion MP3

When a traumatic event occurs within our life spectrum, it can create unconscious patterning and cellular memory imprints that begin to pull us out of alignment with our Divine Truth, Knowing, and Ascension. When these trauma events reoccur, within or over lifetimes, agreements begin to form subconsciously that begin to feed negative ego templates within as we resist resolving the trauma. This patterning creates a reactive state to emotional triggers making it seemingly impossible to be a neutral observer of life to make choices that support our full creation potential.

Once agreements rooted in Unworthiness, Guilt, Shame, Lack of Trust, Abandonment, Betrayal, Anger, Fear, Oppression, Hatred, etc are acknowledged the healing process can begin. This allows us to see the Truth in why these lines were created, so we are able to prevent them from moving forward, enabling us to relax into a pure state of flow with what is within the now moment.

Triangle of Truth MP3

Our innate Soul Template opens us to connecting with the Living Grid of All That Is, enabling us to consciously create within authentic points of potentials. This process allows our energy to

follow our intentions creating a vibratory field that attracts what we intend within the harmonic flow of attraction. This is the Light of the Truth of Creation.

During the ‘Harmonic Fall’, as our frequencies became dense with emotional manipulations of anger and fear, we lost connection with our Inner Most Truths of Divine Self and Creation Potentials via Polarity Reversals. Once the Polarity Reversals are removed we are able to connect beyond the Astral Matrix into the Celestial Fields of full Ascension potentials.

Ascension Acclimation MP3

Ascension Acclimation enables us to flow in all dimensional directions simultaneously, as our original Soul Templates were created by Unified Source. This allows us to accurately acclimate to the frequency of our intention and evolutionary cycles instantaneously by removing all implant/genetic DNA overrides.

Infinite Immunity MP3

Within the original Soul Template, our entire system is equipped with Quantum Vital Life Force templates/patterning. Our systems are capable of regeneration and healing beyond our current comprehension.

Upon removing Cellular Death, Aging Decline, Diseased implants/programming, our operating systems begin to function optimally once again allowing us to age gracefully with zero loss of vitality. Complete disease reversal is not only possible, it is within our original template.

Freedom Codes MP3

What does absolute Freedom look like to you? During this journey, we will access a Zero Point of Infinite Potentials for you to access specific to your Intentions and Purpose.

Upon removing all limiting lines of resistance, energy is able to move freely through the Heart Gateway into an expanded field of Creation Points that can be chosen to support bliss and joy. There is not longer fear of the unknown as control lines are released to access the Freedom to choose moment to moment what supports the most heartfelt joy.

Accelerated Abundance MP3

Within your Divine Blueprint, you have access to everything needed to create within the flow of what desires to be created. Everything is created almost effortlessly because within this spectrum of infinite possibilities what you desire to create knows the exact path of creation.

When we release the paths and blocks of resistance held within, everything returns to Divine Order and Flow allowing for effortless creations within the physical plane.

After we release resistance, we increase our worthiness for an expanded and abundant inner creation container.

This accelerates our abundance while increasing our abundance quotas in all ways

High Heart Harmonics MP3

When we surrender to Pure Love held within us, we stop searching for fulfillment “out there.” Within a Purified Heart Space we have access to Unconditional Love, Divine Support, Abundance, Joy, and the lasting contentment we seek.

During this journey deep within the Heart Space, we purify all beliefs/programs that caused a Polarity Reversal of seeking externally instead of accessing what is needed internally.

Divine Dowsing MP3

When we are within our Sovereign Soul Template, it is impossible to be manipulated in any way. We are able to use our intuition to sense:

  • When we are in resonance with something/someone
  • We know if there is a harmonic energy exchange to prevent energy depletion
  • We trust ourselves as Co-Creators with Unified Source

We are able to fully and completely take care of our physical needs, desires, and intentions via our power as a Sovereign Creator. We have access to the 8 Frequencies of the Sovereign Self for IN-Powered FOCUS (Frequency Optimization Consciousness Unity Synchronization).

True Sight MP3

Being in a Clear Space to see the Truth of what is before us is imperative to anchoring into the Unified Field of Creation. Within the Unified Field of Creation we know that all is seen and heard, so we must have absolutely coherence and energetic integrity within our Creations to prevent overlaying energies that can cause unintentional alignments.

This space is where we clear being afraid to see or hear the truth, so we are able to create what we desire within the space of the Truth of what is at that now moment to prevent overlaying new creations on top of old patterns.

Unity Consciousness MP3

Within the Unified Source Blueprint, we are no longer connected into Separation in any degree…We are in complete coherence with All That Is within the structure of the Law of One. This allows us to flow seamlessly within Creation Cycles, having abundant access to the entirety of the Living Grid of Creation.

Ubuntu MP3

Within the journey of Ubuntu, we discover how to be a Cosmic Citizen to work within Harmonic Freedom with All That Is…Interdimensionally and Multidimensionally. We understand that we are part of everything within Creation and everything within Creation is part of us..Unified Union.

BONUS! Breaking Seals to Source Unification MP3 Series

Breaking the 7 Seals to Source Unification must be done BEFORE the other MP3s!!!

If you have already completed this series previously, Chameice highly recommends doing them ALL again to ensure all 7 energy centers are completely free of energetic debris before beginning the Freedom Codes series.

The last two years, collective energetic density and debris has been at an all time high, so we must ensure that our physical energy centers are running optimally to fully acclimate and integrate INto the Freedom Codes.

Breaking Seal 1 MP3

Breaking Seal 1 assists in releasing “pride.” Pride is an easily programmable emotion. It is often determined by societal, cultural, religious, or socioeconomic perspectives. Although there is nothing fundamentally wrong with “pride,” to ensure it is not based on blind influence, this MP3 resets pride into the frequency of “to be conscious.” To be conscious means to be aware of and responding to one’s surroundings; awake. This is a balanced approach that includes self awareness and critical thinking. It creates awareness of truth. This MP3 releases distraction and influence programs from the third eye.

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

Breaking Seal 2 MP3

Breaking Seal 2 assists in releasing “envy.” Envy is a programmed emotional response to others or life. When we are in our full power and knowing, we do not envy another, we instead are inspired by them or by a desirable situation trusting that we too can obtain it. This MP3 resets “envy” into benevolence. Being benevolent, the quality of being well meaning, keeps you open and in the flow. You are not restricting your energy to not receive with feelings of being unable or unworthy to receive all that you desire. This not only increases your magnetism to things you desire more of, it increases your ability to receive them in the physical because you are open to receiving them. This keeps you connected into the web of life and all of creation. This MP3 releases disconnection and division programs from your heart.

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

Breaking Seal 3 MP3

Breaking Seal 3 assists in releasing “greed.” The frequency of “greed” plays out in many programmed responses in our daily lives. It is hoarding due to a subconscious fear of not having enough someday, it is control due to a subconscious fear of not being free to really choose, it is living on autopilot due to a subconscious fear to step into the unknown…the many ways individuals play out the frequency of “greed” is limitless. We have been programmed to believe that we need to “be careful, hurry to get ahead, save for misfortunes of the future, keep a watchful eye on others, etc.” This programs our energy into “greed,” into doing whatever is necessary to get ahead even at others expense, to overlook situations that we know are wrong or not speak up because we don’t want a negative experience too, to resist helping others out of fear that we won’t have enough if we do. We strategize, overthink, and move into lack or limitation instead of staying anchored into the natural flow of abundant living. What goes out, naturally flows back in…like oxygen. This MP3 resets “greed” into beneficence.
Beneficence is an act of charity, mercy, and kindness with a strong connotation of doing good to others. This frequency is momentum! It keeps things moving and growing in your life! It prevents you from getting stuck or stagnating. This MP3 releases fearful sight of the future in the third eye, so you see infinite abundance.

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

Breaking Seal 4 MP3

Breaking Seal 4 assists in releasing “sloth.” Sloth is defined as reluctance to work or make an effort. Which can be exhibited as procrastination, inconsistency, lack of enthusiasm, lack of will, and many other physical/mental manifestations of “sloth” frequency. “Sloth” frequencies are the number 1 reason most people cannot fully manifest their every desire…it is a power drain. This frequency seals you into “the odds are against me, I can only achieve much, I come from so I can’t do , I need more before I can .” It slows or blocks you from seeing past and actioning past your agreed limitations. It encourages you to give up before you achieve your goals because you just don’t have what it takes. is against you. This MP3 resets you into fortitude. Into the courage, tenacity, and gumption that you need to create all that you desire. This MP3 releases disempowering agreements and programs from your Solar Plexus, so you connect back into Eternal Life Force energy.

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

Breaking Seal 5 MP3

Breaking Seal 5 assists with releasing “lust.” Lust is the frequency of conditional love. It is a temporary vibrational frequency that is easily set by societal, cultural, ancestral, or religious programming. You are taught what those around you “find attractive.” What qualities you “should” desire in a partner based on their perspective. This is what makes it a conditional and temporary frequency…because it isn’t based on your authentic soul truth. You will dream about them, search for them, believe that everything will be perfect once you have them, but they are not perfect next to your expectations. This MP3 releases programs based on conditional love from your Sacral Chakra so you are free of the lust programs that limit your ability to love unconditionally.

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

Breaking Seal 6 MP3

Breaking Seal 6 assists with releasing “ Gluttony.” Gluttony is the vibration of overindulgence…of self medicating on something desirable to fill the absence of a desirable life. It is pulling life out of balance from one extreme to another. It is avoidance and resistance to what you are not letting go of and moving into. This MP3 releases self medicating programs to bring in balance. It gently guides you into creating the change you need in your life to stop the loops of avoidance and resistance in your Crown Chakra so you can flow into your True Will…a moment to moment path of action that operates in perfect harmony with All That Is.

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

Breaking Seal 7

Breaking Seal 7 assists with releasing “Wrath.” This frequency keeps individuals locked into the blame and shame programs towards self or others. It creates self-sabotage due to feeling incomplete, unworthy due to being a “sinner.” It creates anger due to judgmental mindsets. The anger creates an energetic fog that blocks our self awareness, sight, and ability to stay true to ourselves. We allow others to pull us out of alignment via our emotional responses. We have a tendency to do things we regret that lead to further self judgment. This MP3 resets you into integrity. As it releases “wrath” energies, you are able to maintain a balanced and conscious emotional state to problematic people and situations in your life. You can maintain mental clarity to truly see, hear, and understand the situations clearly and respond according to your truth. You are able to set clear boundaries, speak your truth, release energy from others attempting to suck you into agreements or programs that are not in alignment with your integrity. This MP3 releases judgment and sinner programs from your root chakra to fully anchor you into sovereign physicality.

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

Most Commonly asked Questions about the MP3s

Q. How do you suggest these MP3s be played?

Results will occur by playing the MP3s either aloud or silent; due to being energetically infused you will see profound results regardless. If you have a chronic or persistent condition I suggest you loop the MP3 and play continuously until you see improvement.

Q. Is there an order in which to play these MP3s?

It is recommended to listen to the MP3s in the order they are listed on the download section until all MP3s have been completed once. After the once through cy cle is complete, you can skip around and select the MP3 that is most needed for a boost.

Q. Is there a timeline when I will see the benefit of this for my body?

Remember that the majority of people have had issues for many years, so it will take some time for your body to release and rebalance. Every individual will experience a different healing timeline. Some people begin to see results and feel better almost instantly and some people take much longer. Everyone’s bodies have a different response time. A few of the biggest factors that increase response time are staying in your power by utilizing your communication with your divine team by asking for assistance to speed recovery and talking to your body to encourage rejuvenation. There are many factors that contribute to imbalance in the body, so taking full responsibility to encourage and support its health is vital.

Do NOT play more than one MP3 per day for the first round of audio listening or this will only slow your progress because it will be too much for you to integrate so the process will not work as intended! We must allow the audio frequencies to move through our mind, body, and energetic structure for harmonious recalibration on all levels. Rushing this process will not accelerate results…It will only render them incomplete!

Q. Can I listen to the MP3s while I sleep?

I recommend listening to the MP3s for the first time while not asleep or distracted. Your conscious awareness and intention is key. You do not have to do anything besides intend that they do as described and open to their energy. I recommend staying as relaxed as possible and not trying to “do” anything. Just be a sponge and absorb the energy. If you fall asleep DURING the process they will continue to work with maximum efficiency.

Q. Can my family use the MP3s?

I highly recommend sharing them with your immediate household family because everyone within our inner circle greatly influences us, so everyone running optimally is huge! Anyone outside of your immediate household family should purchase separately to ensure a balanced energy exchange.

Special Offer - Only $108

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


“I had a session with Chameice and let me tell you it was the most amazing session I’ve experienced thus far and I’ve been to plenty of healers. Every question I asked she was so informative. I learned so much from her guidance and have crystal clear clarity of what steps I need to take next. I could feel as she worked on me clearing all the places I was unable to see myself as being so close to the situation she pointed out to me what I needed to hear from her to clear to move forward in my life. She is very powerful and I’m definitely going to book another session with her because I felt she was the most attentive to my concerns and needs. She got straight to  the point and such loving energies exuded from her.

I felt so comfortable talking to her like a very close friend. I would recommend all my friends to book a session with Chameice if you need instant healing, clarity, sound advice, and real  transformation towards your life path. I can’t believe all the important information I received from her so much came through for our session I’ve never experienced such a wealth of  knowledge and pieces of the puzzle that I needed to see come together at quantum speeds. I’m super excited to see what else comes from our session because now I see things in such a  new light it’s changed my perception of many things that I have been in the dark about that needed to come out in order for me to heal and really grow from this truly amazing session. I am so blessed to have met Chameice such a wonderful and beautiful soul sister.”

Iona Flores

“Chameice is simply a divine portal for clarity of the gifts we are ALL here to honor. She helped me stretch my energetic field to go from an international practice to a global practice as I had an underlying fear hiding out in my field. She helped me clear the fear INSTANTLY. She is epically divine as she also helped to amplify my energy of  honoring my purpose in this lifetime and really got me present to the Starseed Galactic knowledge and light that I channel for my clients. Chamiece helped me get present to the vibration of the work I’m here to do with regard to “Helping people reconnect to their Soul’s Remembering” and got me present to the feeling of it ALL so I can really weave that essence into all of my work as a Spiritual Advisor, Galactic Channel and Healer. I listen to the recording from the call over and over again as I know it helps to amplify the energetic work at a deeper level and anchor it in at a cellular level. She has a brilliant and concise ability to watch you run energy in your field. Her work is on point. If you’re looking for clarity and healing you MUST work with Chamiece in this lifetime!”

Rob Grover – Spiritual Guardianship Collective

“My session with Chameice was right on. She was able to get who we are as people and that we are in our spiritual and professional growth, as well as in our relationship. It was great to get acknowledged by her for our efforts and to find out that we are on the right path. She then proceeded to adjust our energetic fields and gave me tips for  daily routines which I have been following. The results are people being attracted to our financial team effortlessly, our relationship that was loving is at the level of the first day romance and height. We are grateful for every day we get to spend together. My partner had quantum leaps in his martial arts progress, found a new mentor and has been integrating deeper philosophy about the universal energy flow also in his career. I feel in love with him, myself and life in  general… enjoying my service to others and as well deepening my understanding of life and healing. My healing sessions have been profound and more people have been finding me and  my group. Thank you so much. This is what I call a blissful existence. Profound love everywhere I look. Sending you my gratitude and appreciation”

Klara Fischerova, Klarity Healing

“I was going through a crisis with my partner, and Chameice sensed my distress and messaged me, even though she was almost 2000 miles away. We scheduled a time to talk, and Chameice identified the areas where my energy was leaking and my patterns of hiding, and worked to heal these areas. She also confirmed that my partner and I are twin flames, and the difficulties of a twin flame relationship. Throughout the call, I felt totally safe, loved and supported. I was able to approach my partner from a defenseless place of total love and acceptance, and let her know that I was taking any misplaced energy and using it to recommit to our relationship, and allowing her total freedom. Chameice also did a session for my partner Robin. Our relationship was teetering on the verge of a breakup, and is now even more solid and anchored in love, listening, honoring and commitment than ever before.

Thank you Chameice, for your love, compassion, and wisdom, and for helping to save the most important relationship in my life.”

Gary Pincus

“Wow. Wow. and Wow. Chameice is a Rockstar, powerhouse Master Healer!!!

I am so super excited of the results I got from working with her. I love the way she holds space so beautifully for you and gently but powerfully is able to adjust and shift energy for you. I have so many positive shifts in my life.

I was concerned about my relationship with my soulmate partner and by taking her recommendations our relationship is stronger and closer than ever and I could not be more happy. Through her work I was also able to land a lucrative strategic partnership contract as well as find my soul purpose. After having a session with her, the anxiety dissipated and I felt so much at peace and excited with my life and felt calm about how my career was going.

I would highly recommend working with Chameice if you are looking to find your soul’s purpose, looking for abundance in love and in your career, and looking to have your mind at ease. She is spot on, her sessions are fun, she rocks, and is such a blessing! It is a rare find to find a healer that is gifted to help you in so many different areas of your life. Thank you Chameice!”

Anna Barb

“Chameice has clarified my bloodline and some history around it that made sense of so many things that have happened to me. She has removed deep trauma’s responsible for a lifelong depression and the mp3’s do the rest. The depression is gone! I have more energy, more flow in my body, am undertaking new things with most of the time feeling a quietness in my body, a calmness and a silent happiness that just is.. Never felt so good in my life. My relationships change. I no longer seek validation outside of myself. If someone doesn’t like me, that’s ok. I have more genuine interest in other people and I get that attention back without looking for it. I finally got a hang of how to relate to other people, a big issue in my life as I have never learned how before.

From childhood horror to unhappy 25 years of marriage now stepping into my power and passion, feeling really great about myself feels like many lives in one life. I am so grateful. First of all that I listened to my intuition to turn to Chameice but foremost to Chameice who really knows what she is doing with full integrity and compassion. She really walks her talk. Finally I can relax knowing that it is possible and in the meantime enjoy the ride.”

Maria Abrahamsz

“I purchased Chameice’s program and it is amazing! I loved the MP3s; I can feel the energy flowing through and into me, the meditations and clearings are really amazing (felt the effect after listening to it). After listening my day would become easier and things will flow smoother through the day especially in my work.

After the first one to one call with Chameice, I felt much lighter and happier and the surprise was on the next day 🙂 I received an email from my work (payroll department) telling me that I am eligible for a distinction allowance and will receive it with this month’s salary. We are talking about what equals $7000!!!

Thank you so much Chameice! I am so grateful for your help and really appreciate you and your work. I am so excited to see more improvements in my life and to be on the next journey once you release any other program. Much love to you dear”

Rabab Alrakaf

“I am so grateful for your beautiful work. Your program has changed my life on so many levels. Your meditations are very powerful. I listen to them all the time and can truly feel the vibrations of Peace, Unconditional Love and Joy marinating my energies. I’d been feeling as though my soul and spirit were ensnared within a tangle of thorns. As you guided us through the meditation, I felt angels lovingly untangling and setting me free and all of the heaviness uncoiling and falling away. So much freedom and space was opened up, and I knew that I could move forward and create the life I truly desire.

As I do my work, I am expanding and seeing positive results which are growing exponentially. I have actualized the ideal home for me and my son and just manifested funds for the first two month’s rent! As I continue utilizing your material, my confidence and ease in realizing the life I have desired for so long continues to unfold in the most amazing ways.

Thank you so very much, Chameice for your gracious beauty and generosity in guiding me to an abundant and joyful life. My exuberance has returned, and I’m excited to experience more expansion and the unfolding of the magnificence of the possibilities which are available in life.

I am eternally grateful. Much Love and Many Blessings to you ~ Namaste!”

Maureen Damery

“I had an incredible day today.

The person renting my condo asked if he could extend his lease for another year. Best news, as the renter is a responsible person who pays rent on time and is a business person who travels a lot. My response, woohoo! What relief on my part as this will be seamless without disruption of cash flow. I am so grateful. This happens a few days before I depart for NZ this coming Monday. So, I don’t have to worry about a new tenant moving in while I am out of the country. I feel blessed. Thank you Chameice Daniel RH for the great program. This is hardly two weeks since I started with your program on June 30th.”

Thembie Gamache

“I have to tell you the best thing ever! I did what you told me and today I got a cheque in the mail for over £2000!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I had given up on getting this money because it was from years ago. Love you and your program Chameice!!!”

Maureen Thompson

About Chameice Daniel

Natural Intuitive and Channel of the Divine

Chameice Daniel has helped thousands of people worldwide fully anchor into their infinite power to create the lives they only dreamed were possible.

She has been named the “Queen of Abundance” by clients and has helped CEOs, CFOs, actors, writers, and people just beginning to create their dreams manifest large income streams, publishing contracts, twin flames and soulmates, and much more!

She is a natural intuitive with an academic background in psychology. She holds honorary Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics Certificates.

She was trained by Jack Canfield (famed author of “Chicken Soup For The Soul”) in his famous Success Principles workshop. She is certified in Laughter Yoga, Angel Card readings, Archangel Life Coaching, Intuitive Counseling, Naturopathic Kinesiology, and Interfaith Ministries. She is a certified Peace Ambassador and Inner Priestess with years of shamanic training.

Special Offer - Only $108

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.