Emunah Malinovitz
April 28, 2020
11:00 am PST
11:00 am PST
Inspirational Teacher, Master Healer, Multi-dimensional Clairvoyant, Certified Energy Transfer Reset Practioner, Relationship Master, Sacred Goddess
Special Offer None Available At This Time
Emunah is a natural born healer, a Starseed, a midwife for your Awakening process. She has been a healer, teacher and clairvoyant ( intuitive) all her life. She is here to help you transmute old energies and create the life you truly desire.
She has healed herself and countless others, and it is her purpose to Help those who are ready to fully AWAKEN.. She works with the Arcturians, Pleiadians, & Sirians to help with the Ascension Process, your own guides and higher self, and creator of all that is. The time is now to Awaken and Emunah and her team are committed to helping those that are ready to shift into their full power,and radiate their true divine essence and Sovereignty