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Show Information and Feedback
- What is the Feminine Core Wound and how can we heal it?
- Be a guiding force in awakening! Use Lemurian Chakras to clear the Feminine Core Wound and return to BALANCE!
- RELEASE the burdens, traumas and patterns of persecution & Remember YOUR Lemurian Heart!
- Leave behind the old stories, break free from what no longer serves you AND Remember the wondrous, deserving feminine light that you are!
- GET IGNITED & Let Your True Sacred Divine Feminine Energy and Essence Emerge!
Participate in a POWERFUL channeled message from SanRa and the LEMURIAN PRIESTESS CIRCLE OF 13 as they explain the Feminine Core Wound and take us deeply into ourselves to help heal the trauma of the Sacred Feminine due to eons of suppression and violence against women.The Priestesses have recently shown SanRA that the activation of a NEW LEMURIAN CHAKRA, the chakra of the Great Cosmic Mother, is KEY to healing our Feminine Core Wound, by helping us break free from old collective patterns we are holding for humanity.
About SanRa
SanRa is a Lemurian Priestess in the Lemurian Priestess Circle of 13, an ascended group of priestesses bringing forth the wisdom of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. She is a voice channel for her priestess group and has been doing spiritual healing work with clients for 30 years. SanRa has recently been guided to lead Lemurian women’s circles and mixed groups to assist mother earth and humanity in their ascension process. Star Beings, Ascended Masters, Angels and Councils of Light throughout the universe work through SanRa to support us in our spiritual growth. She is dedicated to helping us move forward on our spiritual paths and re-establish paradise on earth in our new Golden Age.