Jewels Arnes

11:00 am PST
Founder/Creator of Eternal Gold Beauty, DECU & OMcodes
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Jewels started her walk with spirit at the age of 16 when she had a chance encounter with a woman that saw her gift as a “seer” Through the synergy of connecting with her soul family, she was revealed a method to transform cellular intelligence. With over 27 years in Vibrational Healing and multiple accreditations, Jewels’ developed her Super Power of Tracing energy patterns to find the beliefs or programs that keep us in the cycle of aging and disease.
She Created DECU Cellular Readings, OMcodes and Now EvoStar Technology. These cutting edge methods lead us to finding the true power of becoming the New Human!
Developing a delivery system for people to receive the elements that are advancing DNA with the frequencies of EvoStar, Jewels started her journey into creating outside molecular structure. This then evolved into a revolutionary method to not only support cells to age in reverse, but to give people the power to heal themselves. Wanting to bring about ground breaking changes in cellular intelligence, Jewels focuses on creating the NEW Human by teaching her Step by Step methods, to those who feel the calling to enhance the human experience.
Jewels fully stepped into the co-creation with her Divine when she heard the message, The Divine is the CEO of your cell’s intelligence. At that moment, the Jewels felt free. She moved through many trials and errors as she found herself reimaging what it is to be human. It didn’t take long for Jewels to tap into creating with Source in abstract frequency. In this space Jewels created a platform that is changing what it means to be human. She finds that unity, oneness and uplifting others is the pathway to creating a NEW Earth. As the platform evolves all who choose to be a part of this beautiful collaboration tap into a frequency that is undeniable! Unity in creation, the pathway to a New Earth is truly magical!