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The RISING of Ancient Lemuria, the Lemurian Mother Goddess and Selenite Crystals with Donna Carol!
- CALLING ALL SOULS WHO RESONATE WITH THE LEMURIAN ENERGY: Lemurians need to be awakened and activated at this to will bring back the divine feminine culture!
- GAIN INFORMATION: Many new starbeings are coming to the planet to participate in the New Age, including Venusians, who will bring in a cultural renaissance upon Gaia. Indigos, Crystals and Rainbows have also come in for this journey
- LEARN ABOUT SELENITE: Selenite is a crystal that grows in water. It is a direct link to the angelic realm. Angels can come through the crystal and help humans release fear, pain, anger, emotional turmoil, etc.
- LISTEN TO A DISCUSSION ON HEALING:The main process in healing is releasing. Releasing negative and counterproductive emotions is necessary before “real ascension” can take place.
Donna Carol Martens - Special Offer!
Lemuria, the Lemurian Mother Goddess
» Click Here for Full Details «About Donna Carol Martens
Donna Carol is a Clairvoyant Medium and Energy Healer, who has been channeling for the last ten years. Her guides align Lightworkers to their soul star and spiritual path. She channels the ancient Lemurian Mother Goddess (Prime Creator in feminine form), Archangels, Pleaidians, Arcturians and other starbeings. Donna Carol specializes in informational readings with the Archangels. The Archangels provide information on one’s past lives, soul mission and intergalactic origins. She also sells selenite angels and stones. Her calling is healing others through word and touch.