Grace Hom - Special Offer!

About This Special Offer

Goddess Fire: Transform Pain and Reclaim Power

Are you a woman with many hidden dreams and desires? Has pain, illness, anger, depression and past traumas been keeping you from being who you truly are as an Infinite Being — a Goddess on Fire with Purpose and Joy?

Do you sometimes feel as if your wings have been clipped off and yet you know something much greater is possible for you. Is it time to live life fully?

Have you been seeking healing for all kinds of bodily pain and chronic illnesses and yet find yourself slipping back into a low vibration state? It’s not your fault. You have what it takes to overcome anything if only given the right information and appropriate care. You’re also not alone. Many pain and low energy symptoms experienced by women are misdiagnosed or wrongly diagnosed because there’s not a pill your doctor can give you. But, you don’t want a pill. You want to live life to the fullest and express who you truly are.

You are not wrong for being angry at the world sometimes. Your anger is here to fuel your motivations and desires so that you can accomplish great things.

I like to share the wise words from Maya Angelou, author and poet about anger:

“You should be angry. You must not be bitter. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. It doesn’t do anything to the object of its displeasure. So use that anger. You write it. You paint it. You dance it. You march it. You vote it. You do everything about it. You talk it. Never stop talking it.”

Let’s work together and talk about the anger, the resentment, the sadness and regrets so that we can alchemize all these emotions, release the pain from our bodies and fuel our dreams.

What if no trauma can ever hold you back?

What if chronic illness is holding sacred space for you to rise like the phoenix and claim your power and live your dreams?

What if PMS and menopausal symptoms are here to support you to build that vision and bust loose from the limitations of this reality?

Are you ready to bust loose from this reality’s limitations?

Are you ready to roar?

Special Offer Details - $133:

Goddess Fire: Transform Pain and Reclaim Power

Total Value: $787
Your Savings: 83% OFF!

These 7 mp3s are designed to help you release pain, anger, resentment, sadness, grief, guilt, shame, self-denial, abandonment fears, inter-generational traumas, and anything else holding you back from living your best life.

All mp3s have gentle energetic releases through light alchemy and light language. As old traumas are being released, you may yawn, laugh or cry. It’s all a part of the healing process. You will be guided to reprogram your subconscious beliefs to love and accept yourself. Energy from the Zero point field will support your healing so that your body feels lighter and healthier. All work is done in alignment with your Divine Blueprint so only that which is for your highest and best will be received by your body.

Healing Track One: Release Pain from Joints and Skeletal System

20 min mp3

This deep release of all pain from your joints — shoulders, knees, ankles, elbows, wrists, finger joints, toe joints, hips, pelvis, ribcage, collar bones and entire spinal column.
Restores self-respect, self-honor, personal power and feeling centered. Heals unconscious inter-generational traumas and liberates you from old paradigms that keep you stuck in feeling held back.

Healing Track Two: Restore JOY

15 min mp3

This track works especially on the interstitium to release all issues and traumas in the tissues and interstitial fluids in the upper body. Restores and enhances emotional fluidity so that all heart walls are released. This mp3 may bring up issues. Please listen to this every few days if you like.

If you have had challenges with the lungs or heart, listening to this mp3 will support your lungs and heart to remember your Divine Blueprint for healthy lungs and heart. This will also enhance your overall circulation.

Healing Track Three: Empowered Menopause

22 min mp3

Replenishes women’s hormones while releasing all the lies and limitations of the patriarchy. Supports all women to have strong bones, teeth, and good eyesight. Liberate women’s bodies and reproductive systems from limiting beliefs perpetrated by patriarchal society and empower every woman to honor her own knowing and her own power.

Healing Track Four: Honoring the Power of PMS

22 min mp3

Enhances women’s reproductive system, replenishes/balances women’s hormones, and reactivates the Divine Blueprint for a healthy reproductive system. Transform anger into power and self-honor. Releases all emotional issues and traumas that may be imprinted in pelvic organs, endocrine glands and pelvic area.

Healing Track Five: Powerful Sense of Self

22 min mp3

This session works especially with the mesentery to release all emotional traumas and limiting thoughts and reprogram you to feel a powerful sense of self. Be on purpose and be powerful! The mesentery covers most of the abdomen so it can hold old memories of pain and shame. Releasing all these old issues will enhance digestive functions, support a healthy biome and improve metabolism.

Healing Track Six: From Fatigue to Fabulous

17 min mp3

All low energy conditions have one thing in common — fear of being powerful, playing small, This healing session will release all self-sabotage, hidden loyalties to family and tribe that no longer serves our best and highest. You will be supported to transform fear into excitement and joy. See your life becoming easier and more joyful after listening to this healing track. Please relisten as you feel guided.

Healing Track Seven: Owning Your Voice

17 min mp3

No one can stop you but you. This session guides you to release the fear that has been holding you back. What will it take for you to own your voice and own your power? Your body knows and after listening to this mp3, you’ll be empowered to voice who you are in the world. Please listen to this mp3 as often as you feel guided to.

Special Offer - Only $133

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


I’m healed from pain and flu

“I was sick with flu/cold. My body was in very much pain. The connective tissue & bones were very sore. I even had a hard time moving, sitting & laying down.

After the session with Grace, I’m healed from pain and flu. These 2 new organs – the intersititum and mesentery, Grace worked on are now healed. I feel freed from my past traumas. I’ll feel so much better.

I thought I might have to go to doctor. But after session I am healed. Awesome.”

Ida McGerrigle of Crofton BC Canada

Cough Disappeared!

“In this session I was seeking healing for a bad cough and aches in my body from the coughing. I had stayed home for 3 days as it was uncomfortable to go out with other people’s fears of the coronavirus. During the session I could feel a release of energy and often shivered and felt cold.

My cough disappeared! The next day I could go out again and return to my life. The past few days I have coughed a little, more like clearing my throat but the deep rasping cough has not returned. This was more than I could ever have expected.

I just love Grace’s healing sessions and have participated in many. She is very generous with her free sessions too and gives so much of herself. I enjoy laughing along with her.”

Susan, near Jerusalem

Reduction in Pain and Hot Flushes and Improved Movement

“I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 25 years ago. There’s a base amount of daily pain and limitation, and there are flare ups (5-8) that are substantially worse. During the session I felt a lot of sensations of chills, yawning, pressure in my chest and back, and warmth/relaxation. By the end of the session there was a reduction in both pain and restriction of movement (2-3), and that has remained the case since the session! Most improved is my ability to turn and move my neck from side to side.

I have participated in several of Grace’s sessions over the past few months, and I would definitely recommend her work. I always come away feeling better and lighter and happier… like I have released some major traumatic energy. These are deep and sometimes painful topics, but Grace helps us to traverse them with care and laughter! My favorite so far was her Power and Pleasure series. It was such a deep release of issues for me that I cried for a half an hour after. I have felt a real difference since, and I am very grateful. I have even seen a reduction in hot flashes, which as we ladies know is huge! I look forward to continuing working with her.”

Laurie, Cincinnati

More Joy, Better Health, Completely Different Person Now

“Grace Hom is the most genuine, caring, heartfelt, humorous person I have met to date; and I feel that is a winning combo for her extraordinary gift as a Healer and facilitator. Grace is as real as it gets. I have had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in Her Energy Dentistry, Bagua, Spinal Energetics packages, Personal sessions and more and I come away always feeling changed, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I am a completely different person now, than before working with Grace, when I was struggling physically, mentally and emotionally, I was attracting friendships in my life that were very painful and I was very Pissed off and my life now is peaceful, I experience more Joy, much better health after struggling with Lyme for over two decades, my teeth feel so much better. I could go on and on, Grace is that amazing! The expansion that keeps coming through Grace, by her new ability to do Light Language and Gazing, has taught me what is possible when you simply allow, and I believe everyone in her group walks away feeling empowered and supported by Graces loving care. You know she has your back and genuinely seeks to bring everyone into their own expression of Divinity. I guess to put in a nut shell Grace does “Gods” work and you need only participate in one of her programs and you’ll automatically get what I mean.”

Robin M Serna of Danbury, CT

Work with the Interstitium Was Exceptionally Effective

“My physical challenges are severe cardiomyopathy, Type II diabetes and asthma. I am also extremely empathic – to a debilitating degree – where I experience not only the emotional energy of others, but also their physical vulnerabilities.

On a scale of 1-10 before session: 10 for empathy and related symptoms, 5 Type II, 5 Heart condition, 2 Asthma.

After the session: 3-4 Debilitating Empathy, 2 Type II, 2 Heart condition, 0 Asthma

This session for the Interstitium was extremely powerful and effective for me. Knowing the body is largely made up of fluids, and a large portion of that is lymphatic, this work with the interstitium was exceptionally effective at affecting changes. Being a heart patient that plays with the odds of CHF all the time, managing fluids and fluid retention have been a large part of my program – moving interstitial fluids is the aim of diuretics. I felt it all being moved around as cleared. I have just come through a long period of convalescence, so I know I had a lot of lymph buildup.

My activity after the session has increased immensely, and everything seems to be moving again like sap in a tree. Also, the amount of emotional energy that has shifted since the session has been profound for me. Fluids hold emotional energy and imprints and doing work with this was almost indescribable. I have felt the largest shift to be emotional. I had been having a particularly rough time with empathy specifically with one person in our family who is not well. This took place daily. All of a sudden that has shifted to such a huge degree that I have been able to sleep, get up and have a productive day without resting and drive for errands without concerns if not knowing when he next bout of debilitating empathy was going to hit. This has brought me a lot of joy. I sense that what we did shifted the imprints in the existing fluids and cleared a lot of the resonance I had with this individual – enough so that I have much more autonomy and sovereignty, and now appear to be more resilient to psychic attacks. I am so very grateful for Grace’s brilliant guidance and work!”

Kathleen S ~ Michigan, Teacher, Healer, Mentor

Focus on mesentery will helped me to heal my large endometriosis inside my belly

“I was seeking healing for: emotional and physical healing – endometriosis, lyme disease, brain fog, gut problem, liver, immune system, kidneys, heart, anemia, short and light sleep etc. long term anger, anxiety, sadness, find boundaries/my space, relationship mother – mother , relationship child – mother, feeling safe in dealing with people.

Before the session, the issues were a 10 out of 10.

After the session, the same issues were at a 3 out 10.

During the session I felt tension around my spine, in whole belly, heavy legs (lymph).

Afterwards, I feel much calmer. I feel more aware of myself, of my needs. The focus on mesentery will helped me to heal my large endometriosis inside my belly. Feel lighter in my belly, less tension (PMS).

This was my second session with Grace. I am so amazed. Her healing is so gently, but deep and focused. I love her sense of humor which helps me to go deeper in the healing. I am crying and laughing at one moment. I also appreciate the focus on energetically Rolfing the fascia of my entire body, which is also my interest”

Jana of Prague

Knee Pain Reduced, Fears Reduced to a 1.

“I was dealing with knee soreness, digestive issues and lethargy.

During the session with Grace I feel lots of tingles, mostly in my head, but occasionally down my spine. I feel energy moving, causing me to yawn and sometimes get sleepy. I also feel some emotions come up as something us triggered.

After the session, my knee pain reduced. Often, I perceive more brightness. Emotional issues I’ve been struggling with like fear are reduced to 1.

Grace is really talented at finding the right question or key to get to the core of something. She always brings up and tackles an issue in a way I never thought of and I am great at asking the right question or finding the right word myself, so I value her abilities. Grace reads up on new research and fits that knowledge into her sessions to uncover hidden programs and traumas. Like adding a neurotransmitter or hormone she knows we often are lacking in our systems.

Grace is such a kind, joyous, and generous person. She makes me laugh more than anyone I’ve had a group session with. I look forward to hearing her calming voice.”

Tina Moore of Alberta, Canada

Anger Dissipated, Back Pain Improved, Life Improve Greatly

“I took the spinal energetics classes and back pain went from varying 7 and 9 to about a 4 or 5.

Before the inflammation webinar, I was feeling a lot of resentment and anger with my sister, I felt the anger dissipate and after the webinar it was completely gone and has not returned. Now I feel peaceful and loving toward her. During every webinar, I feel many energetic releases and always feel lighter.

I am so grateful that I have been able to experience Grace Hom’s energetic work. She is a beautiful soul that is super generous with her gifts. I love her webinars. They are always full of information, wonderful energy and surprises. Grace always addresses everyone’s concerns and goes above and beyond to assist in releasing energetic blockages and helping with emotional, mental and physical issues. After taking Grace’s Spinal energetics package, the chronic back pain I had been experiencing went from between a 7 and 9 to about a 4 or 5. This has improved my life greatly and I would highly recommend taking one or more of Grace’s packages.”

Linda of Chicago Heights

Had Energy after Three Weeks with Flu

“At the time of the live call on anti-oxidants, anti-inflammation and pain relief, I had the flu. During the session, I had lots of yawning and as well during the live session as the replay I laughed so much, it was such a funny conversation we had. Before the live session I was in my 3rd week of flu, the morning after the live session I felt so much space around my chest and had more energy than the other 3 weeks combined.

Grace, I love your integrity, your purity, your authenticity, your grace and your humor, you are a wonderful healer.”

Monique of Europe

Was Able to Cry and then Feel More Joy

“I was dealing with unworthiness, inner child issues and ancestral trauma. During the session with Grace, I felt the movement of energy in my lower body more. Was able to cry and not hold it back. Felt a release of emotions. Able to heal myself from her group and sessions! Now I feel lighter and more joyous.

Grace is a great facilitator. I have taking many of her sessions and package. She held space for many of my issues in sessions and worked on problems from in-utero development, the unconscious, inner child work and ancestral traumas. Beautiful light language and gazing sessions. She has held space in so many ways to assist me in my personal growth along with many others. So much gratitude and love for her and her work.”

Maria Yearwood of Los Angeles

About Grace Hom

Light Body Whisperer and Light Language Activator

Grace G. Hom, Light Body Whisperer and Light Language Activator, has over 20 years of combined experience in health care and alternative healing. She incorporates science, spirituality, and intuition to facilitate her clients to transform health, financial and relationship issues. Her gentle presence, profound intuition and powerful activations often awaken the intuitive gifts and light language abilities in others, making her a much sought-after mentor and teacher to lightworkers and way-showers.

Grace is internationally known for her innovative energy work with eyesight, teeth, body pain, meridian imbalances and re-imprinting states of resourcefulness that activates generative energy in the body. She works with one’s Divine Blueprint to facilitate the body to remember its own natural state of health and wholeness. Her clients often laugh and yawn to release lifetimes of traumas during their sessions. They also feel lighter and more joyous.

Grace holds sacred space for others to heal experiences of childhood abuse, chronic illness, and poverty consciousness. While no stranger to struggle and illness, Grace has healed herself of autoimmune disorders, depression, a lifelong struggle with self-acceptance, powerlessness, and poverty consciousness. Grace delights in dream tending and vision holding for a New Earth filled with peace, joy, and abundance for all. She invites all dreamers, vision holders, healers, shamans, Earth Keepers, grid workers to this expansive adventure by joining her weekly podcast: Light Body Wisdom.

Special Offer - Only $133

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.