Grace Hom

Air Date: 11/10/2020
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About Grace Hom

Grace G. Hom, Light Body Whisperer and Light Language Activator, has over 20 years of combined experience in health care and alternative healing. She incorporates science, spirituality, and intuition to facilitate her clients to transform health, financial and relationship issues. Her gentle presence, profound intuition and powerful activations often awaken the intuitive gifts and light language abilities in others, making her a much sought-after mentor and teacher to lightworkers and way-showers.

Grace is internationally known for her innovative energy work with eyesight, teeth, body pain, meridian imbalances and re-imprinting states of resourcefulness that activates generative energy in the body. She works with one’s Divine Blueprint to facilitate the body to remember its own natural state of health and wholeness. Her clients often laugh and yawn to release lifetimes of traumas during their sessions. They also feel lighter and more joyous.

Grace holds sacred space for others to heal experiences of childhood abuse, chronic illness, and poverty consciousness. While no stranger to struggle and illness, Grace has healed herself of autoimmune disorders, depression, a lifelong struggle with self-acceptance, powerlessness, and poverty consciousness. Grace delights in dream tending and vision holding for a New Earth filled with peace, joy, and abundance for all. She invites all dreamers, vision holders, healers, shamans, Earth Keepers, grid workers to this expansive adventure by joining her weekly podcast: Light Body Wisdom.