Susann Taylor Shier - Special Offer!
About This Special Offer
Access Your Universal Funds For Ultimate Prosperity
Ignite a soul-infused life!
You sense that you’re inherently a powerful creator.
You trust deep inside it’s your divine birthright to know Love in all its beauty and abundance.
And yet, you have worked at every level you could find to uncover what’s keeping Love and creation from thriving in your life.
DID YOU KNOW … Most of your current struggles stem from soul level challenges that have been with you for a long time? They exist as the heart of your problems. They have kept you feeling that Love and abundance are illusive and just not possible for you.
This is your divine opportunity, guided by your blessed soul, to reunite with these beloved components of all creation – Love and abundance.
- Yes! You can be FREE to be your unique, divine expression.
- Yes! You can create from extraordinary as your “new normal.”
This is soul-level healing at its finest and the ultimate release from limitations at their root.
Uncover a Tangible Connection to your True Purpose.
Discover Your Soul Origin, Home Essence and Spiritual Family.
Feel Seen and Truly Understood for the First Time.
Clear Your Personal Challenges at the Soul Level.
Connect with the Space of Limitless Possibilities.
Come Home to the Wealth of Your Soul
For 24 years, Susann has been successfully bringing thousands of people “Home To Themselves” through her potent and radical Transformative Soul Mastery Work.
This is beyond transformation to metamorphosis
This is PhD-level soul awakening and activation!
Special Offer Details - $97:
Reunite with Your Soul’s Wealth
ITEM 1: Akashic Records Soul Clearing – (A 60-minute experiential mp3) – Value $199
Learn how to work in the Akashic Records field to clear all your beliefs, agreements, contracts, and karma at a Soul level.
This is a step-by-step activating of your soul that tackles past, present and future concerns and limitations. This is the deepest clearing and activation possible.
ITEM 2: Access Your Infinite Universal Self (A 60-minute experiential mp3) – Value $149
Reunite with your Universal Self as a key ingredient in the secret of soulful manifestation.
Your Universal Self gives you direct access continually to the universe of all creation. It’s the ESSENTIAL ingredient for the alchemy of bridging spirit and form.
With this incredibly expansive sense of living in the infinite, be utterly assured that the universe is supporting you 100% in all you wish to create.
ITEM 3: Soul Manifestation 1.5 hour mp3 – Value $199
Boost Your Self Worth to Increase Your Net Worth
Your juiciness, richness and fulfillment in all facets of your life is directly connected to your degree of connection to all creation.
Until you feel worthy deep inside of the great life you deserve, you develop sabotaging patterns that prevent you from receiving the love, money, time, energy, health, joy and freedom you want.
- Connect directly to the grand creator that you are.
- Discover how to be in the driver’s seat of all that you create.
- This is the formula for soul self-worth and rich net worth!
ITEM #4: Soul Reunion Workshop (2 hours of mp3 material) – Value $149
Our deepest longing is to be in union with infinite Love, held by the Beloved.
- Heal the wounds within you that prevent you from having that true longing fulfilled.
- Know how to bring the gift of union with Spirit to your wounds of separation.
- Magnify your embodiment of spirit’s wealth and make it the blueprint for your life.
Open your heart and soul to listen and be with each aspect of you that wants to move out of separation and find its way home.
Love yourself enough to give yourself and every precious part of you the gift of union with the universal heart of Love.
The joy of experiencing union with infinite Love in our sacred heart and fullness of being: this is truly knowing home.
ITEM 5: BEYOND Self Love ~ The New Frontier (3 hours of mp3 material) – Value $199
Move Joyfully Into Your Sovereign Radiant Path
- Live beyond fear to welcome life’s abundance
- Feel safe to engage fully and openly with others
- Experience how the power of Love can fuel your heart with courage
- Step into creating your legacy with confidence and ease
ITEM 6: Ignite Your Connection to the Parallel Universes that Hold the Blueprint for the New World – (A 60-minute experiential mp3) – Value $149
Know yourself as the Grand Creator of Oneness that you are.
In this very special, powerful time of connection to a grand space of universal knowing, you will experience the abundant nature of the infinite field of all creation and the endless possibilities it holds for you.
This is it! Embodiment of the blueprint for the new earth is yours to hold in your heart and soul and every cell.
Discover the dimension where all Masters, guides, Archangels, and beings dwell so you may commune with the vastness your soul carries for you.
About Susann Taylor Shier
Susann Taylor Shier is the founder of Soul Mastery™ and a highly established, internationally acclaimed author, spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, and medium.
Along with her cherished guides – The Beloveds – she magically allows you to experience a deep homecoming with Love, igniting infinite possibilities for all facets of your life.
She has helped tens of thousands for over twenty-three years, combining her exquisite connection to the divine with her training as a psychotherapist, inspiring the revelation of each person’s inherent spiritual wealth to flourish and thrive.
Susann has a rare gift of catalyzing the luminous bridge between your soul and your current reality to foster a life of joy in an easy, practical way. She is devoted to using her abilities to inspire and uplift every life she touches.
Using the Akashic Records and her intuitive wisdom, she empowers you to live authentically, and access your true power, passion and purpose to create contributions you truly love.
Susann brings you into the potent, magical connection with your greatest soul nature – its gifts, strengths and purposes, while dissolving all that keeps you from your soul’s wealth of fulfillment.
Her three books: Soul Mastery – Accessing the Gifts of your Soul, Soul Radiance – Bring Your Soul Riches to Life and Soul Reunion – The Return Home From Separation serve as the foundation for her unique, profound work.