Susann Taylor Shier - Special Offer!

About This Special Offer

Star Beings

Know Your Galactic Purpose
& Embody Your Divine Origin

Susann is considered a soul whisperer and sacred heart catalyst. She connects you to your divine soul so that you may walk the path of your highest spiritual destiny.

Welcome to the land of your connection to your beloved soul family. Together, we will liberate your challenges at a soul level so they no longer limit you.

Susann is here to assist you to confidently live from your sovereign multidimensional self in these turbulent times.

This is the ultimate rebirth of your soul from its origin point.

This is the opportunity to commune with your authentic mission coming directly from your soul and creator/creation.

Know from the depth of your being what is yours to do.

  • Learn how to be confident and courageous with the vast unknown we are in.
  • Be in command of your life and your contribution to your world.
  • Know in your heart that you are guided by spirit’s hand continually.
  • Feel the presence of guidance in all your choices and decisions.

We know increasingly that the answers are not to be found in the operation of the outer world. We even see the disconnected human world becoming more misaligned and destructive every day. At the same time there is an emerging force for good, cooperation and love that is undeniably finding its influence of light.

How do we access and magnify that higher ground?

“When they go low, we go high.”

Discover and deeply experience what it looks and feels like to be so completely connected to your guidance and its part in your life that you hold joyful confidence in all you do.

Only you know what honoring your multidimensional self could bring forth when guided by the extraordinary nature of your soul and its connection to the infinite field of abundance.

This is your opportunity to reunite with your greatest universal essence so you are equipped to go where you long to go.

Strengthen your Divine Channel

Dissolve Core Soul-Level Wounds and directly EXPERIENCE the abundance, power and divine love you long to embody:

  • DISCOVER & Access your Unique Soul Gifts
  • HEAL your Life Challenges at the Soul Level

Special Offer Details - $127:

Harness Your True Universal Power

Are you ready to be TRULY seen and thrive – as never before – for the UNIQUE SOUL that you are?

Total Value: $1159.95
You Save: 89% OFF

Calling all empaths and sensitive souls – you know who you are.

You can Harness Your True Universal Power!

You can fortify and expand your ability to absolutely know a clear, love filled communion with your glorious intuitive voice.

YOU are wholeheartedly invited by the hosts of universal beings that want to connect with you!

Enjoy a BOUNTY of nourishment and tools to catalyze your confidence and courage and sense of soulful security in your intuitive gifts.

You will receive clear and profound means to release the fears and blocks that keep you from connecting with the vast reservoir of knowledge your guides have for you.

Master Your Intuitive Connection 15-Day Immersion Intensive

PDF overview and zip file of ALL mp3 recordings
Total Runtime: 6 hours 36 minutes

Value: $197

During these 15 days you can master your connection through becoming proficient in accessing your soul’s intuitive wisdom and divine guidance.

We know deep inside our bones that connection is everything. This online retreat will allow you to trust that your relationship with spirit is not only intact but also alive and well.

You will be able to draw from it to create the life for yourself and the world that you know spirit holds to be the reality for us, with us, as ours.

  • Release what keeps you from having a pristine connection with your guidance.
  • Dissolve the feelings that you aren’t intuitive or good enough to hear your guides.
  • Transform the thoughts that you just don’t have what it takes after trying EVERYTHING to trust that you are intuitive.
  • Learn proven techniques to give you clear connection every time.
  • Receive clear communication from your guides that you can trust.
  • Unblock the fear keeping you from trusting and using your intuition.
  • Learn to know the difference between your intuitive voice and the voices in your head.
  • Obtain your own inner barometer for KNOWING you are truly in your inner guidance system.
  • Practice knowing how to manifest from the level of your true purpose.
  • Allow your intuitive voice to be your natural GPS for your life.
  • Feel you can be trusted to use your intuition with others.

During this potent and life-changing 15-day event designed specifically for multidimensional souls like you, you will create:

  • A strong bridge between your spiritual world and your life.
  • A deep sense of security that you always have what you need as your guides work in tandem with you.
  • A knowing that your intuitive voice can be trusted wholeheartedly whether you see, feel or hear it.
  • An experience of unconditional Love streaming in continuously.

How to Be a Conscious Channel

Three 60-Minute MP3s

Value: $189

Have you ever wondered if you have the ability to “tune in” and receive messages from beyond your physical reality?

In this potent course, Susann gives you the tools and resources you need to activate your ability to consciously channel spirit’s presence, voice, and messages for yourself. Learn to allow the beings that wish to work with you to come through with ease and grace.

The How to be a Conscious Channel Course brings your connection to spirit to a magnificent new level!

You ARE Enough! Boost Your Self Worth to Increase Your Net Worth

2 85-Minute MP3s

Value: $179

This is your opportunity to move BEYOND trying to be worthwhile as a good human to knowing your divine self-worth and living that thoroughly.

When you feel valuable, you will attract those that value you.

We all want to feel valued.

When you feel valued to your very core you can create endless valuable contributions.

Soul Reunion: The Return Home from Separation E-Book

182 Page PDF E-Book

Value: $8.95

Reunion with the Divine is our purpose. Embodiment of that union is our fulfillment. Through your experience with Soul Reunion, The Return Home from Separation, you will come to know how to bring the gift of union with Spirit to every part of you, so you feel the deep embodiment of your soul’s guidance alive and well in every aspect of you. This is your true blueprint for your life known.

Soul Reunion: The Return Home from Separation Workshop

Two 60-Minute MP3s

Value: $149

The Soul Reunion: The Return Home from Separation Workshop will help you heal the wounds within you that prevent you from having your true longings fulfilled. In this workshop you will discover how to effortlessly open your heart and soul to listen and be with each aspect of you that wants to move out of separation and find its way home. Love yourself enough to give yourself and every precious part of you the gift of union with the universal heart of Love.

The Dessert Bar of Soul Love Meditations

3 20-Minute MP3s

Value: $237

A series of short guided meditations to ignite your greatest soul expression.

1. The Treasures of Your Soul Meditation

Welcome in the healing power of bringing forth the treasure chest of you and the gifts of your soul to be with you for your daily fulfillment.

2. Ride the Cosmic Wave of Creation

The oceanic cosmic power and bliss awaits you. Let it roll in its transformative resources for new life to effortlessly move through you.

3. Receiving Divine Nectar

Kuan Yin invites you to receive the sweet nectar of unconditional love, that is may always be directly and purely available to you.

Special Offer - Only $127

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.


“For the first time ever I felt really comfortable going with my intuition with a client in a session with her. That felt so great!”


“I now know the secret to manifesting. It’s working! Susann’s personal support was priceless.”


“I feel safer to be me on this beautiful planet. I am finally in touch with my solar plexus. It is unlocked! Thank you. I am forever grateful.”


“What an amazing session. My blood pressure lowered and isn’t coming back up. I feel greater peace and more at home here. I certainly didn’t feel that way going into it!”


“I walk on air suspended in light and vibrational brilliance. This is divine safety….Everything is lighter – my bone structure is lighter and brighter and clear….my emotional body is rewired to not have PTSD…..emotional strength and clarity…..the masters of divine partnership expanded…my mental body is safe and clear. There is a never-ending expansion and capacity for more that is light and clear….it never ends…..this party never ends…”


“I am feeling the template for my business coming in. No more trauma bonds or bonds or agreeing to stay small with people under any circumstances.”


“I am completely free. I choose the relationships I wish to be in and how I wish to be in those relationships. I love that I can share my powerful vulnerability with you and that you can hold it with such clarity and honor, and be a divine witness to my evolution.”


“I have a great real estate deal in NYC going into contract this week. A miracle manifestation – for real! And it happened during our Immersion, with your nudging guidance and the Divine Energy Intervention we brought forth. Needless to say, I have been walking on air. Great gratitude all around.”


“Thank you for working with me Susann. By the end of the journey, I sensed a great expansion of light in my abdominal area where I had held a lot of anger. Thank you!”

Hope in Ripon

”I felt my heart expand and saw white light and the galaxy move through my feet into the earth and support me. Beyond words.”

Brigid in Davis

“I felt a delicious shower of energy pouring from crown to feet relieving pain sensations and making me feel lighter. Thanks Susann.”

Rosa Maria in Valencia, Spain

“Thank you for your generosity. I was feeling like I had reached my limit. Thinking about the distinction between giving up and surrender, decided that I just couldn’t keep on. I’ve been living in hope and it just felt like even hope was useless. Somehow, I found myself in front of my computer, at the perfect time to attend your class and boy oh boy it turned me around. I remembered who I was. My faith in the power of heart returned — the heaviness lifted. Through you I witnessed certainty.”


“Last July, my body was completely overwhelmed by a mysterious illness. My personal history was free of illness, so it was all a huge shock. I contacted Susann and we had a session. and the next day, I woke to find myself energetic, clear-minded, and much more hopeful. I was myself again, even strong enough to be a bit grumpy, after having lost all my strength and my hope.”


“I have been provided the key, to easily and effortlessly remain connected. WOW, I can now keep my eyes open and in most situations, bring in that beautiful state simply by remembering the feeling of connection with who I Am that occurred in our session. I already feel the change in my self expression and have noticed a new flow to my life. I consider this a major miracle given my struggle with stubbornness and denial of my willingness to let go of control and merely trust. Words cannot express the love and gratitude I send to you for the sharing of this information.”


About Susann Taylor Shier

Author, Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive Healer, and Medium

Susann Taylor Shier is the founder of Soul Mastery™ and a highly established, internationally acclaimed author, spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, and medium.

Along with her cherished guides – The Beloveds – she magically allows you to experience a deep homecoming with Love, igniting infinite possibilities for all facets of your life.

She has helped tens of thousands for over twenty-three years, combining her exquisite connection to the divine with her training as a psychotherapist, inspiring the revelation of each person’s inherent spiritual wealth to flourish and thrive.

She has helped tens of thousands for over twenty-three years, combining her exquisite connection to the divine with her training as a psychotherapist, inspiring the revelation of each person’s inherent spiritual wealth to flourish and thrive.

Using the Akashic Records and her intuitive wisdom, she empowers you to live authentically, and access your true power, passion and purpose to create contributions you truly love.

Through private sessions, trainings and rejuvenating Costa Rica retreat adventures, Susann brings you into the potent, magical connection with your soul gifts, strengths and purposes, while dissolving all that keeps you from your wealth of fulfillment.

Her three books: Soul Mastery – Accessing the Gifts of your Soul, Soul Radiance – Bring Your Soul Riches to Life and Soul Reunion – The Return Home From Separation serve as the foundation for her unique, profound work.

Special Offer - Only $127

Payment plan is also available to fit your budget!

Note: All sales are final unless otherwise specified in the guest speaker's Special Offer.