Nora Herold - Special Offer!
Special Offer Details - $97:
Operating from Joy – A Pleiadian Perspective on Life on Earth at this Time
Connecting with Your Guides – Channeling 101
Video Workshop
Four MP4s
In this video workshop Nora and the Pleiadians offer information, exercises, and energetic support in facilitating your own connection with your guides, angelic helpers, and the other extra-dimensionals available to you at this time. This workshop is appropriate for all levels of experience, from someone who is completely new to channeling to those of you who are already well on your way. This video is currently only available via this special offer
Integration and Re-Ascension
Two Day Workshop
Four MP3’s
“The Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, Enara, Calliandra, and Other High Vibrational Beings share their perspectives and present extensive information about the shift in the current operating system, operating as heart centered beings, the merging of the third and fifth dimensional energies into the chakra system including the lower chakras, the manifestation process at this time and the purpose of the lower chakras in the manifestation of physical experiences and realities, the use of foresight to access multiple possible eventualities, breakdown of the dimensional matrix, the 8th dimension, creating a blueprint for an incarnation, karmic contracts and placing the self in a karmic state of grace, energetic implants, the mental body vs. intelligence, and much, much more.
Woven into and throughout the channeled lecture are many powerful processes and techniques including the facilitation of the merging of the third and fifth dimensional energies and the integration of that merge into the lower chakra systems, the deactivation and removal of energetic implants that keep us aligned with the third dimensional vibration and reality, instantaneous manifestation, healing, and many others.
This recording also contains processes and direction to help you establish and further your own direct contact with your guides, the angelics, e.t. collectives, and all of the other high vibrational beings offering their support at this time. Specific information and processes were given to help you with direct voice channeling.”
Workshops – 8 Part Series
1 “Winter Solstice Transmission – A Third Chakra Attunement”
One MP3
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, & Others share their perspectives on the incoming transmission of energy currently being processed and integrated specific to the solstice, how this transmission is interacting with our third chakras in offering us an evolutionary identity shift, the second chakra adjustment that will also occur as a result of this transmission, a rundown of energetic and reality shifts since the summer solstice transmission, the deactivation of all enslavement and enslaver programs, the upgrades in our manifestation process, the illusion of darkness, the increase of light and decrease of darkness in the polarity, collaborative manifestation, contracts and how they are created, freedom from the perspective that contracts are non-negotiable, the breakdown of the third dimensional mental body, the magnitude of our current evolutionary experience, current life review, the “new year” and releasing attachments to that program, power, the deactivation of all species oriented programs allowing for a deeper integration of Oneness, the emerging of the higher reality through third dimensional density, clearing depression, the multi-dimensional manifestation experience, the shift in the physical experience, inviting the faeries into your space, sex, relationships, and much, much, much more.
Processes were offered throughout, including one given by the Pleiadians facilitating the deactivation of any filters remaining in the third dimensional mental body allowing for the integration of the solstice energies and the higher self into the third chakra.
2 “Sex, Sexuality, Your Creator Energy, & Relationships – A Second Chakra Attunement”
Two MP3s
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, & Others share their perspectives on the shift occurring in our sexual operating systems moving us from a 3d experience of sex and running our sexual energy to a 5d experience, our creator energy, enslavement programs installed in our second chakras, the energetic orgasm, greater self acceptance, shame, the specific vibrational experience of joy in the second chakra, the energetic experience vs. the physical experience, the multi-dimensional experience of sex and relationships, recent and ancient history of the human’s sexual operating system, the original operating system, procreation as an enslavement program, the “in love” experience, feeling “in love” without attachment to any particular story, the linear experience of relationships, the energetic detangling process, soul-mates, the disinterest in the sexual experience, the need for more communication and acceptance, sharing records, finding “The One”, the purpose of sex in the third dimension, partners as partnerships for the purposes of transformation, the emotional roller coaster ride of the 3d romantic/sexual relationship, healing trauma, attracting a partner, and much, much more.
Processes were offered throughout, including one that further integrates the experience of confidence into the third chakra. The Pleiadians then moved on to the second chakra work, offering an extremely powerful process that deactivates enslavement programs, clears trauma, activates the vibration of joy, and enables the energetic orgasmic experience.
3 “Prosperity, Your Body & Your Physical Reality- A First Chakra Attunement”
Two MP3s
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, & Others share their perspectives on the integration of the higher self, the re-ascension process, and the physical manifestation of this being birthed into our reality, the creator being experience that is currently available to us, the power of the three, accessing creator abilities in the second chakra, the enslavement programs regarding the illusion of the lower nature of the physical reality, the physical sensations of the energetic experience, the light available in the illusion of density, global climate change and how that has facilitated our coming together as a collective, true prosperity, money, money as a tool for enslavement, debt, manifestation in the now, the need to detach from money and the manifestation of our reality, the collective shift that occurred around the year 2000 from the individual acquisition of prosperity to a collective desire for health and prosperity, our bodies, healing, pain, depression, food and issues with food, aging, physical death, power, integration of power, abuses of power, power as light, resistance in the form of pushing and stagnation, being in a state of allowing, ancestral memories and genetic programs being triggered specifically by the sibling relationship shifting from 3d transactions to 5d transactions, and much, much more.
Processes were offered throughout, including a first chakra attunement that triggers the vibration and frequency of excitement in that energy center, allowing one to manifest from a grounded place of excitement. Continued adjustments were offered in the second and third chakras as well.
4 “Summer Solstice Transmission – A Heart and Fifth Chakra Attunement”
Two MP3s
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, & Others share their perspectives on the Summer Solstice energies and how they will impact our heart chakras and communication centers (throat chakras), the integration of the vibrations of compassion into the 4th chakra and freedom into the 5th chakra, the use of the voice, telepathy, the accessing of records, the experience of channeling, the Orion Wars and a new level of healing available to all on Earth as of this Solstice, the significance and rarity of the solstice and the full moon occurring on the same day, oneness and the ability to hold that state of oneness on a regular basis, the use of the voice to speak one’s reality into being, the blending of the third and fifth dimensional identities into the lower chakra system and the opening of that process into the upper chakra system, the fifth dimensional energetic body and fifth dimensional chakra system enabling access to fifth dimensional technologies within the experience of third dimensional density, an overview of the progress of the shift going back to 2007, the higher rate of consciousness occurring on Earth, judgement as a mental experience, empathy and the ease in operating as empathic at this time, affirmations and manifestation, and much, much more.
Processes were offered throughout, including a fourth and fifth chakra attunement that triggers the vibrations of compassion and freedom in each chakra respectively. The Pleiadians also also offered a facilitation of the experience of the vibration of celebration allowing for an “in the body” ecstatic state.
5 “Third Eye Activation – A Sixth Chakra Attunement”
Two MP3s
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, Metatron & Others share their perspectives on the sixth chakra and the third eye, the activation of the vibratory rate of power in the sixth chakra coupled with the activation of joy in the second chakra and compassion in the fourth chakra, a historical perspective on the disabling and filtering of the third eye technology and why those agreements were made, abuses of power and the deactivation of the third eye technology, the clearing of trauma related to the fall of Atlantis, the weaponization of the third eye technology, the enslavement game, the grounding of the third eye technology, accessing memory both individual and collective, using the technology of the third eye as a being of service, comparing and contrasting vs. sharing experiences and the benefit of sharing from a space of non-judgement, the activation of the projection technology in the third eye allowing us to begin manipulating the consciousness around us via the projection of specific vibratory rates and frequencies into our field, the appearance of blue light and blue beings and their connection to Metatron, interpreting data received by the third eye, telepathy, healing abilities, connection and contact with other beings, visually connecting with other lifetime alters, utilizing the vibratory rate of confidence and much, much more.
The Pleiadians offer a lengthy process and attunement which clears, and activates the third eye/sixth chakra. This activation is an extremely powerful one and will require a bit of time to fully integrate and appreciate. Other processes and activations were also offered throughout this groundbreaking session.
6 “Equinox Activation- A Seventh Chakra Attunement & Total System Adjustment”
Two MP3s
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, & Others share their perspectives on the seventh chakra and the activation of the vibratory rates of expansion and connection within the seventh chakra, the blending of the third and fifth dimensional identities, more information on the third eye, the physical actualization of the energetic vibratory rates, manifestation, the projection of all vibratory rates via the third eye, receiving in the manifestation process, connections with specific e.t. races and other forms of energy, the shift from our existence as carbon based life forms to crystalline based life forms, vibrational compatibility, the releasing of trauma related to the Inter-Galactic conflicts, compassion and the need to activate the vibratory rate of compassion in the heart center on a regular basis, the Equinox and the effects of the equinox transmission, the period of time that will follow the Equinox, the unpacking of technology already contained within, inviting in specific assistance, Oneness and connection, running discernment, working energetically to alter the physical body, being new now in each now moment, the development of the fifth dimensional mental body, a recap of the upgrades in the operating system initiated on the Winter Solstice of 2015, and much, much more.
The Pleiadians offer a lengthy process and attunement which clears, and activates the seventh chakra, and then proceed to offer a total system adjustment blending and expanding the third and fifth dimensional energetic bodies. This activation is an extremely powerful one and will require a bit of time to fully integrate and appreciate. Other processes and activations were also offered throughout this session.
7 “Winter Solstice Transmission – Operate from Joy”
Two MP3s
The Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, and Others share their perspectives on Earth as the epicenter of a massive shift taking place across the universe, the experience of accessing the totality of the universe within the self, the reactivation of the living library, the Orion wars and the fragmentation that occurred as a part of that conflict, the activation of the Lyran/Lemurian codes in our DNA offering an experience of oneness in the physical body, using the vibratory rate of joy as a way to establish oneness, the real and grounded experience of operating from joy, operating from joy as an essential piece of the integration and re-ascension process, the experience of raising our vibration, telepathic transfer of technologies, the significance of 44 and 444 during this Solstice, the Solstice transmission and how it will alter us, how much our mental bodies need to be aware of to be able to shift, the massive transmutation of fear and trauma underway, the shift in our sexual operating systems, integrating operating from joy into our day to day realities, how the emotional experience will shift as a result of maintaining the default setting of joy, water as a conductor of the vibration of joy, the first Earth, Atlantis, Lemuria, and much, much more.
The Pleiadians offer a number of processes throughout including an activation of the vibratory rate of joy throughout the entire third and fifth dimensional operating systems, resetting our default vibration to joy.
8 “Vernal Equinox Transmission – Amplify Your Joy”
Two MP3s
The Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, and Others share their perspectives on the massive timeline jump underway and our process of syncing up with this new reality, the amplification technology being activated in our throat chakras and how to use that technology, our manifestation process and the “I am” statement, the use of toning as a way to integrate and transmute, how what you say affects your reality, aligning specific vibratory rates and frequencies with your words, venting and all forms of communication, enabling telepathic abilities, the acceleration at hand, using your discernment and detaching from ideas around “new information”, blending of the 3D and 5D systems allowing direct access to the oversoul, the overuse of the the throat chakra and the exhaustion that is a result of that, trauma in the throat chakra as a result of the implants and filters in place that disallow telepathic communication, the chaos in the outer reality as a manifestation of the trauma in the throat chakra, dark matter, giving yourself permission to use your voice, uses and abuses of power, abundance, prosperity, and detaching from the trap of money, “talking to yourself”, expansion of clairvoyant abilities, activation of the fifth dimensional mental body, the divine masculine energy, and much, much more.
The Pleiadians offer a lengthy process that facilitates the deactivation of implants and filters in the throat chakra as well activating the amplification technology in the throat chakra and aligning us with the new timeline available to us and our ability to use our throats as a tool for manifestation.
About Nora Herold