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TAKE FLIGHT BEACONS OF LIGHT! We are singing a song of gratitude for SanRA! What a powerful and potent sharing, transmission and stream of cosmic energy that came through!! Allow yourself to receive the keys to awaken YOUR Cosmic Codes so you can SAFELY SOAR IN SERVICE AS A STABILIZER during these transformational times on our planet! SanRa highlighted the necessary energy to help prepare you for this transition so you have the opportunity to be in your divinely designed supporting role! We invite you to take your place in this sacred time of immense transformation on Earth. SanRa also provided an explanation of Wesak and the 3 Spring Holy Days, plus shared information on earth’s spiritual “government”, as well as what to anticipate we move through this great planetary Logos transition (as Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus return to Venus and Buddha steps into his new role as our new planetary logos on may 15th, 2022.) In esoteric thought, Wesak is considered the most sacred day of the year. SanRa shared much on this AND offered a POWERFUL transmission to propel you further on your spiritual EVOLUTIONARY JOURNEY!
“I felt like I went in and out of dimensions throughout this call. Thank you both for your continued dedication! “I am surrendering to my greatest spiritual potential” – yes, yes, yes. Love it! Thank you SanRa and Cari for this call – I’m loving all the wisdom. What a divine transmission! Thank you so much SanRa. The energies are coming through strongly today. So grateful to be part of this group!”
~ Lacey
“Sanra and Cari.. Beautiful… this is a peaceful letting go and surrendering. Thank you for sharing to send LOVE in these times… stabilizers!”
~ Tama
“Oh my! I was actually going to ask SanRa who Lord Kuthumi was because he’s been coming up for me a lot lately! This just blew my mind! Haha wow!”
~ Webcast listener
“SANRA just transports me to another world!”
~ Cindy
“Mind-blowing awesome!!!! Wow Cari and SanRa!! I’ll be in Hawaii with my daughter in May… BTW, Cari…that’s so cool you’re part of that council!!”
~ Mare
About SanRa
SanRa is a Lemurian High Priestess and is part of the Lemurian Priestess Circle of 13. She offers channeled group and individual sessions with this Lemurian Priestess Circle. She is a member of the Grand Teton Guiding Council, a cosmic council which guides earth and humanity on their evolutionary paths. She is also a Certified Hypnotherapist and has been doing spiritual healing work with clients for 30 years. SanRa works with Star Beings, Ascended Masters, Angels and Councils of Light throughout the cosmos. She is dedicated to helping us move forward on our spiritual paths and re-establishing paradise on earth in our new Golden Age.