Lorie Ladd

Air Date: 05/19/2020
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About Lorie Ladd

Lorie is an Ascension Teacher and a Multi-Dimensional Channel. She re-connects you to your Guides and Family of Light, assists in the remembrance of who you are, why you are her and provides tools and guidance moving you into your multi-dimensionality.

Lorie teaches on ascension, multi-dimensional Being and transitioning into 5D consciousness. Lorie takes the complexity of ascension and grounds it into simple and easy digestible concepts. She takes the complexity of ascension and grounds it into simple and easy digestible concepts. She

Today, Lorie dedicates her life assisting humanity in this planetary awakening, Her greatest prayer is that you remember who you are, why you are here and all the Beings of Light that are supporting you. Lorie is honored to be walking side by side with you during this miraculous shift in consciousness.