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Step into Your Divine Mission & Reveal YOUR Planetary Purpose with Ethann Fox!
We are in a time of great changes n the world. We are going through a period of transition from what was before to what will be the beginning of a new age on the Earth. The future is quite bright and the greatest transition that we have seen in our present civilization is happening Now! First we must all go through this period of turbulent change during which the old will pass away and the new will be born. It is the age of Heaven on Earth. We have already experienced the first buildup of pressures in the world and the resulting changes not only in the collective consciousness, but in our own personal lives. So how can we transition from here to there IN the best way possible AND with the least suffering?
Learn about Ethann’s video master class designed to take you through the principles of his Advanced Lightworker Program, where he works one-on-one with individuals to uncover and launch their life mission on a global scale. Expect complete transformation in all areas, allowing you to reach your highest potential, falling in line with your soul’s plan and creating a new life filled with abundance in all areas!
Learn the importance of exploring your numerology and astrology cycles to plan a roadmap to success, plus how to access and transition your spiritual gifts into this powerful new age that is upon us!
Learn about Energy Transfer and how it can remove karma and raise consciousness and assist you in living a happier, more fulfilling life!
Learn more about what is currently happening on the planet and how energy transfers support it
Ethann is able to accept the karma and negative emotional energy from others without any adverse effects to himself. Experience a powerful energy transfer process during which time you will release any heavy, dense energy from past hurts, traumas and suffering. Emerge lighter, freer and more clear. In this state, you will be more in tune with your mission and more aware of the signs/signals/support available to you!
About Ethann Fox
Ethann Fox always had a feeling that he had a gift with energy. From an early age and through his adult years in the business and financial world, he had an intense knowing that he could help people and never walked away from someone in need. Simultaneously, he walked the spiritual world, eventually becoming an accomplished astrologer and numerologist. Yet his logical, left brained mindset left him very skeptical of his energetic healing ability. He had dismissed many unusual and profound healing experiences as coincidence, until 1997 when a series of unmistakable events finally began to convince him. His belief was further confirmed upon meeting Barb Morey, a gifted aura reader who’s abilities can be compared to those of the late, Edgar Cayce. What she saw in his aura that day sent Ethann on a quest to better understand his gift through a series of experiments and study groups. Suddenly, many of the unusual life experiences he had lived made complete sense.
What Ethann found is he is able to accept the karma and negative emotional energy from others without any adverse effects to himself. He is able to do this while raising the consciousness of entire groups of individuals at once and there is a cumulative effect. Through these studies, he has also been able to measure permanent increases in consciousness, energy field, and improvements in voice profile analysis of participants. Some people even have had dramatic improvements in health after only one visit. But the most consistent noticeable effect has been a steady increase in their level of happiness and ability to deal with turbulent circumstances in life with greater ease and inner peace. Now, Ethann uses this divine gift to help others to live happier more fulfilling lives and to aid in the transition to a new world consciousness.
Through his spiritual awakening, Ethann altered the course of his life, leaving the business world behind to establish his organization, Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution. Ethann facilitates energy transfers in private and group settings, while inspiring volunteers on a collective mission of furthering awakening through Flower of Life. His vision further manifests in the expression of a variety of initiatives including his television show, international expo, conscious activism movement, conscious youth group and an alternative school for children.
Ethann has been a student and practicing astrologer and numerologist for over 20 years. During this time he has studied and brought together the wisdom of various Eastern and Western philosophies into a singular cohesive system. It is his belief that the knowledge that underlies all of these modern systems originated with a singular body of wisdom thousands of years ago. But when combined, they become a powerful tool for understanding our world.
As a result of his passion for understanding the human condition, Ethann has also been a student of psychology and how to increase one’s happiness and potential in life through the use of reconditioning techniques and changes in diet and lifestyle. Today he teaches these techniques to individuals and audiences with very successful results.
Ethann utilizes his background as the owner of a branding and marketing agency in conjunction with his spiritual gifts and astrology/numerology expertise to assist Lightworkers on the planet to identify their soul’s purpose and express it through mainstream tools and technology. He offers this service on a private consultation basis, combining all aspects of his experience, education, personal history and spiritual awareness.
Ethann’s natural curiosity and logical, left-brained mindset has gained him a reputation as a genuine, yet persistent and internationally respected interviewer. He has a distinct talent for blending the spiritual and physical worlds in a way that gives audiences around the world a better understanding of how to adapt new world tools into their modern reality.