Macaya Miracle - Special Offer!

Special Offer Details - $127:

Ascend into Infinite Consciousness

Total Value: $1797
Your Savings: 93% OFF!

Uplevel your life and spirituality with this set of Video Healings, Clearings and Activations designed to Accelerate Your Ascension, Open and Activate Your Intuition, Spiritual Gifts and Psychic Abilities.  You will Activate Your Crystalline Light Body and DNA, Open to New Healing Energies, Open Clear and Activate Your 3rd, 4th and 5th Eyes (Activating Your Psychic Abilties) and so much more!!!

Item #1: Learn to Channel Your Infinite Self

Video – 75 Minutes

Learn to Receive Messages from Your Infinite Self. Open to the Infinite Wisdom Your Infinite Self Has for You. Learn a New Method of Channeling Your Infinite Self that Will Allow You to Receive Clear and Direct Messages.

Item #2: Infinite Energy Upgrade

Video – 75 Minutes

Activate Your Ability to Easily Be, Receive and Channel Infinite Energy. Upgrade Your Energy Systems to Easily Handle the Light of Your Infinite Self. Naturally Increase Your Physical Energy and Become Younger.

Item #3: Activate Your Infinite Spiritual Gifts and Abilities

Video – 75 Minutes

Learn from Your Infinite Self What Your Unique Gifts and Abilities Are. Receive an Activation from Your Infinite Self to Activate and Gain Access to these Gifts and Abilities. Easily Increase Your Intuition.

Item #4: Inner Voice to Infinite Self Guidance Activation

Video – 75 Minutes

Permanently Turn Off the Critical Voice in Your Head. Learn to Listen to a Voice that Loves You Infinitely. Create New Pathways that Naturally Allows Your Infinite Self to Be the Voice that Guides You.

Item #5: Infinite Self Healing Transmission

Video – 75 Minutes

Experience a Healing Directly from Your Infinite Self. Clear Your Blocks to Your Ascension. Accelerate Your Evolution and Step into Infinite Love.

Item #6: Infinite Self Embodiment Transcendence

MP3 – 75 Minutes

Learn What it Takes to Live as Your Infinite Self. Receive an Infinite Self Transcendence Activation. Merge and Naturally Become One with Your Infinite Self.

Item #7: Learn to See Energy and Activate Your 3rd, 4th and 5th Eyes

Video – 75 Minutes

Learn About and Activate Your 3rd, 4th and 5th Eyes. Activate Your Ability to See Energy. Learn to See the World the Way Infinite Consciousness Does.

Item #8: Learn to Tell the Future

Video – 75 Minutes

Access Your Intuitive Abilities to Know What to Do, Say and Create to Keep You on an Ever Expanding Path into More Bliss. Learn to Easily Read the Energy of Dates to Decide Which Date/Month Will Be the Best Time to Do Something. Be Confident Knowing What Your Decisions will Create In the Future.

Item #9: Learn to Access Your Past Lives

Video – 75 Minutes

Easily Access, View and Heal Your Past Life Traumas. Heal and Propel Your Current Life Forward Through Healing Your Past Lives. Clear Contracts and Vows From Your Past Lives.

Item #10: Part 1, and Part 2: Learn to Communicate with Your Spirit Guide

Videos – 75 Minutes

Activate Your Angel Chakra. Learn to Communicate and Receive Messages from Your Spirit Guide. Start to See More Signs from Your Spirit Guide in Your Life.

Item #11: Learn to Access Your Future Lives

Video – 75 Minutes

See What Life Will be Like in the Future. See What You Need to Heal in Your Current Life to Make the Future Even More Amazing and Easy for You. Open the Door to More Healing in Your Current Life Through Healing Your Future Lives.

Item #12: Learn to Go On Cosmic Healing Journeys

Video – 75 Minutes

Learn to Receive Your Own Activations and Healings. Meet and Receive Guidance from Your Cosmic Personal Healing Team. Access the Realm of Infinite Consciousness to Heal Your Life.

Item #13: Crystalline Merkaba Activation

Video – 75 Minutes

Turn On the Anti-Aging Systems in the Body. Easily Release Old Limiting Emotions. Increase the Number and Frequency of Synchronicities in Your Life.

Item #14: Crystalline Star Light Activation

Video – 75 Minutes

Become in Harmonic Alignment with the Universe. Learn to Use the Star Light Energies for Healing, For Attracting Connection and to Easily Fall Asleep. Open Yourself to More Receiving in Your Life.

Item #15: Crystalline DNA Activation

Video – 75 Minutes

Activate the Immortality Codes. Increase Your Energy Levels. Step into Infinite Health.

Item #16: Crystalline Cellular Regeneration Activation

Video – 75 Minutes

Start the Regeneration Process to Regenerate Your Body to It’s Optimum Function. Increase the Flexibility and Ease in Your Joints. Look and Feel Younger.

Item #17: Crystalline Sound Healing Activation

Video – 75 Minutes

Align with the Harmonics of Ascended Mastery. Clear Blocks in Your Energy Field and Physical Body. Embody a New Level of Spiritual Light.

Item #18: Crystalline Axiatonal Meridian Activation

Video – 75 Minutes

Become Connected to the Cosmic Grid That Connects All Life. Increase Your Manifestation Power. Have More Energy in Your Body and Energy Field Than You Ever Imagined Possible.

Special Offer - Only $127

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


WOW, WOW, WOW… Feeling Completely Connected!

“WOW WOW WOW!!!! I felt something I have never felt in a mediation/activation before …this magnetic (literally felt like a magnet) pull from the earth into my feet. Like my feet were FIXED TO THE FLOOR. Not like I couldn’t move them if I wanted too but more like the earth and I were COMPLETELY CONNECTED and I was receiving support and healing from it… INCREDIBLE THANK YOU Macaya!!!”


Immense Release of Past Life Baggage

“I had the pleasure of discovering Macaya and Vandana via The Accelerated Light Radio Show. I was immediately impressed by the otherworldly high vibrations radiating from these divine beings, and a certain calmness ensued, as healing energies were received, without even asking. After working up the nerve to call in, I was blessed with knowledge, uncovered, that only I was aware of regarding past lives, as well as a profound healing, facilitated individually by both Vandana and Macaya. This immense release of past life baggage made me feel immediately 100lbs lighter, and continues to unfold within, as time passes, leading me to a much brighter and more positive outlook on all things. This, from a simple radio show phone-in, in a very short time. I have studied many healers over the years, yet these make most pale in comparison, I recommend their services to any and all, who may wish to restore their life, as you simply could not be in better or safer hands.”


Like Rubber Bands Released from My Shoulders

“It was like rubber bands released from my shoulders and they relaxed and dropped down instantly after that clearing! I normally have loud ringing in my ears and now it’s pretty much gone.”


Fantastic Expansion of Spirit… Life Is so Magical!!

“Aloha Macaya, Thank you so much for my Amazing healing!!!! I am feeling such clarity, peace and excitement for what I am about to create. I have noticed such an Expansion of my Spirit and it is so Fantastic. The same day of my healing with you I received a Call from the guy I told you about. I am very happy he has connected with me again! Life is so Magical!! Thank you for your previous time, beautiful energy and Powerful Insight”


Loving Energy Felt Through the Chakras

“My face feels lighter and I feel a loving energy through my crown chakra, throat chakra, 3rd, 4th, and 5th eyes, and heart chakra. It feels beautiful and very loving. The energy feels familiar to me, soothing and energizing. Thank you so much, Macaya.”


Now Singing Effortlessly

“Words cannot express how thankful I am for the life-changing experiences that have been happening to me since I’ve been listening to the rich healing mp3’s. I’m a singer, and after doing the throat chakra healing activation, I have such a deeper voice, more depth and a richness to my voice that I never had before. I am singing effortlessly now. I’ve been training my voice for years, but there have been unconscious beliefs and fears, things I didn’t know that were blocking me, from letting the fullness of my voice come out. I am completely blown away and astonished.

The throat chakra healing has also allowed me to speak up. I’m being vocal now, not holding things back and that has been enormous for me. I used to hold back and I wouldn’t say what I really wanted to say in the moment. Now I am and it is highly profound. As a performer, I have become more dynamic and compelling in the moment. I am shocked by this whole new other level of talent I am discovering. I didn’t know I could be so free on stage. I can’t thank you enough for all the great things these healings have brought to my life. Thank you so much.”


Mind-Blowing Healing Activation

“I recently received a RICH healing activation and it was mind blowing! I felt a real mind-shift, as if my brain was “clicked” into balance. I sensed a letting go of my barriers and body armor. I now feel ready to take action on a path that I was confused about. I highly recommend a session!”


Wonderful Breakthrough! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!

“Awesome call, thanks so much for being a huge contribution to my life and blossoming consciousness! A few minutes after talking with you all, I received the sensation in my gut in a new way. It felt like a fist (my brother used to punch me there) and I just collapsed around it, and perceived that I’ve been refusing like EVERYTHING even air …even breathing… wonderful breakthrough! Thanks, thanks, thanks!”


Expansive and Soft, Powerful Energy

“For years I have been doing all kinds of modalities. In no other modality have I felt such ease and space and knowing that the Universe is in it with me. No mind needed. No intention. No signs or chants or numbers. Just asking for it. Such an expansive and soft and powerful energy. I am so grateful. Thank you for sharing this. I knew something else was possible and now I know it and I use it — and I love it!”


Released into True Expression

“Thank you for sharing that live stream with me. I feel so free and connected to my divinity and divine blueprint seed… Thank you for the beautiful work you, do both of you. I felt the light of Heaven take away all the 3D illusions I was living in and release me into the true expression of who I am.”


Feel Good, Positive, Hopeful

“I just can’t thank you enough for sharing your tools and taking the time to help me. After feeling bad/stuck for six years, I finally feel good, positive and hopeful. Once I get a job and funds, I definitely want to continue playing with you!! No words can express my gratitude but… THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! You ROCK!”


Recurring Fears Gone

“Emotionally I feel better, recurring fear seems to be gone. I am definitely more open to loving my body and starting to feel okay being quite thin. I also RICH whatever comes forward and generally judge my body much less. More confident. My spine and hip feel better.”


Wrist Healed and Pain Free

“Several things happened: the next day my Mother was responding to me differently almost as if the perspectives that I held on to for so long never existed…. Yeah!! Then by Sunday I noticed my wrist on the left arm was completely healed as I was moving very pain free and was able to put on a tighter pair of gloves without pain…. Yeah!!!”


About Macaya Miracle

Energy Healer, Co-Creator of Accelerated Light Healing

Macaya Miracle is an inspired energy healer, teacher, musician, aspiring kundalini yogi and entrepreneur. After spending over a decade helping businesses and corporations create web sites, Macaya jumped off the cliff when he let go of his web design clients and became an internationally renowned teacher and facilitator of energy healing and mentor to spiritual people who want increase their healing abilities and accelerate their ascension process.

Macaya is the CEO and founder of Being Joy!, a company dedicated to helping spiritual people uncover their unique spiritual gifts, heal their emotional trauma and ascend with ease!!!

In 2007, Macaya launched his healing and counseling business that would activate his clients in to a state of creativity, inspiration and bliss. He also trains spiritually inspired people in advanced energy healing tools all over the world.

He is the Co-creator of Accelerated Light Healing.  A set of tools and processes to help you heal your body, mind and spirit, activate your spiritual and intuitive abilities, clear your limiting beliefs and create what you want in your life with total ease.

Macaya has been trained in 32 modalities of healing and created/channeled 73 new modalities of healing.  In his sessions he uses Accelerated Light Healing as he has found it creates the greatest change in the shortest amount of time.  He will, from time-to-time, bring in the tools of the other modalities he has access to when they will create an even greater change.

Special Offer - Only $127

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.