Jimmy Mack - Special Offer!

About This Special Offer

Co-creating Changes with a Magical Mystical Atlantean Technology

This special offer package was put together exclusively for Straight Talk for the Soul listeners to use My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™ so you can learn how to co-create magical, mystical energetic changes in all aspects of your life, including with people, places, things, pets and situations.

The items included in this special offer will teach you the same healing technique given to Jimmy Mack by Spirit after his near death experience (NDE), which he was then asked to bring out into the world. It also contains healing audios and videos where Jimmy does the clearing for you as you listen.

​How My Liquid Fish™ Dates Back to the Age of Atlantis

After he was first gifted this technique, he kept it to himself and quietly tested it while working with hundreds of clients over the phone, Skype and in person throughout an entire year before speaking about it.

He was unsure of the magnitude of power which he’d been given until the increased results became undeniable and often miraculous. He believed then that there was a true purpose for having been given this gift and that the sheer simplicity of it was what made it so unique and usable for all.

Since Jimmy’s NDE, he has continued to develop this proven technological method for making change simple and teaching and training others how to use this sacred symbol called My Liquid Fish​™

Originally the source of this information came from the Ascended Masters, several tall, bright Beings that appeared in his hospital room while he was in ICU and coding out night after night.

However, recently he was given an intuitive reading from a very gifted psychic and they had never met before and were completely unfamiliar with each other. In that reading, he was told that the actual origins of ​My Liquid Fish​​​™ date back to the Atlantean Age.

During this reading, this psychic revealed to Jimmy that he was the highest level Priest/Holy Man in Atlantis, which fits in with his strong attraction to nautical themes and all things to do with fish and water.

Jimmy now believes that this powerful “fishing” technique was formerly used back in these early Atlantean times predating most other methods or techniques likely due to its simplicity.

Jimmy believes that the reason and the purpose behind his NDE, was for him to remember, rediscover and reintroduce this technique to a world drastically in need of revitalizing hope, love, peace, and change. His new mission, to help usher in a newer, more compassionate mankind and to bring balance and harmony back to this planet.

Jimmy is dedicated to bringing more peace, love and hope, better health, and greater abundance to all — regardless of the life challenges they face and regardless of their cause or duration.

“I have never known anything so FAST, simple and dare I say fun than what I’m about to reveal to you here and it’s something that you can easily learn to heal yourself and others NOW with grace and ease.” – Jimmy

The incredibly supportive MyBeliefWorks™ audio recordings in this package will clear negative energetic weakness and strengthen positive belief statements so you can accelerate the speed of change and smooth out the bumps of life. When you listen to these statements that Jimmy has recorded which come from divine guidance, your beliefs will be changed on a conscious, unconscious, DNA, past life history, soul and all known, unknown, named and unnamed levels.

There are 4 main levels and areas that we work on:

  1. DNA level – which is just what it sounds like, cellular level down to your DNA, cells, bone marrow
  2. Core level – which is from this life, starting at conception and continuing to the present day
  3. History level – which is from all of your past lives
  4. Soul level – which I call the spirit inside of each of us that connects back up to God

There are a multitude of others that can include parallel universes, parallel dimensions and other worlds along with all known & unknown, named and unnamed levels. Ideally we want to clear the energetic debris and create changes on all of these levels so that it is deep & long lasting.

Listening to each MyBeliefWorks™ audio recording is like having a 3 hour private one-on-one session with Jimmy because changes will be facilitated for you on over 100 positive and negative belief statements for each specific topic just by listening to each 30 minute recording. Each statement comes directly from divine guidance and are encoded into each recording and will in fact change for you as you listen.

The first time you listen to the audios, we suggest you be fully engaged and aware as you are laying down or sitting quietly listening. You can then choose to listen multiple times at a low volume (not silent or on mute) or even while sleeping as a reinforcement or refresher. The negative beliefs will be extracted and the positive beliefs will be strengthened and reinforced to balance you out in a healthier way.

Special Offer Details - $111:

My Liquid Fish™ Change Made Simple™

Total Value: $420
Your Savings: 74% OFF!

ITEM 1: MyBeliefWorks™ for Discovering Your Destiny/Life’s Purpose

MP3 & PDF | Runtime: 36 Minutes | 150+ clearings | Value $87

Empowering you to open up to and discover your divinely guided destiny and fulfilling your life’s purpose. Strengthening your supportive connection to the Creator’s energy that flows through you. Allowing you to courageously follow your dreams and manifest your desires. Trusting the wisdom of your inner voice so you can gain clarity of thought and purpose. Feeling the presence of your Spirit Guides and hearing the Angel whispers that illuminate the path of your highest good on this life’s journey.

This Audio MP3 could be a game-changer if you’re still uncertain of your ultimate destiny or life’s purpose. It was designed as a download from Spirit to create more confidence for you, take out any blocks preventing you from success and to reveal to you in a gentle yet profound way, what this incarnation could be all about!!!

ITEM 2: MyBeliefWorks™ for Inspiring and Igniting Your Creative Spark

MP3 & PDF | Runtime: 30 Minutes | Over 130 clearings | Value $87

Receiving divine guidance and support for your creative endeavors as we ask your angels and guides to use you as a vessel and illuminate your path to success on the deepest levels; receiving the highest value, attracting the admiration of your talents, making a difference in the world with your work, expressing love, shining your light and knowing that your creations are on the path of your life’s purpose.

It’s also ideal to get people unstuck, releasing brain fog and getting their creative juices flowing again.

For artists, healers/empaths, musicians, writers, actors, performers, craftsmen etc… please note that without me naming each and every creative pursuit that could be you or sprinkling them in this audio, I was told and shown instead that we can move the energy, frequency, and vibration around us and blend those creative pursuit energies.

ITEM 3: MySwitchWorks Clearing Switches for New Beginnings

Video MP4  | Runtime: 33 Minutes | Value $68

In Clearing Switches for Themes of New Beginnings Jimmy groups over 100 statements into New Beginnings for Money, Career, Business, Relationships, Better Health and ended with Switches and Strengthening Positive Statements.

The energy in this video is off the charts! Watch and you’ll feel how it’s just as powerful as having been listening live. And know too that Jimmy brings in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expands and amplifies things in a much deeper way.

ITEM 4: MySwitchWorks Manifesting Dreams Into Reality

Video MP4 | Runtime: 35 Minutes | Value $68

This call was all about “Clearing Switches for Manifesting Dreams into Reality”. We separated the over 120 submissions that folks wrote in about into three different categories. 1) Outward Physical Manifestations (Body/Money/Job/Business/People) 2) Clearing Blocks to Manifestation 3) Inner-self, Spiritual Manifestations.

And know too that I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand and amplifies things in a much deeper way.

ITEM 5: Tell the Fish – 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations

Digital PDF eBook | Length: 365 pages | Value $30

7 years in the making and boasting a cover that NASA had to approve! This book is an awesome daily read of encouragement and affirmations including hundreds of real-life stories and tales. It makes a great spiritual companion piece and a great gift to any friend or family member looking for daily inspiration every day of the year. It will allow one to become more awake, invigorated and filled with positive energy.

BONUS 1: My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™ Interactive Starter Kit

5 MP3s, 1 Video & 1 PDF | Total Runtime: 1 Hour | Value $80

Learning this divinely given, fast and easy technique, and integrating it into your existing clearing/releasing routine or healing practice can profoundly increase the positive results you will achieve as a change seeker, spiritual intuitive or healing practitioner by reversing and clearing belief patterns AND you can actually SEE and FEEL the changes on the spot using applied kinesiology.

Your kit includes special audio, video and written instructions for learning and using the MLF symbol directly from Jimmy.

Special Offer - Only $111

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


“Working with Jimmy has been life changing. I have worked with many amazing healers from all across the US and there is a reason I am continuing to choose Jimmy over them. He is precise, efficient, deep, simple, effective and profound in his ability to get to the core of things and create meaningful shifts in one’s life. I am so thankful to have been guided to him and I highly recommend him. Also – his price is extremely affordable for his work- extremely. Thanks so much Jimmy!”

Michael Rabideau / Michigan

“Jimmy-thank you just isn’t enough. You have brought light to my family during the darkest of times. You have taught us to live in faith, never fear; you give us hope and encouragement to believe nothing is impossible. You are not just inspirational, your teachings are literally life changing. While it is cliche, you need to know that you truly make the world a better place, one person (or family) at a time. Much love and forever grateful.”

Kim E. / Florida

“There are many special people in my life, family, friends and clients for which I am very grateful, and then there is Mr. Jimmy Mack. Spirit flows and talks through Mr. Mack with such ease and grace that no words are enough to describe it. During these challenging times, the Corona virus, stay at home orders, work stop, protests, a word in turmoil, Mr. Mack has been my direct connection with divinity. My weekly 15 minutes with him are an oasis of divine filled with calm, hope , health and belief in better times ahead. In only 15 minutes, you come back into balance . Just trust the Spirit that brought you here, book the sessions and your life journey will change for the best! And the monthly prayers are absolutely working. The week I started the program, we had business coming back! Blessings to all!”

Lucia Prohor , New York

“Seeing Jimmy is more than just an appointment or a session, it’s an experience. Most of us are too old or jaded to believe in magic, but that is the only word that makes sense to me after being in a room with him. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and I’ve always thought of Jimmy as my “therapist.” He has the ability to get to the heart of your stuff within minutes, and help you find healing, peace, and resolutions as quickly as the universe will allow. I am forever thankful for the friend who said, “You need to go see Jimmy.”

Marissa Geraci / LMHC, Florida

“I just want to share some things with you that has recently happened. I came to you on November 6th and since then, some amazing events have taken place in my life… I got a job working with a natural wellness center, (my passion and I love the work), my boyfriend and I found the house we’ve been looking for, for the past year. We’ll be moving next month. and…. yesterday, my boyfriend proposed to me. He is the love of my life and I’m feeling so incredibly blessed. I believe you helped me remove some blockages…. Thank you. I wish you a very happy prosperous New Year. God Bless you and your family. I’ll keep in touch, and I look forward to our next visit.”

Susan Cobb

“Thank you so much for this powerful healing. I instantly felt Spirit upon me lifting me up and planting into me your good works. I felt shifts on many multidimensional planes. You have a true gift.”

Rhonda / Laguna Beach, CA

“The past few years have been difficult for me with significant life changes that have weighed heavily on my spirit. I have been listening to Jimmy’s messages as part of my daily routine and recently added his Destiny and Finding Your Life’s Purpose to my playlist. Since then so many personal and professional aspects of my life have effortlessly aligned. I feel lighter, clearer, and more connected to Source than I have in a really long time!”

Ana / Tampa FL

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to listen to your “Destiny and Life Purpose MP3”. As always, “something happens”, usually by way of a magical-type occurrence, within a few days of your “downloads”. This time it was exactly 3 days after listening, and came by way of a phone call. For years I have been trying to add my “spiritual energy work” along beside my thriving real estate career. A new friend called to ask if I would like to have every Friday at her beautiful healing center! Now I can plan to see clients there once a week (for starters) in a perfect location and setting. Of course, the monthly rate she is charging me is just right, too! This MP3 is not messing around in directing us straight to our divine blueprint! Thank you for these powerful, carefully chosen words that are just waiting to be absorbed and quickly manifested by us!”


“WOW! I literally felt like I was having an energy bath as I was listening to this. I felt like layers of trauma and limiting thoughts were being released – being replaced with possibility and calming energy. There were some statements that resonated so deeply I felt tears in my eyes of joy. Yes, “why THANK YOU Jimmy, I AM magical!” It felt like the clearing was allowing me to claim what my soul knows but my brain gets in the way of me claiming. I can see listening repeatedly with these statements in the background because I know there are more layers to shed. I can feel this deeply healing very limited ways of thinking, patterns and past stories. In doing so, we are opening to the unlimitedness of our soul, self-love and all we truly deserve and are ready to claim! I am excited to listen more and feel the truth of these statements sink in even deeper! ”

Jenny Mannion / NY

“I love your new My Belief Works! The tracks are incredible, empowering, and really dig in deep to unleash the brightest light within the listener. I am so grateful for this, and it could not have been released at a more perfect time. I am looking forward to going for a walk in the desert and listening to the General Questions download, it looks amazing from what I’ve read of it. Thank you for including it as a bonus, I will certainly put it to use.”


“This is another fantastic topic to get clarity. I have been in a rut career wise for awhile. I have been definitely considering another option, just not sure what. After listening to this, a contact my friend had referred to me called. My friend had been talking about having him call for a few months. He called the day after I listened to this. It is an amazing career opportunity and I feel very aligned with the values of the company and the product. Jimmy Mack really covers all of the potential blocks to clear them and replaces them with divine energy. What a blessing! Much gratitude and love!”

Kathryn M. / Gulfport, FL

“Listening to this audio MP3 generated sensations of both hot flashes and cold chills that I can only attribute to spirit working on me. Having listened several times now, each experience is distinct and renewed in me the faith that my life’s purpose and destiny will be revealed. I feel more at peace and calm than ever before.”

David .G. / New Jersey

About Jimmy Mack

Medical Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach

Jimmy Mack is a renowned medical intuitive and spiritual life coach who has taken, completed and even mastered a variety of healing modalities. After a near death experience, he was divinely shown and then developed a simpler way to create healing and profound transformational changes faster now known as My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™. He is the author of 9 books, over 30 energetic clearing and healing audio MP3’s on a variety of self-improvement topics, he offers a Mastery & Practitioner Certification Program and he hosted a weekly radio show called The Jimmy Mack Healing Show for over 5 years. Jimmy works worldwide with clients in person, on the phone and over Skype accessing energetic powers and co-creating changes that they can actually feel.

Special Offer - Only $111

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.