Raquel Spencer

October 28, 2019
11:00 am PST

Energetic Electrician & Quantum Mechanic

Special Offer None Available At This Time

Referred to as a Multidimensional Energy Electrician and  Cellular Light & Sound Specialist, her skills come from Direct access to higher states of consciousness and memory.

Utilizing skills from lifetimes as a Hathor, Tibetan Monk, Atlantean Atla-Ra Priestess, knowledge from the original 13 Etheric Crystal Skulls and many cosmic / universal expressions, she unlocks your Human Super Computer to embody the highest level of your Divine Essence.

Recognized by Shamans, High Priest/Priestess and Lamas alike, Raquel has traveled the world following her guidance to facilitate the awakening of Light workers, Star-seeds and seekers of universal truths.

Assisting thousands around the globe, she helps you accelerate your Spiritual Awakening and Expanding Your Consciousness.

Through Ancient & Light languages, codes, downloads and more…, her multidimensional activations accelerate the return to YOUR original blueprint as a Divine Human.

Her no-nonsense approach provides a refreshing and grounded pathway for personal growth.  Calling herself a Spiritual Warrior, her tagline says it all… “Guiding you through the B.S. and beyond so you can get on with what you’re here to do!”