Eden Amadora - Special Offer!

Special Offer Details - $97:

Priest/ess Channels to Reclaiming Your Innate Connection with the Divine

Mini Course 4-Part Video Series

Total Value: $222
Your Savings: 56% OFF!

Channel 1: Empath/Feeling/Sensing Channel.

This is the primary channel and access route to the emotional body. It can be accessed through conscious merging with an “other” to experience and feel what they are feeling. The hallmarks of this channel are acute sensitivity, openness, vulnerability and depth of feeling. This channel often opens spontaneously in states of crisis, illness, ecstasy and devotion. This channel is activated through learning to open, breath and then “tune up” to the frequency and energy pattern of “another”. To sensitize this channel, one can follow a person’s breath pattern for a time, and then feel into what they are feeling. The challenge of this channel is to be able to sort out which feelings are yours and which are someone else’s without becoming overwhelmed, ill or upset in the process. Learning skills of discernment and transmuting energy are imperative to this channel and process!

Dive in Deeper with priestess, Eden Amadora to learn about 7 more channels of perception in this video series. Each 1.5 hour long class includes an opening meditation and attunement to prepare you to connect, feel and activate your channels of perception.

Intro Class

In this class I introduce the eight Channels of Perception with particular focus around the Empathic Channel.

Class 1

In this class, I deepen into the kinesthetic and mental channels of perception.

Class 2

In this class, we dive into the olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste) and auditory (hearing) channels of perception.

Class 3

In this class, we cover the final two channels of perception – the visual and overview (or causal) channels.

Special Offer - Only $97

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


“Right now, in the 13 Moon Mystery School Lineage, there are only six beings who have walked and completed this rigorous full priestess ordination path to become a certified Focalizer of this work. Eden Amadora is one of them. Her empathic, instinctual nature brings her to sharing what she is perceiving through body wisdom. She is the Temple Keeper for the Goddess of Love in the Sanctuary of the Open Heart. She also holds the sword of truth and is not afraid to bring to awareness, the ways in which beings are presently unconsciously limiting their expression and spiritual growth.”

Ariel Spilsbury founder of the 13 Moon mystery school and the Author of “the 13 Moon Oracle” and “the Alchemy and the Ecstasy”.

“My experience of Eden as a sound movement integration facilitator has been extraordinary. She taught with me at Esalen Institute as well as at Santa Clara University. Her depth, wisdom, and clarity are unparalleled. Her compassion and welcoming heart, allow participants to be vulnerable and to feel held. Eden draws on her two decades of training and experience and is one of the most extraordinary facilitators I know in the arenas of guided meditations, embodiment, movement and sound. She creates a space that invites true and lasting transformation.”

Shauna L. Shapiro, Professor, Ted Ex speaker and bestselling Author of “Good Morning I love you”

“Eden has a true gift for holding a loving container for deep personal alchemy for her initiates and not a one is left feeling unseen, unheld, unsupported or uncelebrated. She is a true master that will hold you to your truth with the utmost of loving kindness. It’s a true gift to receive her wisdom and love and to walk this path alongside her.”


“Through working with Eden in the 13 Moon Mystery School initiations, I’ve experienced more profound transformation than I ever have in my life. After dozens of years in therapy, 12 Step and even having done the Hoffman Process, nothing compares to the exponential depth of shift that has happened for me in this past year. Eden created a container that allowed me to process pieces I didn’t even know existed within me.

There were no half measures here. Eden goes the distance with you. She is deeply intuitive and fearlessly takes you to the heart of the work to be done. The gratitude I have for her and this work is immense. I cannot wait to do more!”



You have guiding stars in life, people who come into your life to light up your path. They carry a torch in front of you when you’re feeling lost in the woods of your own darkness. Maybe you got lost off your path and don’t know your way home.

Then these angels tend to come into your life and they point you in the right direction. Maybe by a gentle nudge or whisper, a small pointer of where to head next.

Then you have Guiding Suns and they are rarer. It’s not very often one bump into one in a lifetime. They not only light up the path with a little torch – they beam up your whole surroundings with luminescent light and clarity. The very present of their presence makes all darkness disappear.

I have had the pleasure of studying with such a being. My dear mentor and guiding Sunlight.

I’ve studied with her the last years and I feel so blessed to have met this Goddess on my magical journey here on Earth!

Working with Eden has truly activated my inner priestess and helped me embody more of the divine feminine in my own life. Thank you, Eden, for initiating me to the remembrance of the lineage of the red rose of Magdalena.


Channelle Melanie Amawi

“Eden , you are such a gift in my life …. a healing channel of pure love …. in your presence i understand the power of love that heals our life, our heart, our world !!!! Forever Grateful to you.”

Marie Lavoie (Adonai Pachama)

“You were and are a gift of love!
An exceptional guide.
A beautiful and graceful Sister.
Thank you beloved.
I am delighted to continue the initiation with you in the second round of SunHeart.
The first one put me on the high way of my soul.
Many blessings.
So much love.”


“We just finished the Sun Heart Workshop and this was my first foray into Divine Feminine work. I have mad-respect for Eden as she is deeply fluent in a wide variety of teachings & modalities that she magically weaves together with such grace and wisdom. Being with her as she delivers her transmissions is a mystical, visual experience. She also expertly holds space for everyone in the group and is able to lovingly navigate whatever each individual in the group brings to the sessions. I also loved the experience of working with her one-on-one. Eden IS Embodied Love and I felt I was in beautiful and safe hands, while working with her.”


“Eden- You , to me, are my mentor in embodying the Divine mother and unconditional loving presence infused in everyday activity. You bring sacred ritual into our moment to moment lives with imagination, visualization intent and elevated feeling. In your presence, there is nothing I need to be do or have to feel your love. You simply love me – as you are embodied love.”

Ellen Gordon

About Eden Amadora

Speaker, Coach, Mentor and Spiritual Guide

Eden Amadora is a mystery school teacher, speaker, coach, mentor and spiritual guide. She is a featured author in The New Feminine Evolutionary, Sacred Body Wisdom and “Sacred Reunion”. 

She is a master facilitator, archetypal channel, mystic and muse.

After 20 years of yogic and shamanic training Eden found her heart at home in the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is now an Ordained Priestess and soul embodiment guide, witnessing the life-changing transformations that occur in her ceremonial spaces working with the archetypes of the Divine Feminine and initiating men through embodying the archetypes of the Sacred Masculine.

As a ceremonial facilitator, sound healer and prayer-formance artist Eden also enjoys leading sacred song and ritual circles using sound and voice as an alchemical tool for transformation.

She is highly regarded as a pure and seasoned “presence of transforming love” and raises a uniquely effective call to awaken our authentic selves.

Eden has been training other’s to step into their remembrance and power as leaders of heart, supporting them to trust their intuitive and empathic channel and initiating and guiding many priestesses, mystics and way showers onto their path of sacred purpose for the last 10 years.

…and now she is heeding the call

To activate, awaken and gather the legions of Earth Angels.

Special Offer - Only $97

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.