Tamra Oviatt - Special Offer!
Special Offer Details (A) - $197:
The Great Awakening
12 Weeks Series
WEEK 1: Sacred Geometry Activation
Sacred Geometry exists throughout the natural world and is often referred to as the blueprint of the universe. Activating these energy patterns allow you to deepen your spiritual connection, understand your own being, and align you with the universe.
This session helps you to:
- Prepare for the shifts and clearings that you will experience throughout the series.
- Increase your psychic abilities and sharpen your intuition.
- Be in tune with your life and reach deeper levels of awareness about your own being.
- Activate your Sacred Geometry and understand the connections of all creations.
- Harmonize, rebalance, and shift your energy to heal, awaken, and transform.
- Feel a sense of natural alignment with the universe, making you an unstoppable force of attraction.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
Activations Included
Lord Metatron
This activation brings the Sacred Geometric codes for the Tetrahedron into your DNA. This information from the 6th Plane will activate your 18 strands of DNA and accelerate their evolution to the new, crystalline form. It will increase your awareness of and communication with the higher realms. It will also enable you to navigate Earth’s changes with greater ease and allow you to be in sync with Gaia’s evolution from a 3rd dimensional planet.
The Fruit of Life
This opens and connects your 13 chakras, so they can release emotions and beliefs that cause blockages in the energy flow. These stagnant energies can cause physical pain and illness, as well as affect your ability to manifest. Chakras are portals that send and receive information. They are also the entrance for life-force energy. When this energy flows freely throughout your being , you can be in your true power. This activation lights up your Fruit of Life in your Sacred Geometry.
Christ Consciousness / Flower of Life
This heart-healing activation reconnects the two heart chakras and activates your Flower of Life. It plugs you into the unconditional love of the 5th dimensional grid system, filling you with gratitude and empowering you to create miracles in your life. The Christ Consciousness energy will help to bring you into a state of non-judgment and love for yourself, which will enable you to accept and love others.
Moses Code / Tree of Life
Sacred Geometry lines you up with the earth and stars and it gives you the ability to shift your vibration to a higher frequency to move forward with the ability of ascension, love, and healing on all levels.
Star Seed
The Star-Seed activation increases your energy to a level where you can talk to our brothers and sisters from other worlds, where you can hear them, see them, and know them as love and light, coming here to help us transform our world. It removes your fears so you can communicate with them and know that you’re safe when you do. You will be able to understand them and their message to you. You will be able to act on their advice and will have the discernment that this is real and good advice before acting on it.
Avebury / Stonehenge
This increases your healing and intuitive abilities. It allows you to more easily communicate with your Higher-Self, guides, angels, and the Creator. It also amplifies clairvoyance and clairaudience, which will make it possible for you to fully comprehend what is taking place in healings.
The Godhead
Works on and activates four glandular centers in the brain: the pituitary, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, and the medulla oblongata, or God Head. The purpose of this advanced activation is to awaken the psychic abilities, and as a result participants may experience:
- Better communication with your spirit guides, higher self, angels, the Creator
- An easier flow in life
- Ability to trust yourself and your instincts
- Greater awareness of truth
- Understanding of what steps to take to lead the life you desire
- Freedom from fears that used to stop you from moving forward
- Each time you listen to this activation, your vibrations will rise higher.
Diamond DNA
It activates diamonds, the crystalline properties, in your DNA. This is huge for upgrading communication and will really make some major shifts for yourself.
WEEK 2: The Alchemy of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Dimension
A visit to Higher Realms expands your awareness in ways you can’t imagine. In the Higher Realms, the Source Energy is flowing through you, bathing you with the purest divine love. Here you can connect and communicate with your guides, angels, and spirit animals who are more than willing to offer support and advice on how you can fulfill your soul’s true purpose.
This session helps you to:
- Raise your vibration that allows you to connect and communicate with beings of Higher Consciousness, including your guides and angels, even your Higher Self.
- Access the higher realm of consciousness and move through different dimensions and universes.
- Connect to the Akashic Records, including the Galactic Akashic Records, and receive information and wisdom from Higher Beings.
You will go on an exciting little journey through guided meditation.
Activations Included
Alchemy of 3rd Dimension
This activation allows you to release all the third dimensional belief systems in the control from the third dimension. This activation plugs you into the Christ Consciousness of the 5th Dimension. This activation also disconnects you from the fear, suffering, and control of the third dimension and connects you to the unconditional love of the 5th. It will allow you to release illusory belief systems and to perceive the truth through the love of the Christ Consciousness. It will help you stand in your power and speak your truth.
Alchemy of the 4th Dimension
This activation frees you of any fears associated with operating in the fourth dimension, and clears emotions and belief systems which may hold back your progress. It collapses the veil between our world and the fourth dimension, allowing you to see, hear, feel and talk to ancestors.
Alchemy of the 5th Dimension
This activation frees you of any fears of operating in the fifth dimension, as the world moves into this energy. There is a lot of power in the fifth dimension for manifesting and changing. There are many illusions given to us in the third dimension. This activation frees you of these illusions and enables you to build and create the life you really wish to live.
Alchemy of the 6th dimension
This activation allows you to go in and have access to the Akashic Records. It also allows you to connect to the Laws of the Universe. You can choose which law you want to connect to.
The Rainbow
Galactic Federation
This activation brings you into alignment with our Galactic Family (GF). It aligns you in such a way that you’re able to co-create with the Galactic Federation and be an active participant in Gaia’s changes during this historical time.
This activation allows you to move through solar systems and universes very quickly and easily. There is much power and freedom that comes with this activation. You will be taken through a portal and then to the 7th – 12th dimensions.
WEEK 3: Junk DNA Clearing
Scientists have found that around 98% of our DNA sequences are actually useless “junk DNA”. These are noncoding DNA with no known purpose. This means that we only have 2% of DNA that actually codes for a protein. But did you know that there are so many universal programs plugged into your DNA, including programs of diseases, personality, appearance, psychological and mental characteristics that you often believe you have no control of?
This ADVANCED session helps you to:
- Clear your “Junk DNA” from the collective subconscious programming that is controlling you and controlling our planet.
- Release the emotional, experiential, cognitive, and ancestral memories stored in your DNA that are negative, limiting, and destructive.
- Stimulate your DNA’s healthy and optimal functioning to improve your overall well-being and quality of life.
- Change YOU and your life as this is a very powerful and magical advanced energy clearing on what the scientists referred to as the blueprint of life, the DNA.
- Be in your power to define yourself and become who you want to be as your DNA will be cleared and released from all the universal programs it carries even before you were born.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
This energy clearing will work as fast as you are ready to shift. You may notice the changes instantly, depending on how prepared you are to lose the OLD YOU and become the BEST VERSION OF YOU.
If you believe that your personality and attitudes are rooted in genetics, this session clears you from that belief.
WEEK 4: Simulations of God
We often believe that our circumstances, our experiences, our whole life is according to the will of absolute divine power outside of us. Many of us think that world disasters are a wrath of God, a divine retribution punishing us for human sins, disobedience, and wickedness.
These beliefs are just programs – god programs that weaken our power to create the life we desire for ourselves, weaken our power to manifest light and love in our planet. We forget that we are an aspect of God and that we own our destiny. It’s up to us and ONLY US.
This session helps you to:
- Clear all your god programs and belief systems that take away your power to create – to create life circumstances and experiences that match to your desires.
- Take ownership of everything that is happening in your life as this places the power in your own hands.
- Realize that you are the creator of your own life and that the source of creation works within you, not outside of you.
When you surrender to external forces, to these simulations of god, you are giving your power away. Clearing all the god programs will raise your consciousness by noticing your day to day thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and responses, allowing you to be in control over what is happening in your life.
So, how many god programs are running in your subconscious mind? Ready to release them and reclaim your power?
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
WEEK 5: The Art of Manifestation
You are born a manifestor. Your ability to manifest is an innate gift. One reason why your manifestation isn’t working is because you don’t feel truly aligned with what you’re trying to manifest, or your fears, worries, doubts, impatience, and limiting beliefs are holding you back.
This session helps you to:
- Connect your thoughts, feelings, and desires to the 6th Plane of Consciousness where manifestations happen INSTANTLY
- Become a conscious deliberate manifestor and increase your present moment awareness.
- Align your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with the right energies that attract right experiences and bring your desires into existence.
- Raise your vibration through a magical guided meditation that connects you to the Source Energy, bringing you a feeling of gratitude, trust, joy, and happiness.
- Easily stop yourself when you feel negative, critical, or judgmental thoughts coming to the surface.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
This session will focus on clearing and releasing the programs, patterns, fears, worries, doubts, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs that hinder the powers of your manifestations. This will remove the blocks that are preventing you from attracting, manifesting, and creating the life you always dream of.
WEEK 6: Duality, Labels, and Boxes
When you find yourself in a perspective that life is either white or black, right or wrong, abundance or lack, you are plugging into duality programs and this keeps you from reaching contentment in the middle ground of two opposing extremes. Also, when you are attached to the labels you set for yourself, you are denying yourself of your limitless potential.
These duality programs and labels are your confining box that takes your power away. You can take your power back and choose to go beyond the limits of duality and labels.
This session helps you to:
- Understand both opposing experiences, collapsing life’s dualities into a sense of oneness and leading you on the central path.
- Be cleared from the programs that go along with the labels given by the society.
- Release yourself from your self-imposed limitations and labels, allowing yourself to be capable of anything you set your heart, mind, and soul on.
- Step outside of your confining box and open yourself up to endless possibilities of who you are and what you can be.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
Clearing yourself from these duality programs, labels, and boxes help you focus on what truly matters – your inner peace and happiness, making it easier for you to attract and manifest your best life. This session will make you realize that you define your identity and that you have a universe of possibilities of becoming who you aspire to be. That’s how magical you always are!
WEEK 7: Body Clearing
Sometimes we attract negative energies not just into our minds but also into our bodies. East Asian Medicine even believes that our bodily organ systems hold specific emotions, such as anger with the liver and anxiety with the heart and the lungs. Often, emotions manifest through physiological responses. We want to release our body from the obligation of getting sick due to our beliefs and vibrations. We want to clear our body from disease consciousness.
This session helps you to:
- Release your body from the responsibility of showing you negative emotions by getting sick.
- Boost your resilience against illnesses as you free your body from having to carry the programs and beliefs of diseases.
- Increase your body’s ability to heal and protect itself.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
Activations Included
Age Reversal
This activation removes the aging gene and replaces it with the youth gene. You will be released from your aging genetic beliefs and the group consciousness of what aging is. And it will be replaced with light and the spirit of being ageless.
Activating Collagen
Collagen diseases such as lupus involve an auto-immune condition. Collagen is a natural component in our bodies. It is a fibrous protein in connective tissue and bones. As we get older it’s production is reduced. This activation helps rebuild our collagen and will help our skin, bones, ligaments feel better and be healthier. It will also help our eyes as collagen is the substance of the vitreous.
Clearing Telomeres and Stem Cells
This activation focuses on rejuvenating our telomeres and stem cells in different parts of our body, which will help us return to wholeness.
Telomeres are the protective caps on the end of our chromosomes which protect them from age, erosion, and damage. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells (think embryo) that help the body heal in many different ways.
WEEK 8: Timeline and Parallel Universe
We are born with infinite possibilities of where our choices might lead us. We navigate life through a series of choices and each choice creates an alternate timeline with a certain set of experiences. There are countless versions of YOU out there, living a different life and experiencing different events – all occurring simultaneously.
However, timelines may affect different aspects of your emotional and mental make up, making you scattered. To be in your power to manifest your desires, you must bring all aspects of YOU together.
This session helps you to:
- Clear your timelines from programmed traumas and karmic wounds and replace them with a series of timelines that move you towards your Higher Self.
- Understand that everything in life is a choice and every time you make a choice, you are shifting your timeline – this understanding leads you to be aware and mindful of your choices.
- Merge all aspects of you into HERE and NOW, into the present moment, and feel a sense of being whole and complete.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
So, are you choosing a step to a higher timeline where your experiences will be incredible and amazing, or are you choosing to create more of the timeline that you don’t want?
Clearing and shifting your timelines is a transformative soul expansion work. And as conscious creators of our reality, we can be in our power through our conscious choices, not the choices based on what we were trained to believe to be our only options.
WEEK 9: Cosmic Birthright
In the precise moment when we first incarnate on this Earth, each of us is given with a Divine Blueprint – a divine life plan that holds our soul purpose. Your blueprint carries your past life experiences in different timelines, your soul gifts and heart’s true desires, your karmic life issues to resolve, all the information on what experiences and lessons you came into this world for.
This blueprint is held in your DNA and comes with many different programs. But we can choose which programs to install and which ones to delete.
This session helps you to:
- Clear unwanted programs from your original blueprint and bring in new upgraded Divine Blueprint programs, making you more in control of your life experiences and subconscious programming.
- Program your future timelines for success and expand your divine potential.
- Oversee and take charge of your DNA, so that no one and nothing can program you without your permission.
- To claim your cosmic birthright of owning your power and using it to become the architect of your own future and manifest your truest, best life.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
When you are more in control of the programs that come in and come out from your human biocomputer, it becomes easy for you to live your life on your own terms and be in sync with the universal flow.
Activation Included
Universal Life Grid
This creates a protective grid of light around your body, shielding you from radiation, sound waves, chemical trails, pathogens, and other pollutants that shut down the pineal gland and Kundalini energy. Life’s Grid is also very beneficial for empaths, protecting them from unwanted thoughts and emotions that emanate from other people giving you greater control over your own energy.
WEEK 10: Channeling the Masters
Masters assist us to our own awakening, to our own ascension. A connection to these high-vibrational, enlightened beings is a life-changing experience. These Beings of Love and Light will share their wisdom and guidance to us when we tune in to them.
This session helps you to:
- Connect with the Masters as Tamra will channel these Higher Beings — Isis, Mary Magdalene, Lord Metatron, Jesus, Buddha, Shah, the Liras, and other guests these Beings may bring along with them.
- Be in the presence of these Masters with their beautiful, unique, divine energy flowing through you.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
What will truly happen in this session is way beyond what we are able to tell. This powerful and magical channeling of the Masters will empower and expand you in ways you can’t imagine. After connecting to these Higher Beings, you will feel that you carry more light, more love.
WEEK 11: Archetypal Energy
Archetypal energy is always affecting us as it is an active part of our consciousness. These universal energies are programs of behavior or patterns of energy that influence our mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, represented by figures with definable qualities that allow us to explore and understand ourselves more deeply.
This will also program your future by connecting to archetypal energies – bringing in your future gifts, future understanding, and future knowledge.
This session helps you to:
- Connect and work with your archetypes to bring in your long-forgotten gifts and power buried within your unconscious.
- Achieve self-mastery through the characteristics of your archetypes, integrating parts of yourself that you never knew existed.
- Embrace self-love and self-acceptance as you discover new unknown parts of yourself.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
Working with your archetypes guides you on a spiritual journey to understand your universal energy system. This enables you to rise to higher levels of awareness, where you can transcend your limitations, bring in deep insight, and shine a clear light on your gifts.
So, what archetypes seem to play a role in your life?
Activation Included
Heaven on Earth
This activation releases oaths made to suffer for those who came before you. Many empathic people carry the pain of the planet and of our ancestors. This activation releases all of those.
WEEK 12: Heaven on Earth
Now it’s time for you to embody the wisdom, realizations, and new perspectives you have received from all those weeks the God Energy has been working on you. This is about allowing the flow of the divine energy to move through you, bringing the knowledge and awareness into your heart, into your soul, into your physical body.
This session helps you to:
- Open yourself up to a new level of awareness and new level of experience, shifting the way you look through yourself, through the world around you, through life.
- Start living your realizations and owning the gifts and power that you’ve discovered.
- Attain an increasing sense of lightheartedness on which joy and happiness are the ground state, feeling much more at ease in life.
- Be in total Oneness with the Source – mind, body, and soul.
Tamra will wrap up this session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance.
During the integration, some may experience a huge shift right away and some may notice subtle changes that compound over time. But integration is a work of a lifetime. Through this awakening and integration process, you will never be the same. Something has changed forever. You will become a new YOU – powerful, divine, and ready for life.
Activations Included
Heaven on Earth
Garden of Eden
Temple of God
Power of God
Special Offer Details (B) - $297:
The Great Awakening
Plus Extra Activations
Includes everything from Package A above, PLUS:
Age Reversal
There are more than 400 studies about the impact of individual’s internalized beliefs about aging on your general health and wellbeing.
In our culture, aging beliefs are huge belief programs that are predominantly negative. This Activation clears your beliefs, assumptions, and negative responses to the aging process.
Receiving this Activation helps you to:
- Disconnect from the collective consciousness about aging and clear the program of negative beliefs that come with it;
- Remove the aging gene and replace it with the youth gene, allowing you to live with the light and spirit of being ageless; and
- Become aware of your own age beliefs and strengthen positive age beliefs.
Cell Snap
Our cells hold imprints of past traumatic memories and this creates energy blockage within our body.
This Activations helps promote your well-being by:
- Releasing trapped emotional vibrations and traumas from your body that have weighed you down, impacted your mood, and drained your energy.
- Rejuvenating your physical body on a cellular level.
- Healing, strengthening, and balancing your cells.
Hormones In Balance
Balanced hormones are very important for your overall health and wellbeing. They have profound effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health.
This energy doesn’t work the same for everyone. You will receive this Activation depending on what’s right for you and depending on how your body operates in the highest and best way for you.
NOTE: Use this Activation often, whenever you feel necessary, to get your body used and adjust to this energy.
As a suggestion, use this a couple of times a week – then down to once a week until you feel your hormones are totally balanced.
Inner Child
Everyone has inner child. Our inner child is the subconscious part of ourselves or a piece of our souls that may hold energies that are stuck in those areas of our lives where we have experienced neglect, trauma, or deep emotional wound.
This Activation reclaims pieces of your soul that were left from your past timelines and other lifetimes and bring those stuck energies back to you in the NOW.
This Activation helps you to:
- Clear out traumas, unresolved wounds, and stuck energies that cause part of you to be left in other timelines, lifetimes, or realms.
- Heal and get your inner child out from a place of suffering.
- Shed childhood anxieties, fears, and conditioning that you’ve carried into adulthood.
- Shift your foundation beliefs into alignment with your personal power.
Telomeres and Stem Cells
Your body knows how to do this! So the energy is going to go where it needs to go.
Some people need it in the knees, some people need it in the neck -where ever, even an organ.
- Revitalizes connective tissue and awakens stem cells.
- Stem cells can become other cells as needed.
- They are a keystone of the immune system.
- Collagen diseases such as lupus involve an auto-immune condition. Collagen is a natural component in our bodies.
It is a fibrous protein in connective tissue and bones. As we get older it’s production is reduced. This activation helps rebuild our collagen and will help our skin, bones, ligaments feel better and be healthier. It will also help our eyes as collagen it the substance of the vitreous.
Mother Earth
This Activation connects you to the loving and nourishing energy of Mother Earth. Connecting to this energy rejuvenates and replenishes your energy field, allowing you to be more fully present in your body while also connecting to your Higher Self.
Receiving this Activation helps you:
- Ground and center yourself anytime you feel frantic, unfocused, troubled, or spacey.
- Connect and deepen your relationship with nature and bring you closer to animals.
- Strengthen your ability to communicate with the natural elements of this wonderful planet, including elemental beings such as fairies and nature spirits.
- Feel the unity and interconnectedness of all that exists in our realm, filling you with love for our home, the planet Earth.
Original Light Language
Original Light Language Activation helps you in times of conflicts and difficult situations by being true to yourself and honoring your personal power:
This energy allows you to:
- Choose your attitude in adversity.
- Maintain emotional autonomy by listening without reacting and not being pulled into another person’s emotions.
- Release yourself from your attachment to other people’s experiences.
- Staying grounded in your power during conflict and difficult conversation with others.
Peanut Gallery
Receiving this energy disconnects you from constantly worrying about what others are going to say about your choices, decisions, and preferences. This will disconnect you from the belief that you should always listen to the majority on how you should act and conduct yourself, on how you should better your life, or on what career you should pursue.
Peanut Gallery Activation allows you to:
- Reclaim your power by following your heart, trusting your intuition, and believing yourself;
- Stop worrying about what others might think and say about you — in this way, you’re not putting your energy outside of yourself.
- Learn not to feel afraid of being authentically yourself; and
- Not let others’ words and opinions dictate your choices and decisions.
Glass Ceiling
We create limits or barriers on ourselves because we believe that they can protect us and make us feel safe. Think of situations on your own life where you place limits on yourself.
Are you doubting your abilities and worthiness to live your desired life? Do you have any fear-based beliefs and thoughts that keep you stuck on your current level? What false conditioning have you acquired from the past that is limiting your potential?
When you receive this Activation, it allows you to:
- Perceive your self-imposed limitations, such as self-doubt, self-sabotage, self-defeating assumptions, fear of failure, disabling beliefs, or false conditioning, so you’re able to break and overcome these personal barriers;
- Acknowledge and face your fears, so you are able to move past them; and
- Cultivate a growth mindset, allowing yourself to achieve more, to have more, and to live a full life.
Grass Is Always Greener
Do you have that belief that the grass is always greener on the other side? That things are always better in another city or country? Do you believe that if only you were in another place, you would have been happier?
When you receive this Activation, it helps you to:
- Attract or create opportunities around you, rather than looking for opportunities in another place;
- Let go of the belief program that things are better somewhere else, allowing you to focus on creating your best life right where you are;
- Find happiness within you , right here and now.
This activations works on;
Activating your glandular centers in the brain: the pituitary, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, and the medulla oblongata, or God Head. The purpose of this advanced activation is to awaken the psychic abilities, and as a result participants may experience:
Better communication with;
- your spirit guides,
- higher self,
- angels,
- the Creator
Gives you;
- An easier flow in life, with the ability to trust yourself and your instincts
- Greater awareness of truth
- Understanding of what steps to take to lead the life you desire
- Freedom from fears that used to stop you from moving forward
- Each time you listen to this activation, your vibrations will rise higher.
Includes “Measure Your Success” PDF
“Hello Tamra! I would like to give you my Testimonial on how your Addiction Redirection Webinar has helped me! For the first time since a long long time I don’t have this urge anymore to drink and think about Alcohol. I feel calm and relaxed and can go shopping without buying this staff. The activation “Collective Church” opened my heart! I’m forever so grateful for what you are doing! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Lots of Love Barbara”
Barbara Käser
“Sacred Activations has been amazing for me. So far it has helped heal me of things I brought with me from past lives. I wish I had known this years ago. I realize I wasn’t ready; I would have worked harder to get there. I am smiling & the anger that I carried is gone. I don’t have many friends now. The ones I have are a god send. I thank God & my support team for sending me where I can finally heal. My world changes for the better.”
Elif Inal
“I just did Tamra Oviatt’s “To Old To Create – 2021″ activation. I listed to the recording, having missed the live event. Holy Moly! I could feel weights lifting off of me. Some had memories and feelings attached, others were more vague and diffuse. The energy in my spine opened up and flowed from my tailbone to the top of my head. And with it all the sensation of grace and peace. These activations, live or recorded are phenomenal opportunities to release and move up and inward. I feel grateful to have discovered Tamra’s work and to be profiting from it.”
Harlan Mittag
“I have had some of the activations with a healer (from the first 12) and I know these activations work at a very deep level. You clear, not just generational beliefs and ideas going back (many different things come up), but also current ideas about lack, abundance and other ideas about health. I have found I’ve needed a LOT of rest to help me heal and integrate my life back into Canada – after living in Asia for 20 years. I am also dealing with being clairaudient – which came to me around 2 years ago. I can literally hear many different levels of consciousness and voices speaking to me (this encompasses direction / some future events in my life / even great humour / some very distressing communication which has its own difficulties (this is the worst part to deal with and has been, by far, the most difficult to understand for me) – I’m still trying to wrap my head around integrating this into my life, so that it makes sense – not so easy sometimes. The activations are helping me to understand this by way of confirmations, synchronicities and deep healing from some disturbing events that took place during my sojourn in Asia, and even fom before this time. This healing energy is also Lemurian, that of which is the healing modality that I work with from a healer here in Canada who has taken the Sacred Activation instructors course through this website with Tamra! It is really a blessing that Tamra was open to receiving these for humanity and the current shift we are experiencing. I’m very grateful that we have them to work with.”
Laurie Stearns
About Tamra Oviatt

Tamra Oviatt, founder of Subconscious Metaprogramming with Sacred Activations Healing Modality, was given the gift of Sacred Activations in 2012 by the Source Creator and received her first Activation from Lord Metatron in Scotland’s Rosslyn Chapel. Being a uniquely-gifted Lightworker, Master Healer, and Galactic Channel, she has always been destined to bring permanent healing, personal growth, and positive transformation to people using the power of Sacred Activations.
Sacred Activations is a subconscious metaprogramming healing modality powered by the Source God Energy that reprograms your belief systems, emotional patterns, mental constructs, and past conditioning (collectively called your subconscious programs) into something positive and empowering.
As a subconscious metaprogramming technique, it intelligently corrects, removes, overwrites, and upgrades your subconscious programs and will continue to work on you for days, weeks, even months, shifting your belief systems, raising your consciousness and vibration, and aligning your mind, body, and spirit to the universal flow.
It has now become the easiest, fastest, and most transformational healing modality available today, with over a thousand practitioners in more than 20 countries around the world and has helped over 100,000 people in all walks of life.
In the years prior to receiving this modality, she kept receiving divine messages that led her to take classes and trainings in a wide range of modalities and this certified her as a Master of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Theta Healing, and Akashic Records. For 9 years, she has traveled to different sacred sites around Europe and Mexico, learning about herself and her expanding abilities, spending a large amount of time in the Heart Chakra of the World, the Stonehenge, working with Earth energies, continuously receiving Activations and instructions from Lord Metatron, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Octarians, beings from Lira, and her other off-planet teachers whom she can talk and channel freely.
With 20 years of experience in energy work, spiritual healing, and working with the Collective Earth Grids and the Leylines of the planet, she is now a sought-after Master Teacher of 12 transformative Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes and a best-selling author of 9 books.She has also appeared in over a hundred interviews and seminars, as well as on radio, TV, and podcast. In 2019, she co-hosted an event in Glastonbury with many different healers and more than 200 attendees. For more than a decade, she has been working with and directed by the Source to shift and transform countless lives