Cynthia Charis

July 20, 2021
11:00 am PST

Intuitive Energy Healer

Special Offer None Available At This Time

Cynthia Charis is an intuitive energy healer and a guest speaker on many global telesummit shows who helps others embody their Sovereignty and light up their world! She brings forth living transmissions from the 77 Avatars, the Ascended Masters, the Elohim and the Seraphina, the pure, feminine emanation of Source to help others awaken to their Cosmic Self and embody the Golden Age within them. She is delighted to serve humanity, the Earth, the Stars, the Galaxy, and the Cosmos by birthing new realities of Heaven on Earth.

The great Mahavatar Babaji, the Immortal One, is her dearest guide, assisting her to bring His Diamond Body Of Light and Truth to the Earth and all of humanity. Her most profound work has been to merge her awareness with his, allowing his essence to become One with hers. As a Beloved of hers, his light permeates all of her transmissions with the power of his Immortal Truth. Since becoming One with Babaji, over 77 Avatars have gathered around her, sharing their collective Voice with hers, and she is thrilled to transmit their collective Light, Power and Truth to thousands who choose to serve in the fullness of their Divinity and stand as emissaries of light and love in the world.

Cynthia now guides humanity through her emanations of high cosmic energy streams of photonic light from the Diamond Realms of Creation and Beyond, helping others to attain both planetary and cosmic ascension. Just recently, she has been gifted with living transmissions from the Seraphina, the pure, feminine emanation of Source to assist others in the greater realization and embodiment of their Higher Bodies of Consciousness. Her greatest passion is that we all rise together in the brilliance of our diamond hearts and sing a new song of Creation to manifest the New Golden Age of Aquarius as One.