Kimberly Marooney
October 18, 2019
11:00 am PST
11:00 am PST
Spiritual Teacher and Author
Special Offer Complete Set of 7 Archangel Activations
The angels are at it again! When angels want a new energy on earth, they go to Kimberly Marooney. Her beloved Angel Blessings Cards are the best example, having touched hundreds of thousands of readers. Now Kimberly’s twelfth book is out! The Little Book of Angel Healing: First Aid from the Heavenly Realms! Rev. Dr. Kimberly is the founder of and President of Gateway.University, a School for the Study of Higher Consciousness. Kimberly joyously shares the love, healing, and blessings of the angels internationally. And, she lives in the Port of Angels, of course.