Sheila Z, Ph.D

November 10, 2017
11:00 am PST

Award Winning Author, International Inspirational Speaker

Special Offer None Available At This Time

Sheila Z Stirling is an award winning author, an international Inspirational Speaker and catalyst for wellness and success. She is an amazing health and wellness coach, assisting in your personal wellness goals. Sheila herself has been called a wonderful resource, a shaman, healer and a true visionary of our time.

Sheila was hand chosen by Al Gore for the Climate Project as she has always been a guardian of the earth and  natural ways of healing.

Sheila is an expert on “Intentional Wellness”, energy medicine and assists in the unwinding of past traumas.

She is a professional intuitive and works with people to understand the underlying causes of problems in their life. Increasing energy, wisdom and joy. She facilitates cellular re-patterning.

Sheila is a walking inspiration to all. Her sharing and loving energy and open wisdom inspires not only her clients but all who come near to feel her own divinity and connection with their spiritual source. Bringing out the greatness in others through her inspirational and transformational work shops, sacred ceremonies, meditations, talks, classes and the “Vibrant Life Protocol.” Sheila offers tools for your greatest life now and has brought deep and profound healing to wellness for so many beings worldwide.

Sheila is a mother, a grand mother of four and now resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.