Iona Flores

11:00 am PST
Karuna Reiki Master, Vibrational Sound Healer
Special Offer DNA Star Activations
I am a Karuna Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, and a New Life Coach. I work with the Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, and magical creatures. I use colors, frequencies, patterns, vibrations, crystals, and sound healing. I heal all emotional, mental, and physical pain in your bodies through all aspects of you in all dimensions, time and space. Your mental, emotional, physical, astral, and spiritual bodies through all timelines and realities that are all happening now. I clear all negative programs, old tapes playing, limited thought patterns, generational, ancestral programming, genetic lineage, balance your masculine and feminine energies, all chambers of your heart, father and mother healing, past lives healing, inner child healing all lives, past toxic relationship healing, karmic entanglements, vows, curses, black magic, poverty consciousness. I heal all timelines past, present, and future for all generations on both sides to be cleared of old energies. This is huge for your family lines to be cleared of all the old and making space for your new life in the new world. I then bring in your Akashic Records for you to remember your God given gifts, remember your souls purpose, remember your Star Family, and live your life using your passions and creating your new dream life that can become a reality once you’ve done these activations. I then activate your dormant DNA Strands to connect you back online to ancient time so you can reconnect with your inner wisdom and really connect to the higher dimensions, realms, seeing and feeling your spiritual family guiding you along your path. It’s time to create your new life, be the author of your magical story unfolding, you have a new canvas to paint, a new life to live, it’s time to be happy, it’s time to live your passions, it’s time to fulfill your life purpose, it’s time to stand in your light and power of your Higher Self Awareness. You can have anything you believe you deserve. Anything is possible. The Universe is trying to gift you with so many blessings so get into the flow of your true divinity and let your magnificent light shine so bright for the world to see you and all of you. “Manifestation time is playtime.”