Lorie Ladd - Special Offer!

Special Offer Details - $97:

Journey Into the Stars

  • 7 recorded Journey’s connecting you to Star Beings and your Star Family. Experience and engage with Higher Dimensional Light Beings.
  • 5 Journey’s with individual Star Beings.
  • 1 Journey connecting you to your Star Family
  • 1 Journey experiencing a Star Activation Chamber.

Journey with the Sirians: 47 minutes | MP3

  • Connect and feel the Sirian Star Beings
  • Receive a potent Light Body scan shifting your vibrational field
  • Activate your 7 energy centers within your form

Journey with the Arcturians: 50 minutes | MP3

  • Connect and feel the Arcturian Star Beings
  • Learn a Healing technique to release physical, emotional, and mental pain
  • Experience a powerful blue healing light wash over your physical body

Journey with the Cassiopia Star System: 52 minutes | MP3

  • Connect and feel the Cassiopia Star Beings
  • Connect to the Spark of Source Light within you.
  • Relax, breath and release the pressure, stress, judgements, beliefs that run our lives

 Journey with the Pleiadians: 50 Minutes | MP3

  • Connect and feel the Pleiadian Star Beings
  • Experience a powerful Pleiadian activation within the Heart Center (4th Chakra)
  • Reconnect, remember and feel your Self as the Light Being within your physical vessel

Journey with the Blue Avians: 42 Minutes | MP3

  • Connect and feel the Blue Avian Star Beings
  • Experience a powerful Blue Avian Healing Chamber
  • Release and/or heal any emotional, physical or mental pain that no longer serves you

Guided Journey to Meet your star family: 70 Minutes | MP3

  • Journey into the 5th dimensional Lemurian portal within Mount Shasta
  • Reconnect and communicate with your Star Family and Guides standing side by side with you
  • Experience a powerful manifestation exercise with your Higher Self.

Star Activation Chamber: 70 Minutes | MP3

  • Journey into Telos, the 5th dimensional Lemurian portal within Mount Shasta
  • Activate your dormant Star Lineage within your cells and DNA
  • Align and Activate your 15 energy centers

Special Offer - Only $97

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


“Your recorded journeys have helped me so much in confirming what I’ve been feeling, reassuring me when I’m going through a rough patch and reminding me of my Star Family. I could feel the love coming from the star beings and masters and guides…it was so powerful and emotional each time. I could also feel a knowing that I’m not even scratching the surface of the amount of love they have for me and all of us. I have been becoming more and more aware of how blocked my heart is and has been my entire life but knowing what is there for me to let in is just so incredible and I know that I am healing and clearing those blocks every day. You have made this journey so much easier for me, knowing what is happening and surrendering to it and changing my perspective of the pain and triggers and the trauma being released. You are such a beautiful light. Your recordings have helped me to begin to connect with my Star Family and to not be so upset when I don’t feel anything but to just let it be and trust and surrender. I love how authentic and honest you are and how empowering your journeys are, it’s so comforting and reassuring. I’m so excited to learn more about my star family and who I am and what my mission and purpose is. I’m connecting more and learning to surrender and trust and to feel more worthy and you have helped me so much with that and I hope you’re feeling the love and gratitude Lorie, I appreciate you so much!”

Amber U.

“Thank you so much for that incredible journey with the Pleiadians. My experience was so incredibly amazing and powerful! So overwhelmed with feeling all that love and how much we are supported! It felt like I was guided there to download all those frequencies not just for myself but to teach this as well! I got exactly what I needed and I feel more ready than ever to ground into my mission here as a lightworker.”

Letizia M.

“Omg Lorie. Thank you so much for the guided journey with the Sirians. I truly had such a beautiful experience. I felt so much Love and Gratitude. In my soul I didn’t realize how alone I felt on this Journey. As I sometimes feel like I don’t know the whole story and Im picking up pieces as I go along. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t do the lightwork I do because I don’t even understand what’s happening. But I felt so loved and supported like I could finally be my true self. And I wept and wept in that space of Love and Gratitude for like a solid 15 minutes. It was all tears of Joy though.”

Katie F.

“Thank you for an amazing journey with my Star Family. My personal journey involved so many heavy downloads and activations. I felt nothing but peace and calm. I saw colors and figures of very tall light beings everywhere. I was really able to feel the energy, which was not too overwhelming. It was perfectly orchestrated by my Higher Self. I felt so supported. I know that Yeshua was standing with me, along with Mary Magdalene, and daughter Sarah. I did not want to leave! It felt so good basking in such wonderful energy and being in such a beautiful space. I will strive to attain that feeling while going within.”

Cheryl S.

“Thank you for amazing journey with the Pleiadians. These journeys that I am participating in are slowly guiding me step by step, enabling me to stay on my destined path. I am so grateful for the awareness and clear sight I am gifted with every journey I take with you. I am grateful for your willingness to be the catalyst. Without you being willing to do this, so many people would still be searching for ways to meet their destinies. You help expedite the process, at least with me anyway. Also, I realized that with each journey new doors open in subtle ways. As you mentioned, it is a process. As we move into higher frequencies it will be easier to connect. When I meditate now I am able to “see” clearer visions, mostly pertaining to me and my healing abilities. Thank you!”

Cheryl F.

“Thanks for the awesome journey with the Acturians. I really appreciate the energetic transmission. Interestingly, I started tearing up even before you began the meditation. And throughout the journey, I continued tearing/crying, the journey has touched something deep within me that is beyond words. I got especially emotional when the Beings acknowledged the challenge of being in a physical body. I could feel a lot energies during the journey. I sensed many light beings around me and they seem to know me. I asked them for help on a few things that I am trying to manifest in my current life. I am really grateful to have come across your work. Thank you!”

Yen S.

“My brightest joy in taking this trip with you, Lorie, is that now I know my family. I’m not lost anymore and it’s comforting. I cannot express my gratitude to you in words. I send you wishes on the bandwidth as your call to service has changed my life.”

Vicki M.

About Lorie Ladd

Ascension Guide and Cosmic Translator

Lorie is an Ascension Guide and a Multi-Dimensional Channel. She reconnects you to your Galactic Guides and Star Family, assists in the remembrance of who you are and why you are her and provides tools and guidance in moving you forward on your evolutionary path awakening to your multi-dimensionality.

Lorie takes the complexity of ascension and grounds it into simple and easy digestible concepts. She teaches on ascension, multi-dimensional living and transitioning into the fifth dimension. Lorie bridges the gap between you and your Galactic Star family, translating their light language into human language and providing a deeper understanding of your purpose and path.

Today, Lorie dedicates her life to assisting humanity in this planetary shift. Her greatest prayer is that you remember who you are, why you are here and all the Beings of Light that are supporting you. Lorie is honored to be walking side by side with all of you.

Special Offer - Only $97

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.