Elizabeth April
11:00 am PST
MasterClass Leader
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Elizabeth April is regularly featured internationally on radio, podcasts, television and major events which include: Los Angeles California’s Alien Con, Toronto’s Cosmic Alien Expo, New York’s infamous Lilly Dale Assembly and has been featured on popular news media outlets such as VICE. Elizabeth has given readings to clients all over the world including Europe, Australia, South Africa and North America.
A graduate from McMaster University with a double major honours in Political Science and Communication Studies, Elizabeth is also a certified Life Coach Practitioner under the CCF. Regardless of her accredited skills, she was born with special gifts to see peoples energy and heal them through information.
Elizabeth has gained a strong online presence of 30,000+ across all social media outlets which is growing at a rapid pace. Whether you’re receiving an individual reading, following her channel on YouTube or sitting in her audience, the information channelled through Elizabeth April will leave you feeling in tune with the limitless possibilities existing within the universe.