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ANGELIC INTEGRATION with Saryon Michael White! Create a Bridge to Angelic Grid!
What did we talk about today?
- Becoming more aware of your angelic guides
- Getting more deeply attuned to your spiritual guidance
- Embracing a larger view of your potential and be more embraced by the Divine.
- Exploring the path of Angelic Integration and learn how other civilizations like the Arcturians Ascended.
- PLUS experience a channeling and activation with the Star Lions, Sekmet and the Angels to activate your joy vibration, open your 3rd eye, open the portal to the ancient memories and dormant places inside you, restore your galactic lightbody to connect with other worlds, practice acceptance to remain in a space of no resistance, judgment or duality AND create a bridge to the angelic grid! RECEIVE ANGEL BLESSINGS TO UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL!
About Saryon Michael White
Saryon Michael White is an author, spiritual channel, and global messenger of humanity’s peace potential. As an international speaker and intuitive consultant, Saryon’s workshops, private retreats, and personal readings have touched the lives of people throughout the world.
In the same vein as books like the Celestine Prophecy, Saryon has taken a truth telling through fiction approach to convey a series of highly relevant teachings through his new spiritual adventure series, titled after the main character: Roya Sands. The first book, titled, Roya Sands and the Bridge Between Worlds is now available.
As a spiritual pioneer, Saryon’s explorations have led to extraordinary breakthroughs in the field of out-of-body travel, remote viewing, ET Contact, and multidimensional states of consciousness. Through a humble and down-to-earth approach, Saryon delivers teachings and messages of empowerment that bring the invisible into the experiential, making sense of a greater reality. As Founder and Teacher of the School of Manifestation, he acts as a channel and spokesperson for the Ascended Masters to deliver their trainings to those intent on embracing their conduit roles in the world.