Dipal Shah - Special Offer!
About This Special Offer
Quantum Pranic Quotient Reset
For Health, Finances, Relationships & Spirituality
100% Pranic Transformation Formula
Prana is described as constant motion or the life force energy, an element or entity underlying all of creation, animating sentient beings with consciousness and life. It is the vibratory power that sustains us throughout our cycles of reincarnation, imparting life to all the different bodies we incarnate in.
“Prana starts as soon as you are conceived”
We are all given a specific amount of prana and overtime this gets depleted where diseases and discomforts of life settle in. Prana is our soul-potential. There is great Knowledge of this majestic undercurrent and the science of channeling its awesome power to unlock the inner mysteries of soul.
What if there was just one thing you needed to do to turn on the switch of life and have everything moving, shifting and transforming for you?
Dipal can transform your Pranic Quotient Quickly
For leading a happy and joyful life, a complete and healthy Pranic Quotient is vital. A high Pranic Quotient is the only way people are able to overcome life’s challenges and obstacles. Whether it is health, finances, spiritual growth, or relationships. One needs to have the correct percentage of Pranic Quotient for their individuality, sovereignty, vitality and growth.
There is no better time than NOW to raise your Pranic Quotient which will finally help you break through patterns, cycles, and subconscious programs of lifetimes of suffering.
“Without the proper Pranic Quotient, a human being is nothing but a two-legged animal trapped in the cycle of birth and death.”
– Dipal
- Do you find yourself in a physical, emotional, spiritual and mental mess?
- Are you facing too many unpleasant situations?
- Do you feel you have been punished in Life?
- Do you feel like you are imprisoned by your choices?
- Are you tired of feeling without purpose and joy?
Life may feel like it is at a stand still for you or moving backwards.
Constant battles and defeats keep you from sustaining your own energy can lead you to anxiety, depression, unhappiness, pain and more
You don’t have to struggle through any part of life because there is hope, help, and support. Dipal is here for you!!
What you need is something that will upgrade and balance your energies and align you with your soul’s divine plan of what you desire, want and need in order to live a life you have always dreamed of.
IT IS TIME FOR A DEEP Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual REVAMP and UPGRADE
Dipal has created a Program called Pranic Quotient Reset. Dipal sees your life as a manifestation of energies of the past, present and future and in this program she uses the assistance of her Guides to help you increase your Prana on all 5 manifestations of Prana.
The Pranic quotient is the measure of the overall life force energy on 5 levels
All 5 Dimensions can be healed quickly at one time. Once the Prana is flowing properly for you with the Pranic Quotient Reset you will see your life unfold in so many ways.
Raising your pranic quotient NOW will accelerate your life in ways you never imagined possible.
Here is what others have experienced:
Improvements in:
- Will Power
- Clarity in thoughts
- Calmness of mind
- Focus and mindfulness
- Concentration ability and memory retention
- Interpersonal skills and relationship with self and others
- Career growth
- Motivation
- Self care/self love
- Happiness and joy
- LIving in the body
- All aspects of health
- Vitality
- Finances
- Finding a Soul Mate
- Growth opportunities
- Looking younger
- Spiritual Growth
- Sleep
- Self confidence
- Ascension process
- Abundance
- DNA reset
- Self Love/Self Care
- Enhanced Spiritual Practice
Releases in:
- Stress
- Negative emotions
- Aggression
- Anxiety and Depression
- Self – limiting beliefs
- Addictions and Thoughts of Self – Abuse Other people’s energies
- Traumas of the past
- Karma
- Energetic Cords
- Ancestral Imprints
- Shadows and Personas
- Weight
- Mood Swings
- Procrastination
- Fears
- Trauma
- Nightmares
- Psychic attacks
- Physical Pain
- Emotional Pain
Restore Your Pranic Integrity with a Pranic Quotient Reset
Human Energy fluctuates based on our environment and our experiences, as well as our mental, emotional, and psychological state. A Pranic Quotient Reset is synonymous with outstanding physical health, mental tranquility, and spiritual clarity.
People who have developed strong Pranic Quotients find more joy and happiness in life. They can manifest quicker relationships, wealth, and health. High Pranic Quotient protects them from the negative influences that come from the environment such as stress, conflict, negative thoughts and emotions, toxic relationships, psychic attacks and much more
Get ready to feel more grounded, energized, young, free, liberated, gratitude, love, trust, joy, and sovereign
Benefits of Pranic Quotient reset
- Pranic Quotient Reset is the newest and most powerful healing for finances, health, relationships and spiritual growth
- Pranic Quotient Reset works at Quantum Speed for immediate results
- Pranic Quotient Reset is the ultimate healing to achieving your goals
- Pranic Quotient Reset is the most unique and only healing that will reset you Instantly
If you are ready to
- Get more out of life
- Get more out of relationships
- Open up more to the universal source light
- Create your magnificent life
- Restore Life force Energy
- Free yourself from pain
- Free yourself from others energies
- Engage in life
- Free yourself from Imprisonment
- Embody your spirit and soul
- Create a life you want
- Raise your Spiritual gifts
- Overcome Health issues
Don’t walk away from what can
Most people may just deal with it and live their lives joylessly and others may just think this is not the right program for them.
Your Pranic Quotient Reset is the only program you will need to make the biggest changes and transformation in all areas of your life. You can make it that simple.
If you act now, you will be on your way to FREEDOM!
Dipal has helped over 5000 people and achieves the best results for her clients. She strives to give her clients what they need and want. She holds the highest integrity on all levels with her work. She provides the most unique programs to help inspire and empower people to create better well-being and health.
Special Offer Details - $127:
Quantum Pranic Quotient Reset
Total Value: $1499
Your Savings: 92% OFF!
Quantum Pranic Quotient Reset for Health
MP3 Music only
Increase Pranic Quotient that has been depleted through each system, organ, gland, muscles, tissues, bone, lymph and blood.
Balance 5 elements of nature and body to regulate functioning of the body (Earth, fire, air, water and space)
- Raise the Breath of Life
- Increase Movement and Flexibility of Mind and Body
- Balance and realign the Central Nervous System.
- Heal all areas of inflammation in the body
- Speed up Vitality, Repairability, and Strength of the body
- Removes all implants, programs, and tags to reset the body’s cellular functioning
Vitality Globule Infusion to Increase Pranic Quotient
Guided MP3
Increase Pranic Quotient in Relationships, Health, Finances, and Spirituality
We will be infusing 8 powerful high vibration colors in the energy systems and body that will quickly reset the Pranic Quotient
- Infuse Vitality Globules so that you can look and feel young again
- Heal holes and tears in the energy systems and body
- Remove all negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs about self
- Remove all lifetimes of blocks including parallel lifetime ( ancestral, genetic, and trauma)
- Raise your level of awareness and consciousness
- Removes all implants, programs, and tags to reset the body’s cellular functioning
Upgrading Emotional and Mental Intelligence
- Clear blockages in 70000 layers of the Mind
- Clear deep rooted subconsciously programmed emotions
- Clear blockages of intense and deep repressed emotions from all lifetimes towards yourself or others
- Clear all channels, congestions, disruptions, misfirings, and trauma within the brain
- Rewire the brain and reset all “happy hormones”
- Infuse Mind specific frequency baths within the mind
- Reprogram and reconnect mind and body to raise the emotional intelligence
- Awareness of feelings of self and others and the ability to handle one’s feelings effectively are a great asset.
90 Days of Remote Healing
The 90 Days of Remote Healing will start as soon as you open the package and be open to receive by saying I accept. You do not need to set your intention The guides will be scanning and clearing 24/7. We will also include the following:
- Energetic Detox of body, mind, 5 energy systems
- Energetic Purification Bath
- Clear accumulations of energy
- Reconnection of Spirit and Soul
- Thymus Heart Connection and Expansion
- Reset your Pranic Quotient to 100% each day and entrain your body to the new frequencies.
Bonus: Electrical Systems Reboot
Reboot all the systems in your body!
Your nervous system is the electrical system of your body. It is the super highway and power source for all of your body’s functions and information exchanges to happen to occur.
This mp3 will help you reboot the Nervous system and all the other systems in your body!
“Financial miracles are happening along with huge energetic shifts of things that have been stuck and not working for years!!!
Two days ago our world was in flames and ashes and now the sun has come out and is shining but the most significant thing is that a massive inner transformation has occurred for both my daughter and myself. I have to say your work is the most powerful divine ‘stuff’!!! I have never worked with anyone who created a powerful enough shift to show up on the physical plane.
Both my daughter and myself are so grateful and appreciative to you for being here for us. Your work is a Divine Gift and our hearts are blessed. Thank You”
Nancy and Shanna
“I felt safe sharing my personal issues with Dipal. She exudes and holds a beautiful container of energy, even on the phone.
Though my sharing was quite brief, Dipal “hit” on areas that were very deep (perhaps even subconscious), that have contributed to the Fibromyalgia I’ve had for 14 years. She picked up on past-life events as well as karmic and ancestral “agreements”.
In addition to a warm, tingling body sensation, I could feel the energy that no longer served me, exiting through my feet as Dipal lovingly cleared these cords. The entire session was visceral.
As I continue to integrate this healing, I feel a grounded “knowing” that I no longer need to be “fixed”. She even provided a recording of our session that I can return to again and again. As emotions are stored in the body, I have no doubt the Fibromyalgia will improve.
I was profoundly impacted by my session with Dipal Shah To say I am grateful would be an understatement.”
Increase in Clients within Hours and Finally Being Seen
“I had my session with Dipal in the Morning. The same day I started to sell my used books at a never before seen pace. Before it has been one or two a month, but since the call it has been an average of one a day!! So many of our PreLoved books are now happily entertaining others.
At work we all got a Xmas bonus, and I have been able to handle what is happening with a calm and strength that I have not had in a long time. It has been just winding up and winding up for a couple of years, with lots of frustration over what others were (not) doing.
Now I’ve come to a place where I really “Let Go and Let God”.
I have been asking for more LIght, and there it was… In an unexpected way. The farmer decided to cut ALL the trees around our house, so Light there is. And also maybe a sign to step up and be seen. Nowhere to hide.”
“I have been experiencing bloating, hemorrhoids, low energy, acid reflux and Dipal worked on toning my vagus nerve. She worked on my nervous system and immune system. She could see that I may have IBS. I did not tell her that I had been diagnosed with it. She finds things in your body even when you do not tell her. She is like an XRAY machine. Three sessions and my acid reflux and bloating all gone.”
Eliminated Anxiety and hopelessness.. Excited about Life Finally
“I don’t know how she does it but Dipal is one of a kind. She is compassionate, knowledgeable and listens to my needs. She addresses each issue by taking time rather than rushing through them. I came to her for anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and no energy. I didn’t want to be here on earth and felt like I didn’t belong. Dipal guided me so gently through an amazing healing. Her light language is so beautiful and powerful. I could feel the energies as she was working on me. I could feel the blockages breaking up in my mind. There was so much pressure there before and when she cleared the blockages the pressure released and all these sparkles of light came down on me. I felt a sense of excitement about life and my new adventures. I knew that something big happened and can’t wait to see the doors that open up for me.”
“Bless you for taking the time to help me! I was in great need this morning, frightened and in pain, … soon the pain eased, I was able to sleep and the healing has just kept on happening. I am so grateful!”
“I had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression for 20 years. My goal was to get off the painkillers and anxiety meds. Dipal helped me do this and feel good about life. I feel more alive and joyful than ever before. Thank you Dipal for the wonderful gift that you are to the world.”
“Wow, the healing that Dipal provides is amazing. I had uncontrollable tears! I had a headache- and could feel my jaw moving and releasing it as Dipal worked on me-thank you so much Dipal. I have not had time for self care, or the alone space that I like for self care. This is something Is the intention for- to not allow these attacks- to keep my armor of God in full force. Love you- thank you bunches!!!!”
“I had been diagnosed with fatty liver, hyperthyroidism, gallstones and a hard time breathing. Dipal’s healings were so powerful, I could feel the energy moving through my body as she was working. I felt a huge sense of release and cried for hours after the healing. It was one of the biggest releases I have had in a long time. I couldn’t believe how much I was holding onto.”
“My shoulder and neck pain released so quickly. I could feel the energy down my feet and in my diaphragm. Dipal cleared all this for me within 3 minutes.I can’t wait to go deeper. Powerful Powerful Powerful.”
About Dipal Shah

Dipal Shah is a Spiritual Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Global Speaker,, Youtuber and an Author. She is an expert in Energy Medicine and founder of the Ground-Breaking, Cutting Edge Quantum Body Awakening Modality which helps her clients shift their health quicker and easier.
Dipal has the unique gift of speaking and connecting to the body and energy systems. She assists the healing of the body, mind, and spirit through light language, toning and chanting which triggers the body’s natural healing abilities.
Her programs and interviews have impacted people deeply and her work is in high demand. She has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, and many other media outlets.
Dipal’s passion and purpose is to teach empaths over 40 to become Master healers and take charge of their health.