Tarek Bibi - Special Offer!
Special Offer Details - $222:
I Am Beautiful!
Are you like most women, who when put on the spot, would describe themselves as average rather than beautiful?
Do you compare yourself to other women and find yourself lacking?
Do you feel like life is easier for “the beautiful people”?
And that maybe as you get older, it gets tougher and tougher to be beautiful?
And even when you do lose weight and dress up, you still just “aren’t quite there”?
Then let’s skip the middleman of trying to be “perfect” first, and Choose to Be Beautiful
I Am Beautiful
This program includes 5 Powerful Audio downloads
In the I Am Beautiful course, work with energy healer Tarek Bibi to remove all the blocks that keep you from seeing your true inner AND outer beauty, from feeling great when you walk in a room, that keeps you feeling small.
- Change the ENERGY of what’s making you feel not good enough
We now know everything is energy – including your body. When you start to truly believe and know that you are beautiful, you will create a body that IS beautiful. To everyone. - Clear the downside of being a Shining Star
Being beautiful may seem to have its downsides too – you might feel like you’ll have higher expectations, hit on, unwanted attention, never left alone, judged as being stuck-up. And while that CAN be true, it doesn’t have to be true. Let’s reveal your beauty while making it feel lovely to you, and put you in the driver seat to fade into the background when you want to. - Charm the leaves off the trees
Every single one of us has the ability to be super charming. But we have dialed it back for various reasons. Now let’s dial it up so that you exude that magnetism that makes people want to like you and support you. - Confidence in who you are
Don’t you find confidence sexy? Men and women alike always rate confidence as a very attractive feature in others. And the best part confidence in who you are carries over into other areas of your life – career, health, relationships.
In the I am Beautiful program, we move toward exactly what we want, to feel beautiful. To feel like the word is our oyster. To feel lovable and charming. To feel like others support our dreams and want to help us!
Audio #1: Seeing Beauty Everywhere
What do you focus on in the mirror? Your favorite features or on the parts you wish to change? So many of focus on what we consider our “imperfections” – and think they define us. Let’s change that so you automatically see all your “perfections”, and in everyone else you see!
- releasing definition of beauty
- releasing society’s manipulation and standards of beauty
- recognizing beauty in everyone
- recognizing beauty in ourselves
- enjoying the energy of beauty
- thereby attracting beauty into our lives
- receiving compliments with ease and graciousness
- giving compliments freely and authentically
- pausing to appreciate and absorb beauty in all forms
Audio #2: Confidence
Beautiful people have a confidence that when they walk into a room, they are wanted. That people like to be around them. You have that same confidence inside you, so let’s bring it out. Start to trust your IT factor and know that people DO want you, and ARE happy to have you around.
- owning your unique beauty
- believing you deserve to be treated well
- believing that things “work out for you” and you are “lucky”
- believing you can handle whatever comes your way
- believing your ability to create anything you want
- feeling resourceful, powerful
- releasing any associations of confidence with arrogance or conceit
- being able to ask and receive help
Audio #3: Youthing
Aging has a bad rap in our society. We think it means the end of our beauty, and the best we can hope for is to age gracefully. Let’s turn that on its head and instead feel and look better with each year. It’s up to you to choose!
- releasing belief in what aging is supposed to mean
- belief in your worthiness regardless of age
- releasing expectations of you and others based on age
- valuing wisdom that comes with experience
- feeliing vibrant vitality
- increasing energy
- optimal metabolism
- youthful toned, plump full of collagen skin
- releasing greying, thinning hair
- eyesight improving (releasing not wanting to see what is in mirror)
- limber supple muscles, tissues, and body
Audio #4: Charisma
Let’s tie it all together and make you the most charismatic person you know. That when people leave your presence, they remember you and how good they felt being around you. It starts by making them feel that you recognize their beauty and value. But in case that feels overwhelming, we’ll also create a way for you to be able to turn it off, so that when you want to be incognito, you can. It’s up to you!
- projecting your energy
- appreciation for others
- being present for others
- helping others feel important and valued
- drawing others in
- inspiring and encouraging others
- smiling, twinkling, playful
- respect and honor fellow beings
- people feel good when around you
- people just want to “hang out” with you
- feeling energized yourself in the process
- feeling comfortable receiving their energy and admiration
- able to turn it off when wanting solitude
I Am Beautiful
Listen to this while you sleep to magnify and attract all your hearts desires.
You Are Beautifull
A powerful rap healing song with an infinity healing to help you:
- emobody divine beautiful
- shine your light fully
- feel more empowered
About Tarek Bibi
Tarek Bliss Bibi is an Indigo Child. He has changed the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide. He works with business women and individuals on the spiritual path to help them Thrive Doing What They Love! He is a healers healer. Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality ,that is being recognized as one of the most powerful healing modalities out there, he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have not been able to achieve their results elsewhere.
Tarek Bibi, aka. Mr. Miraculous, a facilitator of inner transformation helps you transcend your emotional and psychological blocks at their core level to Live your Life Miraculously! Many of our blocks stem from childhood experiences and now they are manifesting in our relationships, businesses and health. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, a star seed, an earth angel, and a light worker. He earns the name Mr. Miraculous because of the breakthroughs he has assisted his clients in achieving.