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Lion’s Gate Activation to Reclaim Your Power and Shine Your Light!
As we are in the midst of the Lion’s Gate, we will be working with this potent energy to do a special process together. You will receive:
- Powerful activation of Galactic codes of Christ Consciousness that awaken your Divine Heart song
- Clearing of limiting beliefs from ancestral and trans-geneological patterning
- Calling back of your energy and releasing of outdated patterns of fear, victimhood and lack
“Absolutely Beautiful Activation, so very powerful. Heartfelt thanks Danielle and Cari. Tears as I Trust that I have finally released long standing projections with my mother. She has passed, yet I extending Divine Love & Light to her and to myself. As we know in Truth, there is noone out there, it’s all within ourselves and I take full responsibility that I set this up as lessons to be learned. As A course in Miracles has stated: the secret of salvation is I have done this to myself. And so it is.”
~ Linda
“Thank You Cari & Danielle – what an amazing call! The singing and light language are deeply moving. Much Gratitude & Many Blessings to you both.”
~ Claire
“Thank you ladies. I am in full agreement with what you are sharing, trusting in the divine unfolding.”
~ Webcast listener
“Sooo Peaceful. Love you both!!!!!!!!”
~ Cheri
“Beautiful Intention Sweet Cari… Yessss Loving the upcoming transformation and release of physical pain w/ Danielle. So looking forward to healing light and ?? love. Lots of downloads recently has left me sleeping long hours and not much energy through the day. Heartfelt thanks and blessings”
~ Webcast listener
Danielle Brooks - Special Offer!
Powerful Codes of Creation from 3 Sacred Sites & Vortices
» Click Here for Full Details «About Danielle Brooks
Danielle didn’t realize it but her life had been in a slow motion free fall for a long time. Then, in 2001 her life fell apart. She was diagnosed with cancer, left an unhealthy marriage and moved across the world only to find herself alone at ground zero on 9/11. In putting herself back together through many forms of natural healing, pain was a patient teacher.
In 2005 the Divine Mother began to sing through Danielle. A new form of vibrational medicine emerged, one that combined her training in psychic surgery with codes of Creation that are profoundly healing for body, mind and soul.
The many Beings of Light that sing through her are unconditionally loving. They release trauma and spark sacred remembering to help you create a new path forward, turning pain into joy.
An eternal student of the light, Danielle draws on a diverse background in mysticism and shamanism. She holds a doctorate in Human Development and Religion. Danielle creates a sacred space for self healing and for love to do what love does best.
You may not realize it but your greatest gifts have come from the deepest challenges. Scars really do become marks of beauty. Danielle invites you to experience this transformation too.