Listen to Shekinah Ma & Sanandaji's Replay
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Divine Human Health & Supreme Longevity + Quantum 8/8 Lions Gate Manifestation Rituals and Prosperity Transmissions!!
Beautiful ShekinahMa and SanadaJi bring forth a new wisdom training designed to prepare the physical body to harness the vital life force for genetic liberation! We talked about liberating ourselves (through the ascension process) from the loop or wheel of karma so we are no longer bound to genetic, ancestral or karmic patterns of dis-ease, poverty or disempowerment. Uncover the potent secrets of Divine Human Health, so you can tap into the ancient wisdom of your body! This can enable you to experience pure health, wellness and alignment with your body, heart / mind organism. We also discussed the Lions Gate on 8/8, how the collective is going through a grand initiation + spiritual immortality, the future of health on our planet and living ageless lives!!
About Shekinah Ma & Sanandaji
Having re-united at the Great Pyramid of Egypt, they began their merging of life paths and service work, both already having established their own world followings. As they met, they remembered that they were already married and had walked together in service before this life, re-cited their last incarnations’s set of vows within the King’s Chamber after only days of the rekindling. Led by this Divine Love marriage sharing beatific vision, Ancient Wisdom and gnosis of unchanging Truth, ShekinahMa And SanandaJi have walked the path of the Initiated Mystic and now help their TwinRay global community to action selfless service to humanity and the Earth. This is accomplished through powerful healing certifications, free Sat Sangs, retreat immersions, living artwork, protective jewelry technology and through teaching the transcendence of the worldliness that brings suffering and binding while revealing the Ultimate Truth. Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji show humankind how to best play gracefully through the nature of this world, and into the True Light of Spirit and nature of being. To learn more, you may read their miraculous story on