Danielle Brooks - Special Offer!
Special Offer Details - $75:
Powerful Codes of Creation from
3 Sacred Sites & Vortices
Activate your Divine Human template with the codes of Creation from three sacred sites.
These Creation songs enhance your vibrational state through the power of Divine love. They are alchemical transmissions from sacred sites and the Ancestral Beings, Primordial Deities and Star Elders connected there.
They accelerate deep healing and spark sacred remembering and reawakening of Oneness with Gaia and the Cosmos.
When combined with your intention to improve and expand, they are a powerful catalyst for ascension and embodiment of Soul.
You will receive:
- Alchemical transmutation and purification through the power of the Sacred Flame to release and rebirth
- Infusions of joy, love and wisdom to activate Divine remembering of purpose
- Harmonized Feminine and Masculine codes of Creation to nurture new dreams and visions
- Deep healing from Gaia for stability, balance and primal trust
- Ancestral medicine songs of courage, strength and liberation from our Star Elders and the Anasazi.
- Live recordings from sacred sites and vortices in Greece, Sedona and Monument Valley Arizona, USA
The Ancient Ones
MP3 – 30 Min
- Introduction
- The Holy People
- Breathe the Light
- Liberation
Merging Star Elder wisdom and ancient knowing, this gift from Monument Valley and the sacred rocks of Arizona, sing us into the heart of Mother Earth with the Ancestral Ones, the Anasazi.
These songs ignite sacred remembering of life lived in harmony, compassion and balance. They help to clear pain and grief. Held in their tenderness, they infuse you with deep peace and strength.
The Alchemy of Fire
MP3 – 40 Min
- Introduction
- Keepers of the Flame
- The Sacred Fire
The alchemical fire offers purification, transmutation and accelerated change, to discover the incorruptible gold of our souls. This powerful transformative energy is ideal to release and rebirth with.
Out-dated identities, limiting patterns and old beliefs that no longer serve are placed in this fire of transmutation for release and liberation.
Recorded live in the vortices of Sedona, Arizona USA
When the Heart of a Mountain Sings
MP3 – 30 Min
- Rest in My Peace
- When the Heart of a Mountain Sings
Powerful, rejuvenating and exquisitely grounding, these codes of Sacred Masculine energy come from the Ourea, the mountain deities, to harmonize and nurture us during challenging times of change.
The Ourea are primordial gods of the elemental realm. They are the essence and soul of great mountains. Their otherworldly lullabies weave a rich tapestry that revitalizes and invites us to connect with their power, and unite as One.
Recorded live at the ancient acropolis on top of Exomvourgo in Greece.
“Danielle Brooks makes quantum space travel seem like child’s play. Her voice has a magical way of getting to the core emotion of what your healing and clears space for love to do what love does best. Her heart warming presence is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Guille, Argentina
“Our session was easily the most generous and powerful outpouring of Divine Love I have ever had the good fortune to receive.”
“You change lives!”
“I was able to hear my healing of my body.”
“Mind blowing. That was the most beautiful & healing transmission ever. Definitely the voice of heaven. Love you Danielle!”
“This is brilliant! You have shown me a new way of working with the Divine and I am now excited about my path forward.”
Jane, England
“I am so grateful, because my physical pain has left me.”
“Your loving spirituality and immense psychic gifts are difficult to describe and impossible to forget once experienced.”
“I feel more connected to my purpose and blessed to have been able to receive such an extraordinary healing!”
“The session was so authentic and deep to me – I felt the love that surrounded me and still surrounds me now. It is liberating!”
Yen Chou
“I really felt rooted to Mother Earth. When the singing started I felt a powerful energy flow through me from the bottom of my feet through the top of my head.”
“Thank you for reminding me of how it feels when love fills you up. The songs made me feel cradled and loved, like I never ever felt. Tears of release.”
“Your very deep insights, wisdom and singing completely opened me. Emotions came out and synchronicities followed right after. Thank you Danielle from my heart”
About Danielle Brooks
Danielle didn’t realize it but her life had been in a slow motion free fall for a long time. Then, in 2001 her life fell apart. She was diagnosed with cancer, left an unhealthy marriage and moved across the world only to find herself alone at ground zero on 9/11. In putting herself back together through many forms of natural healing, pain was a patient teacher.
In 2005 the Divine Mother began to sing through Danielle. A new form of vibrational medicine emerged, one that combined her training in psychic surgery with codes of Creation that are profoundly healing for body, mind and soul.
The many Beings of Light that sing through her are unconditionally loving. They release trauma and spark sacred remembering to help you create a new path forward, turning pain into joy.
An eternal student of the light, Danielle draws on a diverse background in mysticism and shamanism. She holds a doctorate in Human Development and Religion. Danielle creates a sacred space for self healing and for love to do what love does best.
You may not realize it but your greatest gifts have come from the deepest challenges. Scars really do become marks of beauty. Danielle invites you to experience this transformation too.