Eden Amadora - Special Offer!

Special Offer Details - $97:

Divine Feminine Archetypal Embodiment Training Video Package

Join Eden in a Temple like guided Journey with empowering Alchemical tools

Eden guides you through embodiment practices that may be radically new to you in a gentle and loving way, so that you can begin to alchemically change some of your old limiting patterns in consciousness and anchor new pathways of liberation in your being.

When we commune with these vast and benevolent Goddess archetypes in a focused way, we begin to experience quantum leaps in consciousness as they open our bodies, hearts, minds and spirits and draw us into union with our own Divine essence.

This collection of videos from Eden’s archetypal embodiment series serves as an initiatory gateway in deepening your connection with the Divine Feminine Archetypes. This series of powerful transmissions calls for all who are drawn to go beyond mere conceptual familiarity with the Goddess into a direct embodied experience of some of her most rarefied frequencies.

Since the time of ancient mystery schools, many teachings have been transmitted through imagery, symbol, sacred geometry and color frequency. Each of these videos has been embedded with layers of potent information of this kind to further assist your transformation. These trainings all include the powerful tools of mudra, mantra and sound technologies. Eden guides you through a series of simple yet effective meditations, embodiment practices and gentle asana poses (for all ages and levels) so that you can use them to transform your life on a continual basis.

She has created this series to assist and guide you through this divine assignment.

Please watch this intro video to further understand how to work with this material:

Great Mother

From Unsafe and Insecure to Present and Renewed

“I surrender. I receive.”

Transmuting fear at the root chakra level is the gift of the archetype of the Great Mother. This archetypal transmission video and the practices Eden offers within give you an embodied experience of a loving unconditional embrace so that you may unravel stress, anxiety and fear from your nervous system.

Eden’s loving guidance helps to entrain you on a core level to an experience of safety from within. She provides a guided journey and grounding practices so that you come back to a state of calm present moment awareness from which to create in a more empowered way and journey from.

The Great Mother is the beginning of the spiral journey through all faces of the Goddess on this alchemical offering of journeying with Eden through the mystery. She holds us the whole way through so that we may receive the blessings and deep transmutation that are possible so that we have this foundation of safety and unconditional love to always lean into.

If you are struggling with issues of safety, neediness, low self worth, abandonment or over-responsibility, this archetypal embodiment offering with Eden offers a direct experience of surrender, renewal, nurturance and opens you to receive with grace as she holds and supports you in her loving embrace.

Great Mother Intro Video

Goddess of Compassion

From Heartache and Judgment to Forgiveness and Liberation:

“I recognize. I seed.”

The Goddess of Compassion is the second Archetypal embodiment video from the transmissions that Eden has created to help you have a direct embodied experience of the Divine Feminine from the priestess trainings of the 13 Moon Mystery School.

Here, we ascend from the red root of the Mother, the base of our journey, up to the crystalline, violet lotus crown. The Goddess of Compassion’s frequency is cool, clear and direct. Her energy is precise in the way that she shatters dense frequencies that block our clear seeing and our ability to give and receive love and feel compassion.

Eden’s transmission offers you the powerful tools of crystal sound, mudra, mantra and the White tantric embodiment of the Sri Yantra so that you may relax your body, calm your emotions, quiet your mind and raise your frequency to begin to dissolve anything less than unconditional love and compassion.

The primary gift of this archetypal frequency – through our embodiment – is to seed the divine mind on earth. It is through forgiveness and compassion that we bring the milk of human kindness, the tears of mercy, and the healing balm this world so desperately needs to self and others. She is especially helpful when working with rescuer syndrome, co-dependency, unhealed childhood wounds and not saying “no” as a means to get love.

Goddess of Compassion Intro Video


From Overwhelm and Avoidance to Clear Seeing and Purposeful Flow:

“I amplify in stillness. I transmit.”

The Archetype of the Priestess is the third Archetype of the Divine Feminine in the 13 Moon Mystery School. She hold the key to ignite our devotion again. Here, we awaken the third eye, activating the frequency of sapphire blue, to see through the veil.

Eden guides you in embodiment practices and inner journeys that bring you back into the calm, clear pool of consciousness that allows you to see clearly again and then “See” even further so that you become a lamp lifter for the collective.

Embodying the Priestess archetype is key to amplifying a powerful energetic that raises your vibration so that you may dissolve stuck thought forms and denser emotional energies and begin to attract like or resonant reflections from others and experiences that hold a similar frequency of equanimity into your life.

She is a powerful ally in helping you work through escapism, emotional fragility and perfectionism. Her frequency helps keep a grounded, focused approach to your devotional practices to prevent becoming too subjective or “lunar”.

Priestess Intro Video

Creator / Destroyer / Preserver

From Playing Small and Feeling Stuck to Authentic Radiance and Truth:

“I focus. I create.”

The Archetype of the Creator, Destroyer, Preserver is the fourth Archetype of the Divine Feminine in the 13 Moon Mystery School. Here, we deepen with the frequencies of red, black, and white, activating the element of fire for catalytic change, liberation and illumination. She asks us to risk embodying more of the Fierce face of love and reclaiming your life– creative passion, expression and your truth and radical authenticity.

Eden lovingly guides you in practices and inner journeys to open your channel again to feel the radiance of your aliveness as you burn through stuck energies of fear and attachment so that you may reclaim your empowered voice and vitality.

As you open to this frequency of the Goddess with Eden’s guided tools and visualizations She moves in swiftly and efficiently to burn down and through any victim-thinking, unresolved anger, self destructiveness or attachments that are lurking in your shadow places.

Creator / Destroyer / Preserver Intro Video

Lady of Communion

From Powerless and Lost to Empowered and Intentional

“I intend. I empower.”

The fifth Archetypal embodiment video introduces you to the Archetype of the Lady Of Communion. Here, we deepen with the frequencies of Green and Gold, deeply honoring our connection to both Gaia and the Sun. She potently grounds us into our greater intentions, activating the element of Earth, to ground our visions into real manifestations.

Eden guides you in empowering and activating practices inviting you to have an embodied experience of your “Warrior of Light” essence so that you can reclaim your true birthright as a free and noble sovereign being.

The Lady of Communion helps you commune with all the resources around you. She invites you to take responsibility from an empowered place, feel your integrity, and feel your interconnectedness with others and nature while maintaining a healthy (and necessary) balance between your inner masculine and feminine essence.

She helps bring clarity around issues of power/powerlessness so that you can release blame, exhaustion from over-achieving and feelings of separation resulting from righteous indignation.

Lady of Communion Intro Video

Special Offer - Only $97

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


“Eden embodies a rare and powerful unconditional love, which alone is transformative. Afterward I felt a deeper connection to my self love, and saw immediate results in areas I had been drastically blocked around prior. I feel everyone could benefit from this medicine. Thank you Eden for your love, your purity and your mastery.”

Naia Leigh

“Eden Amadora embodies and transmits absolute unconditional love with extraordinary sensitivity and care. The Divine Mother radiates from her vast, resounding heart. She fiercely and compassionately challenges us to embrace ourselves totally while stripping away all masks that hide our own truest divine essence. Thank you Eden for being a bright and powerful Ally and Angel on my path.”

Matthew Mackay

“Through the deep alchemical work we have done and the culmination of so much looking, yearning, questioning, opening and accepting, I feel I am emerging now with a fearless conviction that all negative perceptions of shadow, shame and guilt are actually illusory and mistaken with no base or root in truth and reality. I feel now excited to boldly open and face all fears and appearances of darkness with this newborn conviction, confidence and loving, awareness of all-goodness (or “God-ness”) that knows no opposite. For this I am truly blessed.”

Anonymous male client

“Eden Brings such true compassion and love and at the same time challenges you to grow and challenges you to look at the beliefs that you have, and how you speak and think and maybe even the unconscious programming that you have. She challenges you in a way that feels so loving and you feel so held by her and then the group grows into the same vibration. The sisterhood we created had the vibration of being unconditionally loving and supportive of each other, and that is something I think every woman is either in search of or yearning for.”


About Eden Amadora

Speaker, Coach, Mentor and Spiritual Guide

Eden Amadora is a speaker, coach, mentor and spiritual guide. She is a featured author in The New Feminine Evolutionary and the upcoming book, Sacred Body Wisdom. She is a master facilitator, archetypal channel, mystic and muse.

After 20 years of yogic and shamanic training Eden found her heart at home in the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is now an Ordained Priestess, ecstatic embodiment guide, and initiator, witnessing the life-changing transformations that occur in her ceremonial spaces working with the archetypes of the Divine Feminine and initiating men through embodying the archetypes of the Sacred Masculine.

As a ceremonial facilitator, sound healer and prayer-formance artist Eden also enjoys leading sacred song and ritual circles using sound and voice as an alchemical tool for transformation.​

She is highly regarded as a pure and seasoned “presence of transforming love” and raises a uniquely effective call to awaken our authentic selves.

Special Offer - Only $97

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.